[B5JMS] JMS's Spotlight at SDCC

b5jms at mail.fsl.cs.sunysb.edu b5jms at mail.fsl.cs.sunysb.edu
Tue Jul 25 04:43:19 EDT 2006

From: dachapp at worldnet.att.net
Date: 18 Jul 2006 01:31:20 -0700
Lines: 11

Happy Birthday Joe!
Looking forward to attending you panels at SDCC this week. I never miss

By the way, any plans to publish your Murder She Wrote scripts in the
Take care 

From: Matt Ion <soundy at moltenimage.com>
Date: Sat, 22 Jul 2006 18:55:27 +0000 (GMT)
Lines: 23

Amy Guskin wrote:
>>>On Wed, 19 Jul 2006 15:12:46 -0400, Craig wrote
> (in article <hv0tb29866vtj7js9uu669qvg0q4or582q at 4ax.com>):
>>On 18 Jul 2006 01:31:20 -0700, dachapp at worldnet.att.net wrote:
>>>Happy Birthday Joe!
>>>Looking forward to attending you panels at SDCC this week. I never miss
>>Please, please please post a transcript...a summary....at least what
>>THE ANNOUNCEMENT is. Please. <<
> You must not hang around here much.  Of _course_ someone's going to post what 
> the announcement is, probably really soon after it's announced, even.

I'd be shocked if someone isn't sitting there with a laptop posting it 
as it happens... gotta love modern technology.

From: Jan <janmschroeder at aol.com>
Date: 22 Jul 2006 19:39:01 -0700
Lines: 61

Hijacking this thread since the SDCC thread I started this morning isn't up yet.

Here’s the news in the order JMS gave it at the panel.  I’m posting it pretty
much simultaneously to the moderated newsgroup and to JMSNews.

--JMS sold a movie to Ron Howard.  It’s a thriller/mystery movie set in the ‘20s
in Los Angeles.  They want to get it into production as fast as possible and JMS
is flying up there on the 3rd to meet with Ron Howard and those guys to go over
the script and make sure everything is where it needs to be.  It’s going to be a
big budget film.  Ron Howard is a nice guy.  The first time JMS had a phone
conference with him about the script, JMS called him Mr. Howard and the reply
was “You hired my dad on Babylon 5, you can call me whatever you want.” 
Possibly it could be in production by the first part of next year.

--JMS was up in Toronto recently and they did a 12 episode radio drama series
for the CBC called the Adventures of Apocalypse Al.  It’s kind of a film noir
style comedy drama science fiction supernatural series a la Men In Black or 
Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy.  It’s in little 5 minute chunks and it’s
fall-down funny.

--A pilot for Touchstone has started for a dramatic prime time network series
called Borrowed Lives.  It was actually sold last year but it was too late to go
into development but now they’re actually in the script stage.

--Rising Stars is in development with Sam Raimi’s production company for a

--Midnight Nation is being bid on by two different studios for a movie.  

--He pitched Dream Police to a major studio, they want to do a motion picture
and they’re negotiating now for JMS to write it.

--And there’s something else…WB came to him as they do periodically wanting to
do something with B5.  They asked if he wanted to do a feature film but JMS
declined mainly because he can’t yet picture structuring a B5 movie “…as long as
Andreas and Rick insist on staying dead.”  Maybe in a year or two he’ll be able
to but right now he can’t do something big.  What JMS suggested was a bunch of
short films—little mini-movies, an anthology show set in the Babylon 5 universe.
They said, “Okay.”  There’s a network already interested in carrying them but
they’re also planned for direct to DVD.  This will be “Babylon 5 – The Lost
Tales’, a lot of small stories that never made it into the series that he’s
rediscovered notes for.  And JMS wants no interference, complete creative
support – in writing.  They said, “Okay.”  And JMS wants to direct them.  They
said, “Okay.”  The first will be three individual stories about three of the
main characters (to be determined).  The plan is to shoot in September,
post-production Oct.-Dec. and they’ll probably come out the second quarter of

I’ll attempt more of a transcript later on but that’s the highlights.


We are the voice of the universe, the soul of creation, 
The fire that will light the way to a better future. 
We are One. 
                       IA Declaration of Principles
                        (J. Michael Straczynski)                                

From: shawn <nanoflower at gmail.com>
Date: Sun, 23 Jul 2006 02:22:09 -0400
Lines: 77

On 22 Jul 2006 19:39:01 -0700, Jan <janmschroeder at aol.com> wrote:

>Hijacking this thread since the SDCC thread I started this morning isn't up yet.
>Here’s the news in the order JMS gave it at the panel.  I’m posting it pretty
>much simultaneously to the moderated newsgroup and to JMSNews.
>--JMS sold a movie to Ron Howard.  It’s a thriller/mystery movie set in the ‘20s
>in Los Angeles.  They want to get it into production as fast as possible and JMS
>is flying up there on the 3rd to meet with Ron Howard and those guys to go over
>the script and make sure everything is where it needs to be.  

Very cool. I wondered about Ron Howard doing the work but it sounds
like that is a done deal. This is great news for JMS. 

>--JMS was up in Toronto recently and they did a 12 episode radio drama series
>for the CBC called the Adventures of Apocalypse Al.  It’s kind of a film noir
>style comedy drama science fiction supernatural series a la Men In Black or 
>Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy.  It’s in little 5 minute chunks and it’s
>fall-down funny.

Too bad we probably won't get to hear it in the states. :(

>--A pilot for Touchstone has started for a dramatic prime time network series
>called Borrowed Lives.  It was actually sold last year but it was too late to go
>into development but now they’re actually in the script stage.

Interesting.  Would like to know more about the concept, but JMS tends
to do good work so it should turn out well.

>--Rising Stars is in development with Sam Raimi’s production company for a

Even more interesting. So it looks like we could have a new JMS series
and a feature film in 2008. That would be an overload. :)

>--Midnight Nation is being bid on by two different studios for a movie.  

Wow.. They must be very interested for two studios to put up bids.

>--He pitched Dream Police to a major studio, they want to do a motion picture
>and they’re negotiating now for JMS to write it.

Wow.. How is it that all of this seems to be hitting at once? It's not
JMS suddenly gained some amazing talent but it seems like they all
just noticed he does some great work at once. Maybe it's that
Hollywood studio logic of "JMS has a movie picked up and may (now
will) be working with Ron Howard on it so we need him to do something
for us,NOW!"

>--And there’s something else…WB came to him as they do periodically wanting to
>do something with B5.  They asked if he wanted to do a feature film but JMS
>declined mainly because he can’t yet picture structuring a B5 movie “…as long as
>Andreas and Rick insist on staying dead.”  Maybe in a year or two he’ll be able
>to but right now he can’t do something big.  What JMS suggested was a bunch of
>short films—little mini-movies, an anthology show set in the Babylon 5 universe.
>They said, “Okay.”  There’s a network already interested in carrying them but
>they’re also planned for direct to DVD.  This will be “Babylon 5 – The Lost
>Tales’, a lot of small stories that never made it into the series that he’s
>rediscovered notes for.  And JMS wants no interference, complete creative
>support – in writing.  They said, “Okay.”  And JMS wants to direct them.  They
>said, “Okay.”  The first will be three individual stories about three of the
>main characters (to be determined).  The plan is to shoot in September,
>post-production Oct.-Dec. and they’ll probably come out the second quarter of
Even Better news! Excellent.  I can see why JMS isn't ready to tackle
major Babylon 5 work, and while I'm sad that we won't see it any time
soon, I am VERY HAPPY we will be getting some new B5 work. Any work is
better than none.

>I’ll attempt more of a transcript later on but that’s the highlights.

thanks for the update and "Woo Hoo!!!!" indeed!

From: "Jeremy Nickurak" <atrus at shawng.spam.rifetech.com>
Date: Sun, 23 Jul 2006 16:49:40 GMT
Lines: 17

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On Sun, 23 Jul 2006 02:22:09 -0400, shawn wrote:
>>--JMS was up in Toronto recently and they did a 12 episode radio drama
>>series for the CBC called the Adventures of Apocalypse Al.  It~Rs kind of
>>a film noir style comedy drama science fiction supernatural series a la
>>Men In Black or Hitchhiker~Rs Guide to the Galaxy.  It~Rs in little 5
>>minute chunks and it~Rs fall-down funny.
> Too bad we probably won't get to hear it in the states. 

No idea about scheduling, but CBC broadcasts over the internet too,

From: jmsatb5 at aol.com
Date: 24 Jul 2006 03:44:13 -0700
Lines: 48

Jeremy Nickurak wrote:
> [ The following text is in the "UTF-8" character set. ]
>     [ Your display is set for the "ISO-8859-1" character set.  ]
>     [ Some characters may be displayed incorrectly. ]
> On Sun, 23 Jul 2006 02:22:09 -0400, shawn wrote:
> >>--JMS was up in Toronto recently and they did a 12 episode radio drama
> >>series for the CBC called the Adventures of Apocalypse Al.  It~Rs kind of
> >>a film noir style comedy drama science fiction supernatural series a la
> >>Men In Black or Hitchhiker~Rs Guide to the Galaxy.  It~Rs in little 5
> >>minute chunks and it~Rs fall-down funny.
> >
> > Too bad we probably won't get to hear it in the states.
> No idea about scheduling, but CBC broadcasts over the internet too,
> http://radio.cbc.ca/

Also, CBC has a standing deal with Sirius Radio to pick up its shows in
the US.  There will also be a deal sometime after that with NPR, BBC,
and elsewhere.  The series will eventually be released on CD as well.

To the other questions that have arisen: we're looking at 3 half-hour
episodes/stories for the first DVD, with additional features and the
like in the other half hour.  Each story will be worked around a given
established character, the specifics of which are still TBD contingent
upon availabilities and other issues.

We have a budget, we're greenlit, we're going.

As for what prompted the interest now at WB...it's only recently that
they've finally run through all 5 seasons, which for many years now has
been a constant source of revenue, and I think they would love to have
something to continue to with.  The recent news re: Changeling probably
didn't hurt, but the deal was actually being negotiated long before
there *was* a feature film deal with Imagine.  As I recall, we
finalized the deal right around the time that the Imagine news was

It was a rather extraordinary 24 hours.

I held off saying anything until I was cleared by WB to announce it as
a go project.  Ultimately, whether we shoot in Vancouver or elsewhere
will be a function of the deal that gets made locally.


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