[B5JMS] quick update from jms

b5jms at mail.fsl.cs.sunysb.edu b5jms at mail.fsl.cs.sunysb.edu
Mon Feb 16 04:31:16 EST 2009

From: "jmsatb5 at aol.com" <jmsatb5 at aol.com>
Date: Sat, 14 Feb 2009 23:13:24 -0800 (PST)
Lines: 45

Back from London, and gradually working my way out of jet-lag to catch
up with writing.  As I'd anticipated, the BAFTA went to "In Bruges,"
and deservedly so.  Overall, it was a great experience, and I'm
perfectly content with the resolution.  One can't expect a home run in
one's first kick at the cat, as they say in places where apparently
cats are not terribly popular.

(And to a query upstream, yes, I have a theramin.  No, I don't use it
to make strange noises in the middle of the night.  I have a cat for

In other mews...I mean, news....

I'm on draft two of Forbidden Planet, and the process is going well,
very exciting stuff, and I hope I can talk about some of that in more
detail soonish.

About to make the final touches to World War Z, then with any luck we
can get this thing into pre-productoin also soonish.

Draft One of Lensman is in, now working on draft two.

There have been a couple of previews for Ninja Assassin, and the
audience scores have been just terrific.  I have a suspicion that this
is going to do very well.

The pilot script for Last Words has gone in to Dreamworks, and they're
very very pleased with the script.  So we'll see where this goes.

Interestingly, due to all the writing work, I've lately begun to be
offered directing gigs, most of it in the SF genre (natch).  Nothing
has grabbed me enough yet to want to tackle it, but we'll see what the
future holds.  A couple of studios have extended the offer for me to
write and direct my own stuff, which is pretty cool.

My agent has forbidden me to take on any other screenplay assignments
until March/April, but some projects have begun to circle Casa
Straczynski of late, looking for an open place to land when an opening
comes.  Some very cool stuff on the horizon.

The interesting times continue.


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