[B5JMS] And So It Begins...

b5jms at cs.columbia.edu b5jms at cs.columbia.edu
Fri May 30 04:24:19 EDT 2003

From: starfuryg7 at aol.com (StarFuryG7)
Date: 28 May 2003 09:49:12 GMT
Lines: 49

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>It doesn't get to me except when I am barraged with accusations that
>want to destroy the environment, starve the poor and give all the money to
>the rich. There are
>balanced approaches to every problem but it seems the media and others prefer
>to dwell on the
>extreme sides of issues      
             	--Brian Reed 

>>Okay, so that being the case, please show us evidence as to the

-- helping the environment
-- feeding the poor
-- not giving money to the rich.

If you say it's unfair to portray them in the former light, then the latter
light must be true, yes?  So please, fire away, show us the information to back
this up.

Because there's spin and there's spin, and cutting money to, say, an agency
that feeds people is not a matter of spin, it's x dollars this year vs. y
dollars last year.  Time after time, Bush has *said* he's for one
"compassionate" cause after another, but when it came time to allocate money or
support, was nowhere to be found...he applauds the theory but dismantles them
behind the scenes by starving them.

So please, you've made the assertion that republicans are being unfairly
tainted with these former allegations, so show me where the latter are true.  

       Here's one fine example, although the challenge will obviously be for
you to acknowledge it. 

Senate OKs $15 Billion Bill To Rein In AIDS In Africa
By JULIET EILPERIN The Washington Post 
Published: May 17, 2003

This should prove interesting people. 

From: jmsatb5 at aol.com (Jms at B5)
Date: 29 May 2003 04:49:36 GMT
Lines: 48

>So please, you've made the assertion that republicans are being unfairly
>tainted with these former allegations, so show me where the latter are true. 
> jms<<
>       Here's one fine example, although the challenge will obviously be for
>you to acknowledge it. 
>Senate OKs $15 Billion Bill To Rein In AIDS In Africa
>By JULIET EILPERIN The Washington Post 
>Published: May 17, 2003
>       http://www.tampatrib.com/News/MGAKQCG4TFD.html

I read the article, which notes btw that one third of the money is being
targeted to specifically those groups that advocate abstinence, because the
administration hates doing anything that involves condoms.  

More specifically, however, 1) you had to go clear the way to Africa to find
this, as salutory as this is, and 2) the whole *discussion* here has been
domestically oriented.  We have always sent money overseas to buy influence,
keep allies, that sort of thing.  

My point, to keep it to the conversation rather than being distracted, was
domestically oriented, toward the citizenry of this country.

So again I state;

>>>Okay, so that being the case, please show us evidence as to the
>-- helping the environment
>-- feeding the poor
>-- not giving money to the rich.

I'm still waiting.

(jmsatb5 at aol.com)
(all message content (c) 2003 by synthetic worlds, ltd., 
permission to reprint specifically denied to SFX Magazine 
and don't send me story ideas)

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