[B5JMS] Message to JMS about ASM #511

b5jms at cs.columbia.edu b5jms at cs.columbia.edu
Sun Aug 29 03:16:59 EDT 2004

From: google at chrisnolan.ca (Chris N)
Date: 27 Aug 2004 23:33:52 -0700
Lines: 34

Jim <none at example.com> wrote in message news:<P7SXc.57725$9d6.43137 at attbi_s54>...
> Turns out their father is JMS.
> Jim

I know something MJ knows...

Was @ the Toronto Comic book Expo tonight and Mike Deodato was there
signing.  I got him to sign my copies of 'Sins Past' and got a chance
to chat for a little bit since the line up was dwindling (it was near
the close of the show for the evening).  I asked him what it was like
to work with JMS - I found it interesting that he's never actually
spoken to Joe.  Now this may have something to do with him being in
Brazil, and not speaking the best English - but he said it was because
this way they don't influence each others work.  He gets the script
and draws it, simple as that.

But of course, the thing that shocked me the most - shocked me so much
that I completly lost my train of thought and didn't buy the sketches
he had of the layouts of many of the latest issues - was that he
actually answered my question about who the father is.  I figured he'd
be sworn to secrecy or something or be sick of being asked it all
night long but nope, out it popped when I asked.

I don't mean to tease, but I don't want to spoil it for anybody
either.  He must have told others too because the page layout that was
right on top of the pile was the page where the conception takes

Joe, keep up the good work, can't wait for all your books every month!
(Plus all your other projects).  Keep on shaking spider-man up.

Chris Nolan

Lines: 20
From: jmsatb5 at aol.com (Jms at B5)
Date: 28 Aug 2004 09:29:21 GMT

>But of course, the thing that shocked me the most - shocked me so much
>that I completly lost my train of thought and didn't buy the sketches
>he had of the layouts of many of the latest issues - was that he
>actually answered my question about who the father is.  



"Hello, Rent-An-Assassin, can I help you?


(jmsatb5 at aol.com)
(all message content (c) 2004 by synthetic worlds, ltd., 
permission to reprint specifically denied to SFX Magazine 
and don't send me story ideas)

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