[B5JMS] Gore's speech re civil liberty

b5jms at cs.columbia.edu b5jms at cs.columbia.edu
Sun Nov 30 04:26:03 EST 2003

From: kurtullman at yahoo.com (Kurt Ullman)
Date: Sat, 29 Nov 2003 14:17:19 +0000 (UTC)
Lines: 21

In article <20031126182753.28820.00000899 at mb-m17.aol.com>, jmsatb5 at aol.com 
(Jms at B5) wrote:
>>Do US planes have a total no smoking policy yet?  Because once
>>such a policy exists cigarette lighters will have no valid use.
>Yes, but the tobacco industry's argument in getting the lighters on-board was
>to say that when flyers land, the first thing they want to do is light up
>Don't blame me, that's what they said.
       And this is suprising exactly how? I don't smoke, but I have been run 
over by people trying to get to the smoking areas after a flight. 

"Politics should be limited in its scope to war,
protection of property, and the occasional 
precautionary beheading of a member of the ruling class."
                             -P.J. O'Rourke

From: jmsatb5 at aol.com (Jms at B5)
Date: Sun, 30 Nov 2003 06:17:25 +0000 (UTC)
Lines: 34

>(Jms at B5) wrote:
>>>Do US planes have a total no smoking policy yet?  Because once
>>>such a policy exists cigarette lighters will have no valid use.
>>Yes, but the tobacco industry's argument in getting the lighters on-board
>>to say that when flyers land, the first thing they want to do is light up
>>Don't blame me, that's what they said.
>       And this is suprising exactly how? I don't smoke, but I have been run 
>over by people trying to get to the smoking areas after a flight. 

Kurt, you're missing the point.  I don't know if you're deliberately missing
the point or not, but either way that ain't the point.  The POINT is that the
Bush administration, while making a big deal about keeping off planes things
that were NOT used by any real or potentail enemies (like nail clippers) has
allowed ON things that WERE used (a la a Bic lighter by the "shoe bomber," as
silly a sobriquet as you're apt to find)...which tends to suggest that their
concern really isn't about keeping people safe as keeping people *controlled*
while not annoying friends like the tobacco industry.


(jmsatb5 at aol.com)
(all message content (c) 2003 by synthetic worlds, ltd., 
permission to reprint specifically denied to SFX Magazine 
and don't send me story ideas)

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