JMS SPEAKS: CIS postings 24-Nov-95 16:50:37 through 25-Nov-95 20:01:35

b5jms-owner at b5jms-owner at
Fri Dec 1 02:59:40 EST 1995


From: jhardin at (John Hardin)
Lines: 519

Digest of messages from J. Michael Straczynski 71016,1644
24-Nov-95 16:50:37 through 25-Nov-95 20:01:35
WARNING: This digest may contain information about episodes
         you haven't seen yet. Proceed with caution.

===== Message #404254 at 24-Nov-95 16:50:37 =====
From: Chris Gardiner 100701,3353
To: J. Michael Straczynski 71016,1644 (X)
Subject: #JMS: Babcom 96

One quick question:

Will you be at Babcom 96 in the UK?

By the way, the single longest unit of timeis not the age or the eon.  Its the
gap between seasons.....

Chris Gardiner
"In space no-one can hear you go.....'another pint of juiced spoo, barman, and
make it snappy.'"

===== Message #404287 at 24-Nov-95 18:01:48 =====
From: J. Michael Straczynski 71016,1644
To: Chris Gardiner 100701,3353
Subject: #404254-JMS: Babcom 96

     No, I don't believe I'm slated for Babcom 96, but I will be at the
Encounter in the UK in April or so.  (Details are in the library somewhere.)


===== Message #404272 at 24-Nov-95 17:41:10 =====
From: Brian Deane 100121,26
To: J. Michael Straczynski 71016,1644 (X)
Subject: #B5 Blueprints/Models?


   Not sure if this is old news, but I just picked up a copy of the
November/December 1995 issue of "Sci-Fi & Fantasy MODELS" which proclaims on
its front cover "FREE with this issue, Babylon 5 Blueprint Worth L2.95!!"

   One of the ads inside the mag offers models of "B.5 STAR FURY, 1/32 scale
approx 8" long.  12" long wingspan ltd to 50 kits".

   Are these blueprints and star fury models legit?


===== Message #404288 at 24-Nov-95 18:01:48 =====
From: J. Michael Straczynski 71016,1644
To: Brian Deane 100121,26 (X)
Subject: #404272-#B5 Blueprints/Models?

      Nope, this is strictly illegal.  Could you send me a copy of the
magazine at the following address, so we can nail their heads to the wall?
Babylon 5, 14431 Ventura Boulevard, Suite 260, Sherman Oaks, CA 91423. (Send
it to my attention.)



===== Message #404351 at 24-Nov-95 21:19:41 =====
From: David Schirmer 76774,3310
To: J. Michael Straczynski 71016,1644 (X)
Subject: #Pilot Episode

Last night I was watching the Pilot episode and in the very beginning Londo
says that Babylon 5 was "Under the leadership of its final commander."  I was
wondering why you replaced Sinclair.  I don't know if this subject is
"forbidden."  I was just curious if you decided to change the story or if you
changed it due to reasons beyond your control.
I am sorry if I am bringing up an old topic but I just had to ask you this

Thanks for your time.
David Schirmer

===== Message #404439 at 25-Nov-95 02:07:07 =====
From: J. Michael Straczynski 71016,1644
To: David Schirmer 76774,3310
Subject: #404351-Pilot Episode

     Londo does not specify Sinclair in his dialogue; that's the picture at
that moment, but that doesn't lock us into it.

     A full explanation for what happened and why is uploaded in the library
here; do a search in lib 5, I think, for Sinclair, and you'll find it. (Rather
than recap the whole thing again here.)


===== Message #404365 at 24-Nov-95 21:37:48 =====
From: Chad Underkoffler 102512,1310
To: J. Michael Straczynski 71016,1644 (X)
Subject: #B5 Blueprints/Models?

>>      Nope, this is strictly illegal.  Could you send me a copy of the
magazine at the following address, so we can nail their heads to the wall?

Primer for Pirating B5 Merchandise,

A First Reader by Rage

See scum-sucking Sleaze.
See Sleaze pirate merchandise .
Pirate, Sleaze, pirate!
See Sleaze screw up fans actually getting quality products.

See Joe.
Joe is on TV.
No, Joe is not on TV;
Good TV.
Can you make TV as good as Joe?

See bat.
Bat reads "Louisville Slugger."
Slug, bat, slug!
Bat is very heavy.
And hard!
There are many bats in a pile.

See many Narn.
The Narn have lost something.
The Narns lost a war.
The fought the war with the Centauri.

See the Centauri.
The Centauri have funny hair.
But the Centauri  are mean.
The Centauri bombed the Narn Homeworld back to the Stone Age.
Bomb, Cenaturi, bomb!

This makes the Narn angry.
Very angry.
But they listen to Joe.
Joe made them.
Listen, Narn, listen!
Joe tells the Narn to pick up the bats.
The Narn pick up the bats.

See the Duck.
The Duck is BIG.
It is a big Duck.
See the Narns get into the Duck.
The Duck can fly.
Fly, Duck, fly!
The Duck flies to the convention.

See the convention.
See all the scary people.
The scary people are wearing costumes.
The scariest people are wearing Star Trek costumes.
See our friend the Sleaze-Pirate.
The Sleaze is selling non-licenced products.
Sell, Sleaze, sell.
This makes it hard for Joe to sleep at night.

See the Duck hover.
Hover, Duck, hover.
See the Narn Bat Squad jump out of the Duck.
The Narn run over to the Sleaze.

The Sleaze looked scared.
He has good reason to!
See him try to get away.
Watch him fail.
Narn are fast.

Watch Narn Bat Squad.
Watch Narn Bat Squad beat Sleaze silly.
Beat, Narn, beat!
Too bad Sleaze was silly in the first place.
Now Sleaze is in traction.
He is in traction in the jail.
The jail is also called "the Big House."
They make you eat only lima beans in jail.
And no ice cream!

Have we all learned why not to pirate now?

Ranger of Washingdome
"See Morden.
Morden is walking into my sights.
 Hear my PPG whirr.
<whirr> PPG, <whirr>.
 See Morden take a plasma blast upside the head.
See Rage laugh.
Laugh, Rage, Laugh."

===== Message #404440 at 25-Nov-95 02:07:08 =====
From: J. Michael Straczynski 71016,1644
To: Chad Underkoffler 102512,1310 (X)
Subject: #404365-B5 Blueprints/Models?

     Rage needs rest.  Rest, Rage, rest.


===== Message #404366 at 24-Nov-95 21:37:52 =====
From: Chad Underkoffler 102512,1310
To: J. Michael Straczynski 71016,1644 (X)
Subject: #Rage's Thots: Rangers?

Joe, clear me on these two:

1. Was it stated if the Drazi who got Marcus out of Zag 7 was a Ranger?

2. Are there non-human/Minbari Rangers?  If so, how do they feel about the
iconography of the brooch?

Ranger of Washingdome
"Weeeeeee're off to see the Maker, the Greaty-Great Maker of Bab..."

===== Message #404441 at 25-Nov-95 02:07:08 =====
From: J. Michael Straczynski 71016,1644
To: Chad Underkoffler 102512,1310 (X)
Subject: #404366-#Rage's Thots: Rangers?

     No, the Drazi was not a Ranger, only a supporter/collaborator (if I can
use, or misuse that term.)

     At this stage, the Rangers are exclusively either human or minbari.


===== Message #404413 at 25-Nov-95 00:12:02 =====
From: Larry Rosenblum 72122,1555
To: J. Michael Straczynski 71016,1644 (X)
Subject: #403468-#B5 at LosCon


When might we see you in San Francisco/San Jose?  There are a lot of fans up

Larry Rosenblum

===== Message #404442 at 25-Nov-95 02:07:11 =====
From: J. Michael Straczynski 71016,1644
To: Larry Rosenblum 72122,1555
Subject: #404413-B5 at LosCon

      No standing invitations to the area, but we'll see....


===== Message #404483 at 25-Nov-95 07:08:04 =====
From: Rick Sharon 76416,2213
To: J. Michael Straczynski 71016,1644 (X)
Subject: #403072-#B5: Dear Joe


re: Stathis

I appreciate your correcting Peter Statis' message(s), I'm just sorry you had
to spend so much time doing so (based on the length of your post).

Here's a "canned" reply that might save you a bunch of effort next time:

  re: everything you said


Or, if you want to be a "nice guy":

  re: everything you said

  B.S.  Have a nice day.

<grin>  Hope the above will save you some time so you can get back to the more
important producing/writing things you do.  Perhaps you could hook it to a
"twit replier" (a sort of modified "twit filter" that says respond to anything
from that person with this reply).

-- Rick Sharon

===== Message #404763 at 25-Nov-95 20:01:18 =====
From: J. Michael Straczynski 71016,1644
To: Rick Sharon 76416,2213
Subject: #404483-#B5: Dear Joe

     BTW, you'll notice that young master stathis took a powder after dropping
his offensive message here, so he wouldn't have to deal with any of the
responses.  Then after a while he'll come back and do it all again. Typical.


===== Message #404542 at 25-Nov-95 10:49:50 =====
From: The Jawa / Jawa #2 76371,3057
To: J. Michael Straczynski 71016,1644 (X)
Subject: #403076-#$0.04: <A Day in Strife>

        Oh good!
        We like Vir!
        Clarification: How much time is missing from Sinclair's memory?
        Sometimes it seems like I hear 1 hour; other times, 24.
        Which is it?
                                The Jawa
                                Kidism Patrol
                                "Micronians think too much!"

===== Message #404765 at 25-Nov-95 20:01:23 =====
From: J. Michael Straczynski 71016,1644
To: The Jawa / Jawa #2 76371,3057
Subject: #404542-$0.04: <A Day in Strife>

     It was 24 hours.


===== Message #404554 at 25-Nov-95 11:07:27 =====
From: The Jawa / Jawa #2 76371,3057
To: J. Michael Straczynski 71016,1644 (X)
Subject: #B5 Magazine

        <Still LOL>
        Joe, you work with people like Jerry Doyle and Claudia Christian
*every day* and still maintain remnants of sanity?
        I admire that.
        I just got done reading their interviews in the B5 Magazine and I
enjoyed it very much.
        I finally got to see a picture of you...and yes, you *are* quite tall
        Will this be a semi-regular magazine, at least, or is this a wonderful
but isolated incident?
                                The Jawa
                                Kidism Patrol
                                "Micronians think too much!"

===== Message #404766 at 25-Nov-95 20:01:25 =====
From: J. Michael Straczynski 71016,1644
To: The Jawa / Jawa #2 76371,3057
Subject: #404554-B5 Magazine

      It's my understanding that there will be more issues, yes.


===== Message #404574 at 25-Nov-95 12:35:42 =====
From: Tapio K. Fransen 100731,1675
To: J. Michael Straczynski 71016,1644 (X)
Subject: #Question for JMS

>> That's when the story ends.  You tell your tale and get off the stage.<<

Thats right, but...

You tell ONE tale and get off stage, and com on stage again to tell ANOTHER
<g> great tale.

Is this something we can expect? Is there a live for you after the *end*? I
mean, will there be a new SF-show we can enjoy? (Could be your setting up or
even finished an other tale.)

I sure hope so! :-)


        "Well, well. Looks like the pain is real for both of us."
        - Commander Jeffrey Sinclair, "And the sky full of stars"

        The Protector of Amsterdam
        Section G1, block 2, level 4 security
        17:48 pm, saturday 26 november 1995, Amsterdam, Holland

===== Message #404767 at 25-Nov-95 20:01:26 =====
From: J. Michael Straczynski 71016,1644
To: Tapio K. Fransen 100731,1675
Subject: #404574-Question for JMS

      Dunno...the plan for now, if B5 runs its full five years, is to get out
of TV and go back to novels and plays.  We'll see....


===== Message #404614 at 25-Nov-95 13:35:24 =====
From: Sharon Foster 76360,301
To: J. Michael Straczynski 71016,1644 (X)
Subject: #<A Day In The Strife>

Just saw <A Day in The Strife> for the first time.  There's never a dull
moment on B5, is there?  The tension was so think you could cut it with a
knife ... speaking of which
 ... I truly jumped out of my chair when Ta'Lon cut his own hand with his
sword.  That one scene should be good for a nightmare or two.  From the
delight of learning who he was, to that last scene of his -- what a

 G'Kar looks like hell.  He must have "lost" about fifty pounds in the last
couple of months.

 <lots of questions ahead for which I expect no answers at this time ... >

 Garibaldi tells Ivanova that if anyone can get them through this, it's
Sheridan.  Is he being set up to be another Talia, to get yanked out from
under us, or do you really mean it this time?  Only time will tell.

 Londo told Vir he had a appointment to go to.  Londo had an appointment last
week, too.  What's Londo up to now? What "business" will he and Vir get
together to do from time to time?  Is he sending Vir to Minbar to keep him out
of harms' way, or does he have another purpose?

 More questions, more questions.  I never want it to end.

 BTW, I keep meaning to mention -- I love the "intermission" bit with the red
nebula, the word "Babylon", and the black "5" that shimmers into place like a
Shadow ship.  Along with the music, it produces a nice sense of foreboding.

 "Well, it is an imperfect universe."

===== Message #404768 at 25-Nov-95 20:01:30 =====
From: J. Michael Straczynski 71016,1644
To: Sharon Foster 76360,301 (X)
Subject: #404614-<A Day In The Strife>

     Thanks.  And for "pulling a Talia" on Sheridan, that's one of the major
benefits in *doing* the Talia thing to begin with; it makes it very difficult
to sit back and accept that any character is going to be the key out of this

     Agree on the new bumper; and the 5 fades in like a shadow vessel, making
it even more ominous.


===== Message #404637 at 25-Nov-95 14:20:18 =====
From: William H. DiPaola 76521,1751
To: J. Michael Straczynski 71016,1644 (X)
Subject: #403467-#Explosive Decompression


        One thing disturbed me in the episode in which the WhiteStar is
introduced. Sheridan makes mention upon first boarding the Minbari ship that
they have managed to attain gravity, something that "our ships" cannot do
without the benefit of rotation. However(and please forgive me, I really don't
keep track of titles), we saw an episode early last season where a Starship
gets lost in hyperspace, and the crew of that ship clearly had gravity without
benefit of rotation. Was this something that was simply overlooked, or did I
miss something in the latter episode that I just alluded to?

===== Message #404769 at 25-Nov-95 20:01:31 =====
From: J. Michael Straczynski 71016,1644
To: William H. DiPaola 76521,1751
Subject: #404637-Explosive Decompression

     That was the Cortex, and yes, it rotated to create its gravity, as you
can see quite clearly in the episode.


===== Message #404716 at 25-Nov-95 18:17:55 =====
From: Rae Augenstein 72752,1653
To: J. Michael Straczynski 71016,1644 (X)
Subject: #Cap'n Power

I found an ep of Captain Power at Wal-Mart for $2.00. Should I buy it? I don't
remember exactly which episode it was.

        Rae ^^^^

===== Message #404770 at 25-Nov-95 20:01:35 =====
From: J. Michael Straczynski 71016,1644
To: Rae Augenstein 72752,1653
Subject: #404716-Cap'n Power

      Well, either buy it or burn it....


===== Message digest ends =====

   John Hardin                    jhardin at
   PGP fingerprint: A3 0C 5B C2 EF 0D 2C E5  E9 BF C8 33 A7 A9 CE 76 
   finger for PGP key             Linux: the choice of a Gnu generation
   MSN is a ghetto for the "Internet illiterate."
                                       -- Jeff Wood <AcerJeff at>

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