GREEN MEDDLER'S JMS on CompuServe 12/24/95

DeAnna Miller dmille12 at
Sun Dec 24 13:47:03 EST 1995

Hi Folks!

I'll be taking about a week off (between Christmas and New
Year's) and wondered if there is still anyone doing this, or
if anyone would like to pick up the slack while I'm gone. 
Should be back 1-2-96.  Thanks.  DeAnna.

Subj:  Chrysalis              Section: Babylon 5: General
  To:  Joe  Smith,   Thursday, December 21, 1995 11:23:08 PM
From:  J. Michael Straczynski       #420100

      <Quoting Joe Smith to JMS>:

      >Thanks for creating literate science fiction. 

     Thanks.  The literary aspect is what appeals to me a lot,
and creating parallels  to a lot of real-life stuff.  Basical-'s fun.


Subj:  Mo Mosely              Section: Babylon 5: General
  To:  Trent K. Johnson,      December 21, 1995 11:22:24 PM 
From:  J. Michael Straczynski       #420095

      <Quoting Trent K. Johnson to JMS>:

      >I think I recall reading that Mr. Doyle worked at one
      >of the brokerage houses that  was involved in the junk
      >bonds  <snip> Was he around during this? If so, I'd
      >wager  he has a story or two...

     Yes, Jerry was working there at the time, and I believe
ended up testifying  about what happened.


Subj:  The Encounter (UK Con) Section: Babylon 5: General
  To:  Ruth Ballam      Friday, December 22, 1995 2:57:10 AM
From:  J. Michael Straczynski       #420149

     Actually, looking at my waistline after 6 months of
nonstop writing, I think "spread" is *exactly* the right word.

       jm(who was referred to as "a bit paunchy" by a guy in
the UK group and was depressed about it for *days* afterward)s

Subj:  <Gethsemane Thought>   Section: Babylon 5: Upcoming
  To:  John M. Kahane   Friday, December 22, 1995 2:57:11 AM
From:  J. Michael Straczynski       #420150

     Yeah, perfectionism can sometimes get in the way of the
work...which is the  point where you have to learn to finally
just back off, let it go, and stop tinkering  with it.  "Art
is never completed, only abandoned."


Subj:  Looking Back and Forward   Section: Babylon 5: General
  To:  Tom Knudsen    Thursday, December 21, 1995 11:23:04 PM
From:  J. Michael Straczynski       #420098

      {Regarding "For 'SALE'"}

     Generally, one puts quote marks around something to imply
other than what  the word means.  "Yeah, an `accident,'
right."  (Usually accompanied by raising  both hands and
making quote marks with fingers.)  Hence, to say FOR "SALE" is
incorrect useage.


Subj:  The Encounter (UK Con) Section: Babylon 5: General
  To:  BRIAN COONEY     Friday, December 22, 1995 9:10:19 PM
From:  J. Michael Straczynski       #420522

      {Regarding a request for a 7' bed for JMS}

      A 7-foot bed, eh?  Good, that's just long enough for me
and a cat foot-warmer.   Does the bed come complete with cat,
or is cat considered extra in the UK?   (Eight inches should
be enough room for a cat, provided it is a medium sized  cat;
if it is a much larger cat than 8 inches across, we may have
to purchase a  cat-mallet.)


Subj:  The Encounter (UK Con) Section: Babylon 5: General
  To:  Anne L. Warner   Saturday, December 23, 1995 6:09:20 PM
From:  J. Michael Straczynski       #420811

      An 18 pound kitty is no longer a kitty; it is a geologi-
cal landmark.


Subj:  The Encounter (UK Con) Section: Babylon 5: General
  To:  Philip Hornsey   Friday, December 22, 1995 9:10:21 PM
From:  J. Michael Straczynski       #420524

      {regarding final title for this season}

     Point of No Return


Subj:  The Encounter (UK Con) Section: Babylon 5: General
  To:  Ruth Ballam      Friday, December 22, 1995 9:11:00 PM
From:  J. Michael Straczynski       #420527

     Actually, over long breaks like Christmas I generally
tend to *drop* a few  pounds.  At the stage I eat a big lunch
out back with everyone else, then make  myself a decent dinner
when I get home, and there's always the odd doughnut  lying
around at the stage catering table (Death With A Hole In The
Middle).   Whereas at home, I don't generally eat a big
breakfast, or any kind of real lunch;  just nibble a bit
throughout the day, and then make my dinner.


Subj:  Helpful Hints          Section: Babylon 5: General
  To:  Ruth Spradlin    Friday, December 22, 1995 9:11:02 PM
From:  J. Michael Straczynski       #420528

      <Quoting Ruth Spradlin to JMS>:

      >Jean Paul Vaudreuil of Thomasville, GA wrote to
      >Entertainment Weekly:
      >"Bruce Boxleitner's worried about Babylon 5's low
      >ratings?  A few helpful hints:  1.   Instead of modest
      >uniforms, squeeze Commander Ivanova into a revealing 
      >bodysuit.  2.  Replace decipherable dialogue with
      >incomprehensible technobabble.  3.  Rid characters of
      >human flaws so they'll be perfect role  models.  
      >4.  Rather than fascinate us with character evolution,
      >keep major  players static.  5.  Merchandise like
      >crazy:  Bab5 toothbrushes, boxer shorts, and  an
      >endless supply of toys.  6.  Have the aliens look like
      >humans with forehead  problems.  7.  A surefire way to
      >increase ratings?  Put Star Trek somewhere in  the

      >Maybe you should hire this guy as a consultant.  ;-)

     Boy, he really gets it, doesn't he?  Exactly correct.

     It amazes me sometimes to think that, if the words STAR
TREK were put in  front of this show, and it was *exactly* the
same show it is now, we'd get double  the ratings, added
national exposure, all the rest.  Ah, the world of 


  S       P   P  O   O     I     L        E       R   R
  SSSSS   PPPPP  O   O     I     L        EEE     RRRRR
      S   P      O   O     I     L        E       R  R


  S       P   P  O   O     I     L        E       R   R
  SSSSS   PPPPP  O   O     I     L        EEE     RRRRR
      S   P      O   O     I     L        E       R  R


Subj:  The Battle of the Line..  Section: Babylon 5: Upcoming
  To:  Alexander Shaw  Thursday, December 21, 1995 11:23:04 PM
From:  J. Michael Straczynski       #420099

      <Quoting Alexander Shaw to JMS>:

      >A major part of series 1 was based around the battle of
      >the line, and  why the Minbari suddenly surrendered..
      >Now that we are about to start season  three there are
      >still some things that have not been clarified regard-
      >ing this.. We  know (or at least think) the Religous
      >Caste of the Minbari stopped the slaughter  of Mankind
      >due to some Prophecy.. It would appear that this
      >prophecy indicated  that mankind would have some major
      >role in an upcoming struggle/war (The  Shadows I
      >Are we ever going to have this confirmed ? Are we going
      >to find out the exact  details of this prophecy ?
      >Basically is the exact story of the Battle of Line
      >going to  be revealed and cleared up as I still feel
      >there are some qustions or nagging  doubts regarding

     Yep.  I expect you'll have this all clarified for you by
end of this season.


Subj:  Chrysalis              Section: Babylon 5: General
  To:  Philip Hornsey   Friday, December 22, 1995 9:10:23 PM
From:  J. Michael Straczynski       #420525

      {Regarding Corwin getting more lines and coming out of
       the background}

     Gradually, yeah; I like to take an actor who's shown a
potential for doing more,  and gradually *give* that actor
more, testing the limits.  So we do a bit more with  him as we
go along.


Subj:  From jms: info         Section: Babylon 5: General
  To:  Anita Karve  Thursday, December 21, 1995 11:23:01 PM
From:  J. Michael Straczynski       #420097

      <Quoting Anita Karve to JMS>:

      >I'm glad Lyta made another appearance on the show. If
      >you've seen some of the  recent threads, you'll know
      >we're *dying* to find out what's going on with her and 
      >the Vorlons.

     As it happens, as soon as I finish the two-parter, this
week, the next script will  get a lot more into Lyta and the
Vorlons and all that jazz.


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