[B5JMS] JMS: Conventions?

b5jms at mail.fsl.cs.sunysb.edu b5jms at mail.fsl.cs.sunysb.edu
Tue Mar 31 04:34:59 EDT 2009

From: Jan <janmschroeder at aol.com>
Date: 30 Mar 2009 12:49:23 -0700
Lines: 30


Just checking in to see if you've added any appearances to your schedule in
addition to the Julius Schwartz lecture in May?

Cons are such a great place for studios and writers to announce projects, don't
you think?  I can't help thinking that you've got a backlog of projects that are
still in need of announcing...there's been a positive drought of news so far
this year.

Anyway, San Diego Comic-Con already has sold out of their four-day and
Saturday-only passes.

And the Skywatch Game is depending on you.

No pressure, though. 

Not at all...

Waiting ever so patiently for news of cons or projects...


Here, gathered together in common cause, we agree to recognize
this singular truth: that we are one; and this singular rule: that
we must be kind to one another.

From: "jmsatb5 at aol.com" <jmsatb5 at aol.com>
Date: Mon, 30 Mar 2009 20:53:42 -0700 (PDT)
Lines: 50

On Mar 30, 12:49=A0pm, Jan <janmschroe... at aol.com> wrote:
> JMS,
> Just checking in to see if you've added any appearances to your schedule =
> addition to the Julius Schwartz lecture in May?
> Cons are such a great place for studios and writers to announce projects,=
> you think? =A0I can't help thinking that you've got a backlog of projects=
 that are
> still in need of announcing...there's been a positive drought of news so =
> this year.
> Anyway, San Diego Comic-Con already has sold out of their four-day and
> Saturday-only passes.
> And the Skywatch Game is depending on you.
> No pressure, though.
> Not at all...
> Waiting ever so patiently for news of cons or projects...
> Jan

The only con currently on the books is San Diego, not counting the
speaking gig at MIT in May.  I've had several invitations but the
workload is such right now that I can't accurately predict what the
heck is going to be going on too far down the road, so to avoid
letting anybody down I'm just saying no until I get a firmer sense of
the ground I'm standing on.

Most of the projects to which I've committed over the last year are
now winding up -- I've finished on WWZ, the second draft of Lensman
goes in tonight, the script for Sunlight is finished, the script for
the TNT pilot is in its last stages of revision -- so now it's a
matter of selecting what projects go next into the hopper, a process
that will be continuing for the next month or so.  There are several
very cool projects that have been offered, and one top-secret project
that is still ongoing, so we'll see which of those land on my desk.
I'm actually approaching a lull, which will give me time to work on
Forbidden Planet now that the new story has been approved.


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