JMS conference on compuserve: full logged text

b5jms-owner at b5jms-owner at
Sun Dec 3 07:30:45 EST 1995

Subject: JMS conference on compuserve: full logged text
*  1: Dec  3, 1995: kilgalen at (Green Meddler)


From: kilgalen at (Green Meddler)
Lines: 1158

hello all! I'm the Green Meddler, whose been posting JMS compuserve posts over
the last year or so. I've been away for a month due to a massive increase in
my personal workload, but now i'm back, sort of.

below is the full conference text of jms just finished conference on
compuserve.  quite interesting, and i hope you enjoy it.

also, starting today, and presumably for the rest of the series, a
friend of mine, deanna miller, is now obtaining, formatting, and
posting the JMS posts from compuserve to internet groups. i will mail
them to this group's moderators, and will automatically post them on
the main ng each day, via her.

sorry about my absence, and i hope someone took over the slack while i was



********** 12/2/95 2:52 PM  Forum CO
R 3  : Ruth Ballam          | Trev: are you using WinCIM or macCIM ?
       SysOp Adrienne Chaf  | Trevor> if you're using WinCim, click on 
                            | Special, Preferences, Forums, More.
                            | set to Record Conference
       Trevor Hart          | Ruth,WinCim
       Ruth Ballam          | Chaos is my LIFE ! :-)
       Neil Blevins         | perfect
       David Gosha          | how do you set wincim to record?
       Asha                 |  Hi everyone!
       Nathan Wallace       | do you have to exit and reenter the 
                            | conference to 
       TPAW                 | How do you know it is set.
       SysOp Dupa           | Yo!
       Neil Blevins         | hello asha
       Nathan Wallace       | start recording?
       Marty                | Hi Asha
       Asha                 | :)
       SysOp Adrienne Chaf  | David> click on Special, Preferences, Forums, 
                            | More. Set Record Room.
       Ruth Ballam          | Does the second number indicate how many 
                            | people are here ?
       SysOp Adrienne Chaf  | Hiya Dupa!
       Billl Lee            | We (my wife & I) love your show, but WHERE 
                            | did you find the 
                            | uniforms that you use.? It looks like 
                            | something from WWII.   When 
                            | we first started watching the show (a few 
                            | years ago) the uniforms  
                            | kind of put us off a little, and we have had 
                            | the same reaction from 
                            | people that we have reccommendedthe show to.
       Ruth Ballam          | Like Asha is 65 ?
       TPAW                 | How do you know it is set?
       Julia                | Hi Dri.
       Louise B             | Hello/GO HOME:MAIL
       Phil Herscher        | hi Dupa!
       Asha                 | Ruth:Looks like there are over 66 people, 
                            | where's Joe?
       Simon Bagshaw        | In my version, there doesnt seem to be a 
                            | record option 
                            | after the more bit
       SysOp Dupa           | Hi, Phil
       Neil Blevins         | he will come.....
       Ruth Ballam          | Hidding I should think :-)
       Brett Sherris        | SYSOP - What is the name of the recorded file?
       Asha                 | (giggle)
       Mike Willmoth        | If you open it...
       SysOp Adrienne Chaf  | 95 users and counting...
       SysOp Dupa           | Where's Kosh?
       Mike Willmoth        | Hi, Dri!
       Louise B             | hHello everyone
       Julia                | Hi Phil. Made it!
       Neil Blevins         | woooo!!
       SysOp Adrienne Chaf  | Brett> CHANNEL.LOG
       Trev                 | Is JMS here or is he using a different name?
       Bill Downs           | Hi, this a free-for-all thing, or 
                            | listen-only, once JMS gets here
       SysOp Adrienne Chaf  | hiya Mike!
                            | <waving>
       Asha                 | (tinkle tinkle) He has always been here 
                            | (chime ding)
       Ruth Ballam          | Ahhh ! it's all moving too fast
       SysOp Dupa           | Bill - Yes <g>

********** 12/2/95 2:59 PM  Forum CO
       *SYSTEM*             | Switching to Babylon 5 Conference with J. 
                            | Michael Straczynski
       SysOp Lee W          | % Room is moderated
                            | % Your moderator is [76044,502] SysOp Lee W
                            | % The floor is now CLOSED
                            | % Moderator recognizes [76170,1037] Sysop 
                            | Mike Willmoth
       jms                  | Good afternoon one and all.
       SysOp Lee W          | % Moderator recognizes [76711,2643] SysOp 
                            | Adrienne Chafee
       Sysop Mike Willmoth  | Welcome, Joe!
       SysOp Adrienne Chaf  | Welcome, Joe!
       SysOp Lee W          | Welcome to the Babylon 5 conference, 
                            | featuring J. Michael
                            | Straczynski, creator of the popular 
                            | syndicated show
                            | "Babylon 5".  This conference is hosted by 
                            | the Science
       jms                  | Good to be here.  Good to be anywhere.  Heck, 
                            | just good to be had.
       SysOp Lee W          | Fiction & Fantasy Media 1 Forum (GO SFMEDONE).
                            | This is a moderated conference, so questions 
                            | will be taken
                            | into the question queue and selected by the 
                            | moderator.
                            | In ASCII, enter "/Question" to enter a 
                            | question into the queue.
                            | in WINCIM, click the "Ask ?" box.
       jms                  | Good to be.
                            | (my standards are dropping fast)
       SysOp Lee W          | Alright Joe, I'm going to start the questions 
                            | flowing unless you have anything you'd like 
                            | to say first.
       jms                  | Never eat anything bigger than your head.  
                            | And a fool and his money were
                            | lucky to get together in the first place.  
                            | That's all the wisdom I have.
       SysOp Lee W          | OK, I'l start with the questions waiting in 
                            | the queue.
       Question:            | From DJB:
       Richard D. Bardini   | Will Sinclair be back and will M O'Hare still 
                            | play him?

       jms                  | (I'd ask people not to SENd me messsages here 
                            | privately; I've got a lot of 
       SysOp Lee W          | % Moderator recognizes [103237,2771] Richard 
                            | D. Bardini
       jms                  | them on my screen now; ask publicly if you 
                            | can, please.)
                            | Lee, is the question from Richard on my 
                            | screen in public view to be answered
       SysOp Lee W          | Since this is a moderated conference, I will 
                            | be processing questions through the message 
                            | queue
                            | Yes, the one from Richard is the first one.
                            | Joe is on using ASCII, I believe, so please 
                            | don't send him any private messages.
       jms                  | Okay...the answer is yes, Sinclair will 
                            | return, in a two parter that will
                            | be produced as 16/17 this season, and he will 
                            | be played by Michael O'Hare.
                            | He will be returning to B5 as Head of the 
                            | Rangers on a mission involving
                            | Babylon 4.  And that's all I can say for now. 
                            |  ga
       Question:            | From NEWARK, NJ:
       Mitchell A.Kaplan    | I understand that the plots have all been 
                            | essentially written, what about the change to 
                            | Sheriden, was that anticipated at the 
                            | beginning of the series
       SysOp Lee W          | % Moderator no longer recognizes 
                            | [103237,2771] Richard D. Bardini
       jms                  | There seems to be this notion in SF TV that 
                            | you can't change characters
                            | once you're into it.  This worked best for 
                            | the story.  Characters have
                            | to be free to grow and change and be 
                            | replaced, if necessary.  That adds
                            | a certain level of jeapordy.
                            | To answer now more specifically....
                            | The change wasn't specified *in* the outline, 
                            | but came *out* of the outline
                            | (any writers in the audience know that an 
                            | outline rarely survives contact
                            | with the finished product, the script or the 
                            | novel....
       Question:            | From SEATTLE, WA:
       Adam D               | I wondered what is going on with peripheral 
                            | merchandising for the show?  Will there be 
                            | other CDs, games, etc.?
       jms                  | What I found in year two was that Sinclair 
                            | was left off on his own a lot,
                            | holding everyone else's bags, because his 
                            | ties were all to the Minbari,
                            | and I needed someone with a personal tie to 
                            | the Shadows.  That was
                            | Sheridan.  To give that to Sinclair would be 
                            | stretching credulity to the
                            | breaking point, I thought.  (Not finished 
                            | here yet.)
       Question:            | From LUBBOCK, TX:
       JamesC               | Which science fiction authors have influenced 
                            | you the most? Who are your favorites?
       jms                  | So by moving him off the chessboard, and 
                            | bringing in Sheridan, I was able
                            | to do more with the storyline, and faster.  
                            | Life is change.  People complain
                            | when Riker doesn't change position for 7 
                            | years, well, characters change 
                            | here.
                            | Now, to the merchandising question....
                            | There will be a few other things here and 
                            | there, I'm mainly dragging my
                            | feet on merchandising, 'cause I've seen 
                            | situations where the tail begins
                            | wagging the dog.  We'll do a few things, the 
                            | screensaver, the books, the
                            | comic will return for 12 more issues....
                            | We're looking to do a cdrom of the show, and 
                            | some other items of interest
                            | to collectors, some of which we hope to do 
                            | through the B5 fan club, which
                            | will entail products made by the same people 
                            | who make our props, so they
                            | will be 100% identical and authentic to 
                            | what's in the show.  But....
       SysOp Lee W          | % Moderator recognizes [70040,104] SysOp Dupa
       jms                  | I really, really don't want this to become a 
                            | franchise, a cash cow; I'm
                            | here to tell a story.   Now, to what writers 
                            | influenced me...
                            | I'd say: Bradbury, Corwin, Serling, Ellison, 
                            | Lovecraft, Dunsany, 
                            | Bloch, Eric Frank Russel, Tolkein...oh heck, 
                            | just forgot the name of the
                            | woman who wrote The Haunting of Hill 
                            | House....those are the biggies.
                            | GA
                            | Shirley Jackson.
       Question:            | From EXTERNAL NETWORK:
       Rage & Tate          | If G'Kar was involved in the last war against 
                            | the Centauri, and that was
about 100 years 
                            | ago, how *old* is G'Kar?

       jms                  | The war wasn't 100 years ago; the Centauri 
                            | were *there* for 100 years.  
                            | The resistance finally kicked the Centauri 
                            | off homeworld about 40 years
                            | ago.  G'Kar is about 70-80 years old, which 
                            | is young in Narn terms, given
                            | that they live to about 200 in many cases.
                            | ga
       Question:            | From EAJ:
       Mark V. Urda         | Will we ever get tp see the Vorlon Homeworld?
       jms                  | But of course.
                            | This season you'll see Minbar, up close and 
                            | personal.  The Vorlons will be
       Question:            | From RICHMOND, VA:
       Mark Pruett          | You've said before that you built "trap 
                            | doors" into the story for all the characters. 
                            | The Talia Winters/Sleeper Agent sub-plot 
                            | seems like it could have been used as a 
                            | generic "trap door" for any of the 
                            | characters.  Any connection?

       jms                  | a bit later.
       Question:            | From BILLERICA, MA:
       Jim Marshall         | Was the exit of the Talia character planned?  
                            | It seemed you where building her up into an 
                            | important person (her gift from Ironheart 
                            | ect..).
       jms                  | No, I don't think the trap door there really 
                            | would've worked as well; the
                            | whole operation was tightly Psi Corps, and we 
                            | established in the comic that
                            | she was seen on Mars in a processing center 
                            | of some, that one
                            | was set really for her.
                            | Quite correct, I was setting her up that way. 
                            |  Why, does everything that's
       Question:            | From BERLIN:
       Magelone             | Will we see Dwight Schultz again?
       jms                  | set up have to actually work out?  We have 
                            | great hopes during any war that 
                            | this thing or that thing will work, but often 
                            | they don't.  We're used to
                            | the TV convention that everything our heroes 
                            | plan will work.  Here, that
                            | ain't always the case.  I wanted to knock the 
                            | pins out of people a little.
                            | No immediate plans for Dwight, but if I come 
                            | up with a good story for him,
                            | I'd love to do it.
                            | ga
       Question:            | From SANTA CLARA, CA:
       Larry Rosenblum      | Joe, recently you said that a twist in the 
                            | story later this season "surprised you".  How 
                            | did that happen?  Who is in charge here?
       jms                  | Kosh.
                            | I dunno, it's just something that happens 
                            | with writers....
                            | you're going along at a reasonable pace, 
                            | everyone's doing what they're
                            | expected to do, then suddenly one of them 
                            | sits up and says HEY! LOOK
                            | HERE, BUSTER, and you have to fall in line, 
                            | because they're LIVING there,
                            | you're just writing about it.....
                            | which is why I've always built room into the 
                            | outline for variations and
                            | changes, so it's fluid and can adapt.  
                            | Suffice to say it startled the 
                            | hell outta me and everyone else I've shown 
                            | the script to.
                            | ga
       Question:            | From EXTERNAL NETWORK:
       Gimli t. Dwarf       | How much of the history did you plan? Further 
                            | than the Minbari war? Back to our time?
       jms                  | I've got a rough timeline that extends back 
                            | to the year 2000, but as far as
                            | a detailed history, it's for the 20-30 years 
                            | prior to 2256, and the 20 years
                            | after the events chronicled in B5.  The 
                            | Minbari war is pretty detailed,
                            | the story of the last few shadow 
                            | wars...that's pretty thorough. 
                            | ga
       Question:            | From COMPUSERVE REROUTED:
       JohnE Johnson        | What is Harlan's involvement?
       jms                  | Whatever Harlan wants.  He is free to wander 
                            | into any department he so
                            | desires and make suggestions.  He suggested 
                            | the Ombuds, he added to the
                            | first season narration, did the voice over at 
                            | the credits for year two
                            | (most of it), and has a big voice-over part 
                            | in an upcoming episode called
                            | "Ceremonies of Light and Dark."
                            | ga
       Question:            | From LONDON:
       Ian Plowman          | JMS: Recent stories have been appearing on 
                            | the internet about Stephen Furst leaving B5, 
                            | can you clarify this.
       Question:            | From SAN MARCOS, CA:
       Douglas S            | Will we be seeing Steven Furst (Vir) as 
                            | seldom as we now see Michael 
                            | O'Hare

       jms                  | Stephen got a lead in "Misery Loves Company," 
                            | so we freed up his schedule
                            | (which we didn't have to do, we had first 
                            | call on his services) to give him
                            | a chance to be a lead in a series; he did 
                            | that, and the series went away;
                            | he just did a 2-part Chicago Hope, he is NOT 
                            | joining that show; the piece
                            | in TV Guide is poorly worded.  We've used 
                            | Stephen in...
                            | about 5-6 episodes so far this season, and 
                            | he's got a *huge* role in an
                            | upcoming script which we begin shooting next 
                            | week, "Sic Transit Vir."
                            | ga
       Question:            | From NEWPORT BEACH, CA:
       Orb                  | How many of the next block of episodes are 
                            | 'serious arc' episodes?
The last block was 
                            | light...
       jms                  | Yeah, I'd intended to end with "Voices of 
                            | Authority," which is a HUGE arc
                            | episode this week, but the EFX weren't ready 
                            | yet (huge requirements), so we
                            | put "Passing" in its place.  Of the next 
                            | batch, we've got....
                            | "Voices" (big), "Exogenesis" (stand alone, 
                            | mainly, some threads); "Dust to
                            | Dust" (an arc episode disguised as a non-arc 
                            | episode), then three of the
                            | biggest arc shows of the series to date, 
                            | which change the whole show: 
                            | "Messages From Earth," "Point of No Return," 
                            | then "Severed Dreams."
                            | ga
       Question:            | From CALGARY, AB:
       Jason Montgomery     | Does the change in the B5 opening music for 
                            | this year supposed to give us a feeling of 
                            | impending doom?  We know that the standard B5 
                            | theme has been replaced with the music from 
                            | the Battle of the Line, so does this mean 
                            | anything?
       jms                  | It's certainly intended to give a more 
                            | serious, threatening, but heroic
                            | mood, yes.  Things are getting Just A Little 
                            | Nuts this year in the
                            | storyline, and that particular music is 
                            | emblematic of sacrifice, struggle
                            | and change.
                            | ga
       Question:            | From REDFORD, MI:
       Walter G. Tarrow     | How does Delenn know she's a/the Chosen One?
       jms                  | She knows the full prophecy.  She has looked 
                            | around at the world, at how
                            | the prophecy seems to be coming true around 
                            | her, and if this person in the
                            | center of it all is a Chosen One, and she is 
                            | that person, then quid pro quo,
                            | she is a Chosen One.  Others, natch, don't 
                            | believe her.  Never do.
                            | ga
       Question:            | From BOISE, ID:
       Randy L.             | Lando seems to have gotten himself in DEEP 
                            | doo-doo. Will he ever be able to get his 
                            | reputation back, or will he eventually be 
                            | written out of the series?
       jms                  | No, Londo is planned to be present in the B5 
                            | storyline for the full five
                            | years, so he won't be written out.  Will he 
                            | get his reputation back?  Hmmm.
                            | Depends on how you define "reputation."  Can 
                            | he be redeemed?  It's possible,
                            | but the deeper he goes, the greater the price 
                            | that will have to be paid for
                            | redemption.
                            | ga
       Question:            | From ST. LOUIS, MO:
       Joe M.               | Is there any significance to the naming of 
                            | Earth Force ships after characters in Greek 
                            | tragedies?
       jms                  | Here and there, yes.  I like playing games 
                            | with ship names, giving subtle
                            | little undercurrents and hints to those hip 
                            | enough to pick up on them; we
                            | have a character who causes trouble in 
                            | "Voices" leaving on the transport
                            | Loki...god of mischief...but yes, there's 
                            | often significance there, to
                            | varying degrees. 
                            | ga (give me 2 mins to go grab a pepsi real 
                            | fast...zoom)
       SysOp Lee W          | OK, while joe is getting his Pepsi....
       jms                  | ok, back, ga
       SysOp Dupa           | <Hey! No Product Placement in B5!>
       SysOp Adrienne Chaf  | <grin>
       Sysop Mike Willmoth  | <chickle>
                            | <chuckle>
       SysOp Lee W          | We've got quite a few messages in the queue.  
                            | I'll try to get through most of them and then 
                            | open it for some more.
       jms                  | back
       SysOp Lee W          | OK, One quick one from me, what is the status 
                            | on the fan club?
       jms                  | We've been fighting WB to get it approved for 
                            | almost *two years* 'cause
                            | they felt there wouldn't be any interest.  
                            | (Sound effect: gun to own head
                            | going BANG)  We *finally* got the final 
                            | paperwork in this week, so we hope
                            | to have this finalized in the next week or so.
                            | ga
       Question:            | From INDIANAPOLIS, IN:
       Lee A. Phebus        | I truely enjoy the series, particularly the 
                            | discrete references to the old "Prisoner" 
                            | seeing you!    Are these your 
                            | you understand the implications?
       SysOp Adrienne Chaf  | Great news!
       jms                  | I've only done a couple, actually; others 
                            | have interpreted a few things
                            | that aren't nods.  But yes, I did a couple of 
                            | them, including "be seeing
                            | you," as a fan of that show, and to again add 
                            | an undercurrent of
                            | understanding to those who Get It.
                            | ga
       Question:            | From PHOENIX, AZ:
       Sysop Mike Willmoth  | Joe, what hardware and software do you use to 
                            | access the online services and the net?  With 
                            | the new technology you use on the show, I was 
                            | curious what you use yourself.  Thanx.

       jms                  | I'm an old timer around here; I've been 
                            | online, first with CIS, since
                            | about 1984.  You get into habits.  So I use 
                            | Smartcom for most stuff, like
                            | GEnie and a few others, Smartcom alternating 
                            | with Tapcis here for CIS, and
                            | natch the supplied software for AOL.  
                            | ga
       Question:            | From EXTERNAL NETWORK:
       Julia                | 
Joe: Is Theo really as complicated as he's 
                            | beginning to appear? One minute he is a 
                            | fairly patient holy man and then he seems 
                            | somewhat creepy. Or am I mistaking his 
                            | beliefs for something else?
       jms                  | Oh, hardware is a Courier v.Everything.
                            | I don't think there's anything creepy in 
                            | Theo, he is very sincere in his
                            | beliefs.  The "seems" is subjective; 
                            | certainly isn't intended.
                            | ga
                            | (We've gotta have ONE certifiable good guy in 
                            | the mix.)
       Question:            | From ROCHELLE PARK, NJ:
       Mara K. Malovany     | Do you have anymore light-bulb jokes or other 
                            | B5 humor you can share with us?
       jms                  | god i hope not
                            | ga
       Question:            | From CSK:
       Herb/Carol Mattord   | I have the mass market Franke CD and enjoy it 
                            | very much.  Will there be later versions 
                            | released to incorporate new music from after 
                            | the second season?
       jms                  | (the other B5 humor is unrepeatable)  
                            | To the second question, I've spoken to Chris, 
                            | and he'd love to do another
                            | CD.  We'll have to see.  (And hi, Mara, just 
                            | saw it was you.)
                            | ga
       Question:            | From EXTERNAL NETWORK:
       Catherine Jones      | Did you get an increased budget for B5's 
                            | third season, and if so, how did you choose 
                            | to spend the extra money?

       jms                  | We got about a 3% increase in our budget, 
                            | which was swiftly consumed by
                            | improvements in sets, costumes, standard 
                            | actor/crew salary increases.
       Question:            | From LONDON:
       Karl Antle           | What was your inspiration to create Babylon 5?
       jms                  | We're a lean operation.
                            | ga
                            | Define inspiration.
       SysOp Lee W          | I'll need to recognize Karl for that, hold 
                            | on. Here's another question while I do that.
       Question:            | From FRANKFURT:
       Convention           | I want to know, if technical information abot 
                            | Bab5 will be available in Germany
I also 
                            | want to know if the will be a roleplaying 
                            | game abot Bab5
I've read there will be Bab 5 
                            | after the first 5 seasons
is this true?
       SysOp Lee W          | % Moderator recognizes [75377,724] Karl Antle
       Karl Antle           | Where did you come up with the idea for Bab5?
       jms                  | If by tech info you mean a technical manual, 
                            | no, nothing's planned for now
                            | in the US or overseas.  There are discussions 
                            | about an RPG, but so far
                            | nothing's concluded that I know of.  Doug 
                            | would love to do a side story or
                            | spinoff after the 5 years of B5, which has 
                            | always been available, but I 
                            | doubt if it'd happen.
                            | Karl: it ain't an easy answer.  It came from 
                            | knowing history, and modeling
                            | this after ancient Babylon; from wanting to 
                            | do a Saga for TV; from feeling
                            | that so many TV SF shows are out of control 
                            | financially; from wanting to do
                            | an SF show that would respect the 
                            | intelligence of fans....
                            | I knew that the best series set up places 
                            | where the stories come to you,
                            | in a police station or a hospital or a law 
                            | office, and decided in an SF
                            | environment a space station would work well 
                            | for that...added the backdrop
                            | of myth and archetype, constructed a Hero's 
                            | Journey, and took it from 
                            | there.
                            | ga
       Question:            | From HOUSTON, TX:
       Kadota               | It seems that Sheridan and Delenn are on 
                            | their way to some sort of romantic 
                            | entanglements.  Is that part of why Delenn 
                            | became more human?
       SysOp Lee W          | % Moderator no longer recognizes [75377,724] 
                            | Karl Antle
       jms                  | That's about 50% of the reason.  The other 
                            | reason will be revealed later
                            | this season.  
                            | ga
       Question:            | From SACRAMENTO, CA:
       STEVE MARQUIS        | What exactly happened to the Shawdow ship 
                            | chasing the White Star when the jump gate 
                            | blew in "Matters of Honor"?
       jms                  | Blowed up real good.'
                            | ga
       Question:            | From BIRMINGHAM:
       Andrew Lunt          | What are your thoughts on making Babylon 5 
                            | movies should the TV stations kill the show 
                            | before the end of its natural life?
       jms                  | I can't even allow the thought that we won't 
                            | get the full 5 years without
                            | my head exploding...this series has been an 
                            | act of sheer will.  The only way
                            | it will get finished is if I decide it 
                            | *will*, the question is
                            | one I really can't consider.  (Doug also 
                            | wants to do a movie...but then Doug
                            | wants to conquer Latvia, so go figure.)
                            | ga
       Question:            | From SEATTLE, WA:
       Randy Petersen       | Would you like to comment on your resignation 
                            | from the rastb5 Usenet newsgroup, and on what 
                            | conditions would need to be met to allow you 
                            | to return to an active role on Usenet?
       jms                  | There is, in my mind, a difference between 
                            | critical, negative opinions,
                            | which are fine, and outright personal 
                            | attacks, defamation of character,
                            | libel, fraud, deception, and outright lies.  
                            | I exposed myself to that for
                            | a year and a half, thanks to a few disturbed, 
                            | dysfunctional individuals,
                            | and finally couldn't stand it any longer.  If 
                            | there....
                            | were a moderated newsgroup that allowed for 
                            | free discussion but prevented
                            | the psychopathic abuse of others, the net 
                            | stalking we've seen in usenet,
                            | the personal attacks and villification, then 
                            | I'd be there in a hot minute. 
                            | But for now, with the rules of the group as 
                            | they currently stand...
                            | If these individuals are there, I won't be 
                            | there.  I refuse to tolerate
                            | that kind of behavior any longer, and there's 
                            | no reason on earth why I
                            | should, or why the group itself should 
                            | tolerate being taken hostage by a
                            | disturbed few individuals and having the 
                            | place become toxic.  That, for me,
                            | is the bottom line.  
                            | ga
       SysOp Lee W          | Spoiler Warning on this next question!
       Question:            | From SEATTLE, WA:
       Charles Keith-Stanl  | What *were* Kosh and Lyta doing at the tag to 
                            | PtG?

       jms                  | Good question.
                            | ga
       Question:            | From PORTLAND, OR:
       Phoenix Polymorph    | How much of the story are you writing, and 
                            | how much is writing itself?

       SysOp Dupa           | <I hate it when he does that>
       Sysop Mike Willmoth  | <good>
       jms                  | Well, I'm writing it in one way or another, 
                            | there's nobody else behind the
                            | keyboard...but in terms of the story taking 
                            | control of itself, I'd say it's
                            | about 70% to 80% what I'd planned starting 
                            | back in 1986/7, and the rest is
                            | coming out of the story as you actually write 
                            | it, and the characters begin
                            | talking back to you....
                            | Writing is a *living* process, once you get 
                            | into the work, it ALWAYS
                            | surprises you; if it doesn't, you're not 
                            | doing your job right.  You can't
                            | ever predict everything that happens.  A 
                            | general can plan his strategy to
                            | the nth detail, but that strategy rarely 
                            | survives contact with the enemy.  
                            | Same here.
                            | ga
       Question:            | From PRINCETON, NJ:
       Kevin F              | Joe, first let me congratulate you on the 
                            | best show on TV! My question - How much of 
                            | the plot arc do you let the actors in on? 
       jms                  | Only as much as is required for a scene.  We 
                            | shot the year 1 cliffhanger
                            | 1/2way through year 1; to make it make sense, 
                            | I had to explain what had
                            | happened in between (in scripts not yet 
                            | written), and what was going to
                            | happen down the road several years for 
                            | "Coming of Shadows."  Most of them
                            | really don't want to know the details...
                            | because then they end up playing the *result* 
                            | rather than the *process*.
                            | ga
       SysOp Lee W          | Couple of related questions here....
       Question:            | From DUBLIN:
       Jim Kirk             | How much of an influence was Tolkien in the 
                            | germination of the B5 story?
       Question:            | From GRAND RAPIDS, MI:
       Anne and Scott Cald  | Is Babylon 5 supposed to be a parallel world 
                            | to Tolkien's Lord of the Rings?
       jms                  | None, really, except that it was one of many 
                            | sagas that I loved.  There is
                            | no 1-1 corrolation.  No.  Why should I want 
                            | to do that, instead of telling
                            | my own story?  He and I used the same tools 
                            | in our writing; archetypes and
                            | mythic structure, and the hero's journey, so 
                            | some tools are reflected, as in
                            | sagas going back to the Illiad and the 
                            | Odyssey and Sir Gawain....
                            | and Camelot and endless other mythic stories. 
                            |  You're mistaking *tools* for
                            | *story*, two different things.  I constantly 
                            | get mail from people saying, '
                            | "Oh, you're doing WW II, or you're doing 
                            | ancient Babylon, or you're doing
                            | Kennedy, or Camelot,"  and they're all sure 
                            | they're correct, and they all
                            | find evidence...but they can't be all 
                            | correct, and they're not....
                            | you tend to see whichever Big Mythic Story 
                            | you're most familiar with.  
                            | And that's the extent of it.
                            | ga
       Question:            | From COMPUSERVE REROUTED:
       JohnE Johnson        | Are all those fantastic outside shots still 
                            | produced on personal computers?
       jms                  | On Dos machines now, yes.
                            | ga
       Question:            | From HARTFORD, CT:
       Dawn M. Swingle      | Will there be more B5 magazines, Quarterly or 
                            | otherwise?
       jms                  | We hope so, haven't heard a final 
                            | determination that.
                            | ga
                            | (btw, dupa, how long is this scheduled for, 
                            | just curious.)
       SysOp Dupa           | JMS - ask Lee
       Question:            | From BILLERICA, MA:
       Jim Marshall         | In the opening of the show you show several 
                            | scenes, most of which are from season 2, a 
                            | couple from season 3, and one that I can't 
                            | place.  It shows a starfury blowinf away 
                            | another starfury.  When will this happen?
       jms                  | Sooner than you might expect.
                            | ga
       SysOp Lee W          | Joe, however long you want to go.  If needed, 
                            | I can compile the remaining questions and 
                            | have you answer them at your leisure.
       jms                  | is 3:30 (my time) a reasonable end point?  
                            | don't want to leave folks hanging if can be 
                            | avoided
       SysOp Lee W          | That should work.
       jms                  | ok....NEXT?
       Question:            | From BIRMINGHAM:
       Simon Bagshaw        | I read somewhere that Londo will later be 
                            | redeamed in his own private arc. Will Morden 
                            | have his own happy ending/redemption?
       jms                  | Not if I have anything to say about it.  (And 
                            | I do.)  The character deserves
                            | what's coming to him.
                            | ga
       Question:            | From REDFORD, MI:
       Jerry G. Anning      | What do you plan to do after the B5 story 
                            | runs its course?  Continue it?  Independent 
                            | material in the same world?  Unrelated SF?  
                            | Something completely different?
       jms                  | If B5 runs its full 5 years, barring a 
                            | side-story/spinoff (highly unlikely),
                            | the plan is to retire from TV and go back to 
                            | writing novels and plays.  
                            | Maybe move to England and teach on the side.
                            | ga
       Question:            | From FAIRFAX, VA:
       Mike DeSisto         | Will we ever have a chance to see the pilot 
                            | show again? 
       jms                  | In the fullness of time, yes.  I'm sure it'll 
                            | end up in the TNG syndie
                            | package with the rest of the series beginning 
                            | in 1998.
                            | ga
       Question:            | From SALT LAKE CITY, UT:
       Preston Anderson     | I missed the entire first season and haven't 
                            | seen a single episode.  I was in the Orient. 
                            | Is there anywhere to get copies of the 
                            | episodes. 
       jms                  | ER, TNT, not TNG.  (urk)
                            | Not currently, no; WB doesn't think anyone 
                            | wants to buy them, so we're
                            | investigating the possibility of doing it 
                            | ourselves.
                            | ga
       Question:            | From DJA:
       Mark P.              | You referred to a "throw away" statement 
                            | about "souls" in the beginning of year three. 
                            |  Was the statement by Lennier regarding Valen 
                            | being Minbari but not being born of Minbari 
                            | this statement?
       jms                  | Who can say?
                            | ga
       Question:            | From HONOLULU, HI:
       Ambard               | Will the spiritual significance of the Vorlon 
                            | to the religions of the universe be explored 
                            | more?
       jms                  | Most definitely. 
                            | ga
       Question:            | From JERICHO, NY:
       Brett Sherris        | You state that you've had a hard time getting 
                            | WB to approve the fan club.  How come WB is 
                            | so unaware of the shows popularity?
       jms                  | Studio execs often come from different, 
                            | non-mammalian evolutionary chains;
                            | I think squid rather than fish came onto land 
                            | and evolved, mutated, and
                            | began running networks and studios and have 
                            | kept this fact from us.  I 
                            | dunno, Brett, I wish I had a clue.  I've 
                            | considered shipping 'em all off to
                            | Lourdes to see if it'd help.
                            | ga
       Question:            | From AUSTIN, TX:
       Drew Stephens        | When will we be seeing Kosh out of his "suit" 
                            | again?

       jms                  | Very very definitely.  And maybe other 
                            | vorlons....
                            | ga
       Question:            | From BRISTOL:
       Trev                 | JMS, will we see the creature/ship from Mind 
                            | War, at Sigma 957 ever again. Is it one of 
                            | the 'first'? 
       jms                  | You will see this ship again, yes, and soon.
                            | ga
       Question:            | From RICHMOND, VA:
       Mark Pruett          | You've said that around mid-third-season, a 
                            | lot of what we know about the current 
                            | characters and situations gets turned on its 
                            | head.  Could you give us a bit more of a 
                            | hint, or point to scenes we've already seen 
                            | that may have more meaning than we 
                            | thought?

       jms                  | Hmm...well, there's a reason "Hunter/Prey" 
                            | was chosen out of the rerun 
                            | block to precede the new episodes.  So watch 
                            | it to re-acquaint yourself
                            | with some of the plot elements that are going 
                            | to resurface swiftly in the
                            | next batch of eps.  Suffice to say that we've 
                            | been setting up a lot of
                            | growing conflict between B5 and the EA, and 
                            | that sooner or later....
                            | SOMETHING has to be done about this, 
                            | something has to give, and that will
                            | happen, in a big way...and when the dust has 
                            | settled, it aint' the same
                            | show no more.
                            | ga
       Question:            | From ATLANTA, GA:
       Freedom              | Will there be more women representing other 
                            | worlds in B5? There seems to be a galaxy wide 
                            | theme that puts women in an inferior role.  
                            | Thanks for a great show.
       jms                  | Yes, and we have a female political officer 
                            | arriving in the next new
                            | episode, who's quite intersting.  I love 
                            | strong female characters like
                            | Ivanova and Lyta and Delenn and others, so 
                            | they'll continue to be there.
                            | ga
       Question:            | From EDINBURGH:
       Toni                 | All your characters are quite deep and 
                            | complex - lots of shades of grey! Do you base 
                            | your characters on people you know?
       Question:            | From MINNEAPOLIS, MN:
       Wendy Sarrett        | How much of your inspriation for the 
                            | characters is based on people you've known??? 
                            | BTW - absolutely LOVE the show!!!!!!!
       jms                  | Not really; often I slice off parts of my own 
                            | character (what there is of
                            | it) and invest it into all of my characters.  
                            | There's a lot of me in
                            | Ivanova, Delenn, G'Kar, and the others.  
                            | ga
       SysOp Lee W          | Some Kosh related questions for which we may 
                            | get Kosh-like answers.
       Question:            | From COMPUSERVE REROUTED:
       Gayle Yetter         | Can you tell us any more about Kosh's ship? 
                            | We know it's alive, but will we ever see 
                            | inside it?
       jms                  | Yes, but distantly.
                            | ga
       Question:            | From PORTLAND, OR:
       Phoenix Polymorph    | Why didn't Londo see Kosh out of his 
                            | encounter suit.....  Or *did* he....?
       jms                  | He's gone over too far to the shadows.
                            | ga
       Question:            | From EXTERNAL NETWORK:
       ED                   | Do you think REAL aliens will be a lot like 
                            | KOSH?
       jms                  | I think they'll be a lot like Andy Rooney.
                            | Especially the eyebrows.
                            | ga
       Question:            | From EXTERNAL NETWORK:
       Sarah Johnson        | Will we see Talia again or find out any more 
                            | of why Kosh had her mind probed during that 
                            | business transaction early on?
       jms                  | Yes and no.
                            | ga
                            | (and I won't tell you which parts are yes and 
                            | which no)
       Question:            | From DENVER, CO:
       Steve W.             | You probably won't answer this Joe, but I 
                            | will ask anyway! I Kosh using Lyta to travel 
                            | where he/she would not otherwise be able to?
       jms                  | An *inspired* question!
                            | Next question.
       Question:            | From ATLANTA, GA:
       Al Kuntzler [Zenith  | Have you ever had a scene which looked/felt 
                            | perfect while writing it but which just would 
                            | not work when attempting to shoot it?

       jms                  |                                      nope.
                            | ga
       Question:            | From LOMBARD, IL:
       Mark "Miles" Musant  | How did you get conned into having your 
                            | picture in the B5 card set, and how come 
                            | Bester doesn't have a card of his own?
       jms                  | WE had room for ne psi corps card, and that 
                            | one has Walter's wife Judy, so
                            | it was a good tradeoff for Judy, as a nice 
                            | thing.  Me, I just fell for the
                            | okeydoke, would've preferred a better pix of 
                            | me for the card, but that's 
                            | all WB *has* because they don't generally 
                            | think the writer/creator is very
                            | important, so who'd want pictures?
                            | ga
       Question:            | From CHEADLE:
       Si                   | When will we be seeing season 3 in the UK ?
       jms                  | Spring sometime, I hear.
                            | ga
       Question:            | From BILLERICA, MA:
       Jim Marshall         | Will the dream sequence from "All Alone int 
                            | he Night" be fully explained at some point?  
                            | If so when?
       jms                  | (Bug C4 to pay for the widescreen versions, 
                            | like Germany and France)
                            | It's been explained a bit here and there, but 
                            | yes, there will be a fuller
                            | explanation coming.
                            | ga
       Question:            | From JOHNSON CITY, TN:
       Rae & Craig          | After the 5-year run of the B5 TV show is up, 
                            | will you still allow novels and comics to be 
                            | published? Will you open them up to more 
                            | speculative sorts of fiction? 
       jms                  | I'm open to the idea, depending on what the 
                            | stories are.  I may be able to
                            | turn loose of my notes and let others do 
                            | canonical stories.
                            | ga
       Question:            | From MONTREAL, PQ:
       Neil Blevins         | Are there many Inquisitors, or just sebastien?
       jms                  | Other inquisitors, for varying needs.
                            | ga
       Question:            | From AUSTIN, TX:
       Drew Stephens        | My earlier question was misread.
My question 
                            | was WHEN will we see Kosh out of his "Suit" 
                            | again. 
By the way, love the show. It's my 
                            | fav.

       jms                  | In the next batch of new eps.
                            | ga
       Question:            | From DJB:
       Richard D. Bardini   | Any word on being picked up for season 4. Or 
                            | is it still to early to know?
       jms                  | Still too early to know.
                            | ga
                            | (but they've been encouraging to us)
       Question:            | From FRANKFURT:
       Convention           | will we see the shadows in their 'real' 
                            | form?

I have to say, that I'm really 
                            | 'addicted' to Bab5
It's a great 
                            | show!

Your answers sound sometimes like 
                            | Kosh <grin>
       jms                  | Good.
                            | My answers have always been here.
                            | ga
       Question:            | From CZO:
       Martin Shaw          | How large a role will Sinclair now take in 
                            | the story arc.. Will he still be around by 
                            | year 5 ?
       jms                  | Wait for the two-parter, then we'll talk.
                            | ga
       Question:            | From NEW ORLEANS, LA:
       William R. Francis   | With developments indicating a great war, how 
                            | long do you think the series can last? I 
                            | would like to see it be viable for a long 
                            | time, but we know it is the last of the 
                            | Babylon stations. I recall Cmdr. Sinclair in 
                            | an episode indicating future battle too.
       jms                  | The series can last 5 years.  That's all that 
                            | it's meant to last.  And
                            | that's how long it will last, if I have to 
                            | throw down heaven and hell to
                            | make it happen.
                            | ga
       Question:            | From PORTLAND, OR:
       Phoenix Polymorph    | Since you admited you put in the Prisoner 
                            | references, will we see McGoohan in the 
                            | series?
       jms                  | I'd love for that to happen, and he's up for 
                            | it, depending on the script.
                            | ga
       Question:            | From CZA:
       Phil Stracchino      | Thanks for confirming my theory about Kosh 
                            | "riding" Lyta.  Is there a connection between 
                            | the Vorlons and the energy creature which 
                            | entered Sheridan in Knives, and subsequently 
                            | left him in exactly the same way that Kosh 
                            | left Lyta to return to his suit at the tag of 
                            | PtG?
       jms                  | No, not a direct connection per se.  (And 
                            | Phil, talk to Ron about your
                            | notion re: a server.)
                            | ga
       SysOp Lee W          | Joe, any other things you want to mention 
                            | before I give you the last batch of questions?
       jms                  | Not offhand. ga
       Question:            | From SPRINGFIELD, MA:
       Kim Schneider        | Have we heard the last of Talia Winters, or 
                            | will we see her in a future episode (perhaps 
                            | complicating matters with PsyCorps)?
       jms                  | You'll certainly hear *of* her in some 
                            | surprising revelations in the next
                            | batch of episodes.
                            | ga
       Question:            | From ST. LOUIS, MO:
       Joe M.               | Will we discover the origin of the berserker 
                            | probe?
       jms                  | Probably not.
                            | ga
       Question:            | From BILLERICA, MA:
       Jim Marshall         | Is WB going tobreak up the season lioke they 
                            | have the past 2 years?  In that the last 3 or 
                            | 4 eps are held until the fall (in the US)?
       jms                  | I haven't heard a final schedule yet; I hope 
                            | not.
                            | ga
       Question:            | From EXTERNAL NETWORK:
       Rage & Tate          | Has the feedback from the various computer 
                            | networks helped you refine your
show?  Did 
                            | the public perception of various things 
                            | sometimes differ from
what you had 
                            | expected/intended?
       jms                  | Actually, the public opinion polls of 
                            | episodes has always been very close
                            | to my own perception.  And the bbs's haven't 
                            | changed or shaped the show,
                            | the story is the story, you can't do this by 
                            | committee or be swayed from
                            | your own vision, or you're betraying the show 
                            | they've come to like.
                            | ga
       Question:            | From CHEADLE:
       Arwel Parry          | Has the 2-parter been filmed yet? (So I can 
                            | ask Michael O'Hare when he's in London in 2 
                            | weeks!)
       jms                  | No, it'll be filmed after the first of the 
                            | year.
                            | ga
       Question:            | From DENVER, CO:
       Steve W.             | Are you still planning on attending Babcom 96?
       jms                  | No, not at Babcom, at the Encounter, later, 
                            | in June.
                            | ga
       Question:            | From LOMBARD, IL:
       SysOp Dupa           | Joe, how much of you is in Zathras?

       jms                  | Wasn't invited to Babcom.
                            | Self-analysis not strength.
                            | ga
       Question:            | From EAL:
       The Thing & Meeeeee  | Does anyone apart from yourself  know what is 
                            | going to happen in B5 and if not then how can 
                            | you give actors contracts if for example 
                            | their character is going to die?
       jms                  | Actors have contracts for *options* on years, 
                            | not guarantees.  Standard in
                            | Hollywood.  Only 2-3 other people know the 
                            | arc in any detail.  If they
                            | talk, I keel them.
                            | ga
       SysOp Lee W          | I'll summarize a couple of questions on the 
                            | Widescreen issue.  
                            | When will Germany, etc. have widescreen 
                            | episodes and how does that fit into the UK 
                            | getting them (as well as the US)?
       jms                  | Season 4.  They're paying, with France, part 
                            | of the money required to follow
                            | us through post-prod and re-telecine the film 
                            | stock back to its original
                            | aspect ratio.  If the UK jumps in, they can 
                            | have it as well.
                            | ga
       SysOp Lee W          | OK, I think time is up.  
       jms                  | Okay, gotta go, Harlan's waiting.
       SysOp Dupa           | <waving to Harlan>
       jms                  | My best to all the CISers who showed up; 
                            | you've been my bunch ever since
                            | 1984, and it's been great.
       SysOp Lee W          | I will attempt to capture the messages still 
                            | in the capture buffer (can one of the SYSOPs 
                            | with WINCIM do that?)
       Sysop Mike Willmoth  | Thanks again for everything, Joe!
       jms                  | take care, and watch out for shadows....
       SysOp Adrienne Chaf  | Thanks, Joe!  <applause>
       Sysop Mike Willmoth  | Lee, I have it in ASCII...
       SysOp Dupa           | Thanks, Kosh!
       Sysop Mike Willmoth  | Suits him :)
       SysOp Lee W          | Thank you Joe!
                            | OK, we will have a transcript available soon 
                            | in SFMEDONE.  I will see about getting the 
                            | unanswered
                            | questions to Joe.
       SysOp Adrienne Chaf  | Lee, will you open the floor now to general 
                            | discussion?
       SysOp Lee W          | AS always, you can log onto SFMEDONE and 
                            | leave Joe a message there.
                            | I'm about to open things up for any general 
                            | questions.  
       SysOp Dupa           | <and get a cryptic answer <g>>
       Sysop Mike Willmoth  | <plug plug>
       SysOp Lee W          | % Moderation of this conference has ended
                            | % The floor is now OPEN
       S ille o <f>         | hi
       Trev                 | Gosh
       COMALite J           | Well, this was fun!
       rickholt             | /exit
       Neil Blevins         | freedooomm aatt lastt!!!
       Randy Petersen       | ah, freedom!
       s j n                | It was wonderful
       Ruth Ballam          | Trev, Carol back in the open again :-)
       some bloke           | stimulating
       David Harris         | Does anyone know why jms left rastb5?
       SysOp Adrienne Chaf  | Good job, Lee!!
       joel                 | Missed the whole thing. when will the 
                            | transcript be available?
       Scott Perschke       | Does anyone have the lyrics to "While my 
                            | G'Kar Gently Weeps?

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