DeAnna Miller dmille12 at
Sun Dec 3 17:55:05 EST 1995

      No, there are currently no plans for B5 action figures.


Subj:  Submitted for....            Section: Babylon 5: General
  To:  Brian A. Thomas              Saturday, December 02, 1995 3:00:03 AM
From:  J. Michael Straczynski       #408831

      Yes, I was involved with Twilight Zone v2.5, the 30 additional
episodes produced for syndication, as story editor and primary writer,
doing 11 of the total 30 episodes, plus 1 for the prior network run on
CBS.  It was, all things considered, a great experience.


Subj:  Submitted for....            Section: Babylon 5: General
  To:  J. Michael Straczynski Saturday, December 02, 1995 2:53:03 PM
From:  Rae Augenstein               #409073

Any chance those new Twilight Zones are out there anywhere? I remember 
watching the CBS series, and really liking it. Of course, I *love* the
old show a lot. I'd enjoy seeing some of the newer ones again.

      Rae ^^^^

Subj:  Submitted for....            Section: Babylon 5: General
  To:  Rae Augenstein               Sunday, December 03, 1995 12:52:10 AM
From:  J. Michael Straczynski       #409388

      Don't know if the new TZs are playing anywhere, actually....


Subj:  <<Gethsemane>>               Section: Babylon 5: Upcoming
  To:  Toni Muller                  Saturday, December 02, 1995 3:00:07 AM
From:  J. Michael Straczynski       #408833

      Thanks.  It's definitely the strongest of the first four, I think.
And Pat is nothing less than terrific.  If there was any sense of
hesitation in her appearance in "Divided Loyalties," it can be attributed
to the fact that she had just given birth to her son something like 4-6
weeks prior, if that much, and this was pretty much her first day back in
the saddle.


Subj:  <<Gethsemane>>               Section: Babylon 5: Upcoming
  To:  J. Michael Straczynski       Saturday, December 02, 1995 9:47:03 PM
From:  Toni Muller                  #409293

>>she had just given birth to her son something like 4-6 weeks prior, if
that much, and this was pretty much her first day back in the saddle.<<

Tell her she's an amazing woman!  :)


Subj:  <Rage's Thots: PtG>          Section: Babylon 5: Upcoming
  To:  Burhaan  Ahmad               Saturday, December 02, 1995 3:07:03 AM
From:  J. Michael Straczynski       #408839

     "It's pretty obvious, really."

     Heh, heh....

     "Look, over there, an elephant...."


Subj:  <Rage's Thots: PtG>          Section: Babylon 5: Upcoming
  To:  J. Michael Straczynski       Saturday, December 02, 1995 4:29:05 AM
From:  Burhaan  Ahmad               #408859

 >>  Heh, heh....

     "Look, over there, an elephant...." <<

 Now there's two ways I can interpret this:

 1)    By "elephant", you are saying that it is indeed monstrously
obvious, as I said.

 2)    Or you, Oh Master of Diversionary Tactics, are enticing me to look
the other way while you prepare to whack me up side the head with the

 I suppose it was to much to expect that I might, for once, be one step
ahead of the story.  <sigh>

 -ba-  ^^^^
 RMES - Abstract artists, concrete analysts, ruthless bookies -
 <OK, so I forgot to change the name of my sig file to SFMEDONE, but it's
back n

Subj:  <Rage's Thots: PtG>          Section: Babylon 5: Upcoming
  To:  J. Michael Straczynski       Saturday, December 02, 1995 6:35:28 PM
From:  Tom Knudsen                  #409189


      < "Look, over there, an elephant....">

      "For my next trick, I will now make Babylon 5 disappear."

      Your REAL name wouldn't happen to be J. Michael Copperfield now, 
would it?<G>


Guardian of the Republic
General Pain in the Butt

Subj:  B5 Screen Saver Arrived!     Section: Babylon 5: General
  To:  Burhaan  Ahmad               Saturday, December 02, 1995 4:15:14 AM
From:  J. Michael Straczynski       #408857

     They're BAF files to include the wav files that accompany each and
every image.  There's also a large number of bmp files for wallpaper,


Subj:  B5 Screen Saver Arrived!     Section: Babylon 5: General
  To:  J. Michael Straczynski       Saturday, December 02, 1995 6:21:06 AM
From:  John McAuley                 #408908


Will the screen saver be available in the UK?

Is there an Email address?

Or will my christmas stocking be bereft of a B5 screen saver :-(


Subj:  B5 Screen Saver Arrived!     Section: Babylon 5: General
  To:  John McAuley                 Sunday, December 03, 1995 12:52:07 AM
From:  J. Michael Straczynski       #409386

      Dunno about the UK availability; someone here has the 800 phone
number, which can be used for ordering, though.


Subj:  <Ptg:Prison Station>         Section: Babylon 5: Upcoming
  To:  JOHN GRAVES                  Sunday, December 03, 1995 12:52:08 AM
From:  J. Michael Straczynski       #409387

      No, the other brothers aren't mind-wiped.

      You're mis-remembering "The Quality of Mercy."  Telepaths do NOT
perform mindwipes.  A court appointed teep makes a scan before and after
for purposes of comparison, but the wipe is done by a device held under
lock and key until ordered out by a court.  The only reason Talia did it
in QoM was because they couldn't get a court teep there in the required
time (which was also stated in the episode).  So here the court appointed
telepath would have come and gone by now.


Subj:  <Ptg:Prison Station>         Section: Babylon 5: Upcoming
  To:  J. Michael Straczynski       Sunday, December 03, 1995 1:27:23 PM
From:  John McAuley                 #409628


In TQoM you suggested that Earth was capable of erasing a person's
personality and installing a new one.

Now you say that this is accomplished using *machinery*, not human teeps. 
This is machinery that is so common, B5 has some, locked away in a
cupboard somewhere.

This seems very advanced for *Earth*.

How long have the humans had this technology?


Subj:  Garibaldi's arm              Section: Babylon 5: General
  To:  Chas T Freund,               Sunday, December 03, 1995 12:52:13 AM
From:  J. Michael Straczynski       #409389

      Weird thing is that Claudia broke her foot in an episode where I
mentioned her foot (the same one, btw), and Jerry broke his arm in the
same episode where I have someone say to him, "What, you've got a broken
arm or something?"  Very, very weird...I've been asked *not* to make any
further reference to body parts of our various cast members, and I'm
*definitely* not having anything bad happen to any guest cast named


Subj:  Garibaldi's arm              Section: Babylon 5: General
  To:  J. Michael Straczynski       Sunday, December 03, 1995 3:24:14 AM
From:  Dimitri M LaBarge            #409429

With these concerns in mind, I request that you please avoid the line, "I
need that like a hole in the head." I prefer my B5 actors vaguely intact.

Thank you.


P.S. "Gethsemane" was beyond superlatives. Thank you again. 

Subj:  <Gethsemane questions>       Section: Babylon 5: Upcoming
  To:  Larry Rosenblum              Sunday, December 03, 1995 1:13:03 AM
From:  J. Michael Straczynski       #409395

      They were in a pretty distant part of DownBelow, and in B5 you don't
have trains or cars; there's just the transport tubes, and the central
core shuttle.  Even if they gave a damn about what happens to lurkers in
DownBelow (and they generally don't), it would still take at least 5-10
minutes to get a trauma team down there, and he was dead within about 3. 
(I was once mugged half a mile from a police station and a mile from a
hospital; took 'em 30 minutes to get there.)

     Sheridan and Theo didn't *discover* that Edward was using the
computer; Theo was concerned that he was looking into it in general.  And
if they had blocked the computer in his quarters, he would have been able
to access one somewhere else.  They didn't know he'd actually done it
until after the fact.


Subj:  <Gethsemane questions>       Section: Babylon 5: Upcoming
  To:  J. Michael Straczynski       Sunday, December 03, 1995 11:35:04 AM
From:  Randall A. Schanze           #409546

Just saw Gethsemane and I was blown away.  To say any more about the 
episode itself would probably annoy you, and it would certainly diminish
the afterglow for me, but I just wanted you to know that I respect you.

I respect you because I've followed your threads here on Religion for the
past 2 years, and I know that you, personaly, are an athiest, but I also
know that your repsect the beliefs of others, even if you yourself don't
buy 'em, and that you take other's beliefs seriously, even if they make no
sense to you. I also respect you because you ARE tackling the taboo
subject of religion with deapth and insight that does credit to you and to
anyone who watches.  Finaly, I respect you because, based on what I've
read here, you've made informed choices about theology and not simply
rejected the whole thing out of hand like so many athiests do. 

Just thought you should know that even though I am a Christian, I
appreciate what you're doing, and I respect you and your beliefs. Thanks
a lot for bringing back a little dignity on television to my own beliefs!

Thank You!

Admiral Randy
JMS is the Coolest Athiest I Know Of

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