JMS SPEAKS: CIS postings 26-Nov-95 03:50:23 through 27-Nov-95 03:01:03 (23:376)

b5jms-owner at b5jms-owner at
Fri Dec 1 02:59:52 EST 1995


From: jhardin at (John Hardin)
Lines: 430

Digest of messages from J. Michael Straczynski 71016,1644
26-Nov-95 03:50:23 through 27-Nov-95 03:01:03 (23:376)
WARNING: This digest may contain information about episodes
         you haven't seen yet. Proceed with caution.

===== Message #404866 at 26-Nov-95 03:50:23 =====
From: William H. DiPaola 76521,1751
To: J. Michael Straczynski 71016,1644 (X)
Subject: #404769-#Explosive Decompression

>> That was the Cortex, and yes, it rotated to create its gravity, as you can
see quite clearly in the episode. <<

        Thanks for clearing that up for me. I don't doubt your word, but for
some reason I just didn't recall seeing a section of that ship rotate.

===== Message #404883 at 26-Nov-95 02:07:24 =====
From: J. Michael Straczynski 71016,1644
To: William H. DiPaola 76521,1751 (X)
Subject: #404866-#Explosive Decompression

      Look at the big, round section in the middle of the Cortez, that's the
part that rotates.


===== Message #404889 at 26-Nov-95 05:34:04 =====
From: Michael "GANDALF" Kalus 100265,3065
To: J. Michael Straczynski 71016,1644 (X)
Subject: #404767-#Question for JMS

 >       Dunno...the plan for now, if B5 runs its full five years, is
 > to get out of TV and go back to novels and plays.  We'll see....

So NO Silver Screen Ambitions?

Besides, what do you think about the end of SeaQuest? And how good are your
quotes (if this is the correct word for it)?

Michael "GANDALF" Kalus 11:12 26-Nov-95

===== Message #405279 at 26-Nov-95 19:23:13 =====
From: J. Michael Straczynski 71016,1644
To: Michael "GANDALF" Kalus 100265,3065 (X)
Subject: #404889-#Question for JMS

      Nope, no real interest in doing movies; it's really a director's medium,
so I prefer either television or print, which is a writer's medium.

      What do I think about the end of SeaQuest?  Well, it was kind of
inevitable, wasn't it?  If they had left it alone, in the hands of the people
who first created it, like Rockne O'Bannon, and quit pulling on it in every
possible direction, it could've been okay.  Instead, the Suits got involved,
and when the Suits get're dead.

      "How good are your quotes?"  Don't know what this means.


===== Message #404923 at 26-Nov-95 10:05:30 =====
From: Anne L. Warner 71513,1177
To: J. Michael Straczynski 71016,1644 (X)
Subject: #John J.?


I've been puzzling in my mind ever since "And Now for a Word," what is John
Sheridan's middle name?  Now that I have what I consider a satisfactory
suggestion, I'll ask you.  What does the middle "J" stand for?  It was in the
ISN name system, but I've never seen it before or since.

I think we may finally have interested our SF fan friends in B5.  They saw
some of the very early stuff, and didn't care for it.  Now they feel that
getting into the story may take too much time (they could be right <g>) so
they avoid it.  We gave them the important parts of the back story over
Thanksgiving turkey, and they were intrigued.  Then they mentioned how much
they missed "Space Rangers!"  Was I startled!!  I said, "but Joe wrote that
one, too.  If you liked it, you would probably like B5."  I think now they
will really check it out.

"Convictions" was great.  Whoever said that the best scenes are in elevators
had a good point.  We see "A Day in the Strife" tonight.  I'm really looking
forward to it.


===== Message #405280 at 26-Nov-95 19:23:17 =====
From: J. Michael Straczynski 71016,1644
To: Anne L. Warner 71513,1177
Subject: #404923-#John J.?

     Eek!   I had nothing to do with "Space Rangers," feh, feh, a pox, no. We
went on with our pilots in similar periods, but no, I ain't had nothin' to do
with that one ever.

     I have two options of what the J stands for; still trying to decide
between historical reference and personal satisfaction.


===== Message #404974 at 26-Nov-95 12:32:39 =====
From: peter stathis 102477,3046
To: J. Michael Straczynski 71016,1644 (X)
Subject: #403072-#B5: Dear Joe

I am just asking some questions, or trying to get some clear answers. I am not
being foolish in asking these questions. You got some people who chatter
mindlessly about nothing. This all started when someone stated that B5 was in
trouble in New York, which according to some who works for WWOR said to be in
person that B5 is not doing as good as they had hoped. The question raised was
if B5 were to be cancelled ( Heaven forbid) in New York what would be the fate
of the show? Some people in other cities ask the same question. I see the
ratings listed in Variety, and its not in the top twenty, it hasn't been for
almost a year. So no need to get testy, rude or whatever. Either answer in a
polite way, or don't answer at all. By the way I hope you had a nice

===== Message #405281 at 26-Nov-95 19:23:18 =====
From: J. Michael Straczynski 71016,1644
To: peter stathis 102477,3046
Subject: #404974-#B5: Dear Joe

     "Either answer in a polite way, or don't answer at all."

     Peter, you came in here and started acting like a jerk.  Everyone here
feels exactly the same way about your behavior.  I don't have to be polite if
you're acting like a jerk; neither does anyone else here.  Around here, you
get what you give; if you are polite, and respectful, others will treat you
the same way.  If you come in here, guns blazing, acting like a ditz, then
people are gonna call you a ditz.  Polite ain't got nothin' to do with it.
Take a little personal responsibility for your behavior.


===== Message #405198 at 26-Nov-95 19:45:33 =====
From: David E. McCloud 102441,2371
To: J.Michael Straczynski 71016,1644 (X)
Subject: #<Gesthemene>

Of the many excellent episodes you've written, this one's the best so far. It
left me thinking over its themes long after the show had ended.  The moral and
ethical dilemas that have confronted the characters and their responses to
them have made this series special.

===== Message #405283 at 26-Nov-95 19:23:25 =====
From: J. Michael Straczynski 71016,1644
To: David E. McCloud 102441,2371
Subject: #405198-#<Gesthemene>

     Thanks.  That's really the intent; to get people to talk about the issues
raised, and to examine the issues.  We won't tell you what to think about an
issue, because I don't have an answer myself...but if it made you stop and
consider this stuff, and decide for yourself where you fall in the discussion,
then it's done its job.


===== Message #405288 at 26-Nov-95 22:35:28 =====
From: Z. Michael Milutinovic 71532,2231
To: J. Michael Straczynski 71016,1644 (X)
Subject: #404766-#B5 Magazine

I'm just jumping in here, have been away for awhile, but are you saying that
there is a B5 Magazine out?  Who publishes it, how long has it been out?  Does
anyone else out thier in the Toronto Area know who has it in stock?

Z. Michael Milutinovic

===== Message #405345 at 26-Nov-95 21:41:24 =====
From: J. Michael Straczynski 71016,1644
To: Z. Michael Milutinovic 71532,2231
Subject: #405288-B5 Magazine

      It's from Sendai; ask your local bookstore to order it.


===== Message #405328 at 26-Nov-95 23:43:12 =====
From: randall s. cavanaug 102134,760
To: J. Michael Straczynski 71016,1644 (X)
Subject: #405280-#John J.? there and internet address that cast members can be written to?
   well...there are more that a couple of fans who would like to drop a line
to the actress Ivanova....thanks

===== Message #405346 at 26-Nov-95 21:41:25 =====
From: J. Michael Straczynski 71016,1644
To: randall s. cavanaug 102134,760
Subject: #405328-John J.?

     No, no cast email addresses.


===== Message #405331 at 26-Nov-95 23:45:37 =====
From: Mike Fitzpatrick 73562,3437
To: J. Michael Straczynski 71016,1644 (X)
Subject: #Synopses/ Transcriptions

Dear Joe,

    I know we fans sometimes step over the line in our enthusiasm for
discussing Babylon 5 here (posting story ideas, etc.),  and Karen Bahnsen
brought up a worrying point to me.  I don't know whether you've seen any of
them,  but I've been posting extremely detailed synopses from the 3rd season
episodes here for the benefit of the European fans.  So detailed, in fact,
that some have said they could almost be called transcriptions, and therein
lies the rub.  Karen pointed out to me today that there would be copyright
issues to consider with a transcription, a thought that honestly never
occurred to me before.
    Whether or not these posts are actually transcriptions isn't important to
me, since I don't care to rely on legalisms;  what *is* important is that I
would be aghast to find I did something with your work that you find
disagreeable in *any* way.  Is what I'm doing OK with you?  If it's not a
problem in the message area,  would it be alright to make the posts a
permanent addition to the library?  If you have any objection whatsoever, I'll
discontinue the practice immediately and delete whatever's left in the message
base, and I apologize.  And if you wish to to take a cut with your Louisville
Slugger, I promise not to jump <g>.


===== Message #405347 at 26-Nov-95 21:41:26 =====
From: J. Michael Straczynski 71016,1644
To: Mike Fitzpatrick 73562,3437 (X)
Subject: #405331-#Synopses/ Transcriptions

      I do think that sometimes the synopses get *too* detailed, and where
they transcribe verbatim dialogue, are, I think, legally problematic, yes.


===== Message #405367 at 27-Nov-95 01:12:00 =====
From: Elyse M. Grasso 70302,3304
To: J. Michael Straczynski 71016,1644 (X)
Subject: #<ADitS> Choices

I've watched 'A Day in the Strife' 6 or 7 times since it was first shown in
this market at 1pm yesterday... VERY nicely done.

Even more than usual, this story was about making choices and about control
and intimidation, and the Narn story and the C&C story echo each other in
strange and subtle ways in showing responses to the carrot and stick. The
other subplots and incidents work other aspects of the theme very nicely:
Londo insists on controlling the Narn, and Vir's fate, Franklin is controlled
by the stims and Vir has a promotion inflicted upon him, as well as the
individual and group problems in the Transport Association meeting.

I liked the fact that Sheridan used the probe's own programming to destroy it,
instead of B5's weapons.

I also liked the echoes of past episodes:

In the Narn plot, Na'Far gives G'Kar the same challenge the Inquisitor posed
to Delenn, almost in the same words, and G'Kar's willingness to go home to die
rather than become a cause of division among his people suggests that he is
the right person in the right place. It's refreshing that the other Narns
recognized that.

And Londo's comment "It's nothing personal, Vir" after his appalling
conversation with Na'Far brought chills with its echo of the bomber's speech
last episode. As well as its obvious falseness: it was clear that Londo loved
making Na'Far squirm...

I look forward to seeing more of Corwin and Ta'Lon (and even Na'Far) as the
season progresses.

Good stuff.


===== Message #405474 at 27-Nov-95 02:55:42 =====
From: J. Michael Straczynski 71016,1644
To: Elyse M. Grasso 70302,3304
Subject: #405367-<ADitS> Choices

     Thanks.  Yeah, "it's nothing personal" does echo the other theme; those
who inflict great harm tend to shrug it off that way.


===== Message #405380 at 27-Nov-95 01:36:24 =====
From: Philip Hornsey 74053,2101
To: J. Michael Straczynski 71016,1644 (X)
Subject: #403993-#DL Query

How about the gun control situation on Earth. Let's say the conspiracy (bad
one) gets spooked and has to move to fast, they get *real* bad press and you
start to see some civil uprising, or, the word gets out on Pres. Clark and is
believed. Could the people effectivly stop a military dictatorship from

I knows weapons are strictly controled on B5 (reasonable on a military base),
but I get the impression that people are *use* to owning weapons (the
objections raised in the transport meeting).

One last thing, you said the EA was pretty easy going, does that mean that the
solid core of the EA (the US and Canada and British holdings) simply haven't
known dictatorship in *484 years* (and only if you count the British attitude
toward America a dictatorship). If so, they are gonna have a hard time seeing
it coming.

===== Message #405475 at 27-Nov-95 02:55:43 =====
From: J. Michael Straczynski 71016,1644
To: Philip Hornsey 74053,2101 (X)
Subject: #405380-DL Query

      I'd like to not reply, as this is encroaching seriously into story


===== Message #405476 at 27-Nov-95 02:55:45 =====
From: J. Michael Straczynski 71016,1644
To: All
Subject: Synopsis Query

      Fast question...I seem to recall seeing some synopses that began with a
telling quote from the episode, then a 1-paragraph summation, followed by
cast.  Does this ring a bell with anybody else?


===== Message #405390 at 27-Nov-95 01:48:36 =====
From: Karen E. Bahnsen 102735,3557
To: Chad Underkoffler 102512,1310 (X)
Subject: #404854-#Rage's Thots:USENET Rant

Hi, Guys.

I've read Robyn's stuff and yours.  There is just one thing I *have* to say.
I was *not* a scifi fan when I started watching Babylon5 on TV.  Sure, I'd
watched Trek and Star Wars and maybe a few other things.  I could count the
scifi I've actually read on one hand and that was twenty-plus years ago.
*Now* I'm beginning to get into it and it's only because Babylon5 is so good!
It peaked my interest in the genre.  I was converted by it, in other words.
{my mother is delighted.  She's been trying to get me interested for ages}

As to the quality of the writing, for fiction I usually read Dickens, Tolstoy,
Benson, Austin, Wodehouse, Trollope... {classics, I like classics}  and in the
mystery genre, Christie, MacLeod, Douglas, Braun...   Oh, phooey!   I give up.
There are just too many to name.   As far as I'm concerned, jms writes every
bit as well as they do.   I especially enjoy his character development, his
pacing {great feat considering it's for TV!}  and his imaginative epic
storytelling ability.  I care what happens to the characters.  I want to know
how the story ends.

I *really* enjoy the mysteries he creates.  I've read mysteries for more than
twenty-five years, and I usually spot whodunnit, how, and why very easily even
in the best of the genre in books, film or TV.   Friends have recommended
books saying, "It's really good.  You'll never guess who did it."  The books
are usually well written and fun to read, but if the writers "play fair" with
the clues, I've got them nailed before I'm half through it.  No brag... it's
just that after 25 years it's hard to fool me.  So, when I say that jms is a
*very* good mystery writer, his stuff is *not* transparent, he's keeping me
guessing, that's quite a compliment!!!

Sorry about the tirade.  I get a little worked up when someone trashes one of
my favorite authors.   I meant to make this short...really...but get me
started on B-5...

I just wanted to say that although the lady is entitled to her opinion about
the quality of writing, her comments about preaching to the converted did not
apply to me.  I was not a big scifi fan.   Now I'm giving it a try.  I *am*
spellbound by B-5.


===== Message #405477 at 27-Nov-95 03:01:03 =====
From: J. Michael Straczynski 71016,1644
To: Karen E. Bahnsen 102735,3557
Subject: #405390-Rage's Thots:USENET Rant

      Keep that up and you're going to turn my this case, as far as
Linda Blair's in the Exorcist....


===== Message digest ends =====

   John Hardin                    jhardin at
   PGP fingerprint: A3 0C 5B C2 EF 0D 2C E5  E9 BF C8 33 A7 A9 CE 76 
   finger for PGP key             Linux: the choice of a Gnu generation
   ...when British sailors turned to makeshift embalming for Lord Nelson,
who was fatally wounded during the Battle of Trafalgar. His officers
decided to return the famous admiral to England rather than bury his
body at sea.
   Reportedly, to preserve Lord Nelson's body, the sailors immersed it in
brandy from his ship's reserves. But you know sailors -- not wanting to
go without a little snort now and then, they siphoned off the
Nelson-flavored brandy with a piece of macaroni. Eventually, they drained
the admiral dry.
   The British navy still uses the term "tapping the admiral" for getting
a drink of rum.
                              -- Light Elements, _Discover_, 6/95

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