[B5JMS] update from jms

b5jms at cs.columbia.edu b5jms at cs.columbia.edu
Sun Sep 28 04:25:58 EDT 2003

From: janmschroeder at aol.com (Jan)
Date: Sat, 27 Sep 2003 20:37:38 +0000 (UTC)
Lines: 62

JMS wrote:

> but suffice to say from now on I shall be known as Dorothy.
>(Now let's see who actually falls for that one.)

Oboy....I can't *wait* to see what that one morphs into! <g>  Glad you're on
the mend and hope any procedures still to be done are minor and painfree, Joe.

>ibooks/Simon and Schuster has put up the
>solicitation for the first of my novels they're going to be reprinting,
>starting with Demon Night.  You can check out the book at

Did you know Amazon has a page up for 'Straczynski Unplugged'?  Check out.. 


...and if you have *any* idea what's supposed to be depicted on the cover,
could you let us know?  It looks like somebody tried to electrocute Buddy and
then magnified the pieces-parts.

>So Buddy the Miracle
>Cat (or Buddy TMC as he's known to his rap friends) is here to stay.

Yay!  How goes the rest of your project with the feral cats?

>The second season of Jeremiah will debut on Showtime on October 10th at 10:00
>p.m. (a much better time slot than 10:45) with "Letters from the Other Side,
>Part One," and I commend you to this season whole-heartedly.  

Looking forward to it-have been for months now!  Of course, I'll get spoiled by
having a new JMS story so regularly so you'd better get cracking on those new
projects please?

>There's more of a clean through-line to the
>story, less in the way of stand-alones, there are a lot of changes awaiting
>characters, and the show looks great. 

Any chance you can give us more info on definite  titles and short blurbs for
each?  Should we all get physicals before this starts to make sure our hearts
can stand it? 

>I'm in talks with Marvel to do a
>new title for them, so we'll see how that turns out.)

Tell 'em that your fans want to *subscribe* to your titles, not have to search
high and low for them, okay?

>I'm pretty sure that's all the news that's
>fit to print.



From: jmsatb5 at aol.com (Jms at B5)
Date: Sun, 28 Sep 2003 04:35:50 +0000 (UTC)
Lines: 33

>Did you know Amazon has a page up for 'Straczynski Unplugged'?  Check out.. 

No, I didn't know they'd already begun taking orders on that one.

>...and if you have *any* idea what's supposed to be depicted on the cover,
>could you let us know?  

I think it's my lower intestinal tract after finishing Jeremiah year 2.

> How goes the rest of your project with the feral cats?

All the kittens have found homes, and the remaining adults have all been spayed
and neutered and are living comfortably in the back yard.

>Any chance you can give us more info on definite  titles and short blurbs for
>each?  Should we all get physicals before this starts to make sure our hearts
>can stand it? 

At this point, with the show's debut so near, best to just let the show speak
for itself.  But it's pretty cool, I have to say.


(jmsatb5 at aol.com)
(all message content (c) 2003 by synthetic worlds, ltd., 
permission to reprint specifically denied to SFX Magazine 
and don't send me story ideas)

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