[B5JMS] From jms Re: Jerry Doyle hopeful of B5 revival

b5jms at cs.columbia.edu b5jms at cs.columbia.edu
Thu Sep 11 04:26:45 EDT 2003

From: "Mickey" <mickeyb at comcast.net>
Date: Wed, 10 Sep 2003 03:04:05 +0000 (UTC)
Lines: 40

"Jms at B5" <jmsatb5 at aol.com> wrote in message
news:20030909221556.19936.00000662 at mb-m28.aol.com...

> >I'm glad that Jerry has taken this opportunity to vent.  Clearly, he
> the show and wants it to come back.  We all miss the show.  But at the
> time, it's not fair to the fans that Jerry mentions to get people excited
> something that doesn't exist.  I'm glad that he is trying to get things
> for himself and with others, but talking about things doesn't make them
so, and
> pointing this out is not inappropriate when, based on those statements, I
> my email box filled with inquiries about things that simply aren't
> I've worked with the online community for ten years now, talking about B5
> being painfully honest about what's going on.

I'm not so sure I agree with you here Joe. I have seen more than one show
revived from the dead by viewer voice. Maybe getting a lot of people excited
about it and writing in to the powers that be is the answer. What we really
need is more voices. Let us remember that it was nearly 10 years between the
time TOS went off the air and the Star Trek: The Movie came along. Look at
what was spawned behind that... 9 movies and 4 series. Then again, Paramount
disregarded their fan base when it came time to sunset Voyager. They had 2
options on the table. One was Enterprise and the other was Excelsior (with
Captain Sulu at the helm). The overwhelming choice of the fans was the
latter, but Paramount chose to go with the former. Of course, I suspect this
had a great deal to do with those in control trying to get away from the
ghost of Roddenberry. In any case, I think B5 may, given time, have a
revival, as unlike most shows, it is gaining fans every day as the current
ones convert users with the DvDs.


From: jmsatb5 at aol.com (Jms at B5)
Date: Wed, 10 Sep 2003 08:19:57 +0000 (UTC)
Lines: 23

>I'm not so sure I agree with you here Joe. I have seen more than one show
>revived from the dead by viewer voice. Maybe getting a lot of people excited
>about it and writing in to the powers that be is the answer. 

This is to an extent true, though fan campaigns have kind of been devalued with
the studios over the years because it seems that almost any show can get such a
campaign going.

That issue aside...the situation here is that there *is* no big Bring Back B5
campaign going on, because the series was meant as a five year series, minus
any sideline ventures into MOWs and the like.  Nor was this any part of what
Jerry was talking about.  Just FYI.


(jmsatb5 at aol.com)
(all message content (c) 2003 by synthetic worlds, ltd., 
permission to reprint specifically denied to SFX Magazine 
and don't send me story ideas)

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