[B5JMS] JMS at Comic-Con 2009

b5jms at mail.fsl.cs.sunysb.edu b5jms at mail.fsl.cs.sunysb.edu
Tue Jul 14 04:34:17 EDT 2009

From: "BCR" <brianite6 at yahoo.com>
Date: Sat, 27 Jun 2009 19:01:17 GMT
Lines: 8


I was wondering if you know what day or days you will be at this year?


From: "Charlie E." <edmondson at ieee.org>
Date: Mon, 13 Jul 2009 15:03:22 GMT
Lines: 77

On 11 Jul 2009 14:51:42 -0700, Jan <janmschroeder at aol.com> wrote:

>In article <v7he559603akvmreavv3p4euguulut40kr at 4ax.com>, Charlie E. says=
>>On 10 Jul 2009 05:42:26 -0700, Jan <janmschroeder at aol.com> wrote:
>>>In another post JMS wrote:
>>>>BTW, and appropos of nothing, I hear rumors that there may be a
>>>>midnight screening of Ninja Assassin at San Diego Comic Con at some
>>>>point. That's all I know for now.
>>>Have you seen a final version yet?  What do you think of it?
>>>And speaking of Comic-Con, the Thurs. schedule is up now and lists JMS=
' =3D
>>>>3:30-4:30 J. Michael Straczynski: Professional Writing=3D97 Ideas are=
 a d=3D
>>ime a
>>>>>dozen. Executing those ideas (instead of assassinating them) is what=
>>>>>pro from wannabe. But only you know what steps you need to take to g=
>> there,
>>>>>so if you show up for this talk, bring questions to ask J. Michael
>>>>>Straczynski, who has created a massively successful cross-platform w=
>>>>>career in movies, television, comics, and print. Room 7AB
>>>Anybody besides me going to be there?  Tickets have been sold out for =
>>er a
>>>month now.
>>Unfortunately, not me.  Finances didn't allow it this year, as well as
>>SWMBO got really tired of the crowds last year.  Being unemployed for
>>a year and a half can be a bummer... ;-)
>Sorry to hear that, Charlie.  Give my regards to your lady wife.
>The Saturday schedule is up now:
>>4:45-5:45 Spotlight on J. Michael Straczynski=97 Triple Eisner-nominate=
d and
>>>Comic-Con special guest J. Michael Straczynski presents a freewheeling
>>>discussion about his work in comics (Brave and the Bold, Thor, Amazing
>>Spider->Man), television (Babylon 5), movies (Changeling, Ninja Assassi=
>>Forbidden >Planet, Lensman and more) and anything else that comes to mi=
nd. Every
>>year >JMS's talks are a focus of heated conversation, and that's just b=
etween us
>>and >law enforcement when they show up midway through... Room 6A
Thanks, Jan.   I look forward to reading your transcript of things
afterwards!   Some one else give the Joe the harrasing questions on
Lensmen, please... ;-)

BTW, does anyone know if you can still give at the blood drive if you
are not attending comic-con?  I could always drive down one morning
just to give...


From: Jan <janmschroeder at aol.com>
Date: 13 Jul 2009 12:07:45 -0700
Lines: 31

In article <c2jm5517cn0pdc1ocno12ft6m2e3l7mqu5 at 4ax.com>, Charlie E. says...
>Thanks, Jan.   I look forward to reading your transcript of things

You're on-the-spot reporter will have her trusty recorder at the ready!

>Some one else give the Joe the harrasing questions on
>Lensmen, please... ;-)

If you haven't heard it yet, JMS gave a cool description of one small scene from
the movie on the Babylon Podcast.  I'm not sure if it was part one or part two
but I think it was part one.

>BTW, does anyone know if you can still give at the blood drive if you
>are not attending comic-con?  I could always drive down one morning
>just to give...

I can find out for you if you like. The sign-up booth is in the Sails Pavillion
near the freebie tables, IIRC.


Here, gathered together in common cause, we agree to recognize
this singular truth: that we are one; and this singular rule: that
we must be kind to one another.

From: "Charlie E." <edmondson at ieee.org>
Date: Tue, 14 Jul 2009 00:29:47 GMT
Lines: 34

On 13 Jul 2009 12:07:45 -0700, Jan <janmschroeder at aol.com> wrote:

>In article <c2jm5517cn0pdc1ocno12ft6m2e3l7mqu5 at 4ax.com>, Charlie E. says...
>>Thanks, Jan.   I look forward to reading your transcript of things
>You're on-the-spot reporter will have her trusty recorder at the ready!
>>Some one else give the Joe the harrasing questions on
>>Lensmen, please... ;-)
>If you haven't heard it yet, JMS gave a cool description of one small scene from
>the movie on the Babylon Podcast.  I'm not sure if it was part one or part two
>but I think it was part one.
>>BTW, does anyone know if you can still give at the blood drive if you
>>are not attending comic-con?  I could always drive down one morning
>>just to give...
>I can find out for you if you like. The sign-up booth is in the Sails Pavillion
>near the freebie tables, IIRC.

No, I will email them as things get closer.  usually blood drives are
open, but want to make sure!

Gotta do my thing for Bob!


From: Joseph Straczynski <jmsatb5 at aol.com>
Date: Mon, 13 Jul 2009 23:53:04 -0700 (PDT)
Lines: 10

For those coming to the convention, be advised that at this point I
only have one -- count 'em, one -- autograph session set up, at table
AA 2 at 6:00 Saturday, right after my spotlight.

I'm only going to have an hour, so I'm going to have to be really
strict in enforcing the ten-item limit to make sure that everybody in
line gets a fair chance.


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