JMS on CompuServe (Dec 21-22, 1995) *POSSIBLE SPOILERS*

b5jms-owner at b5jms-owner at
Sun Dec 24 12:11:00 EST 1995


From: brent.barrett at (Brent Barrett)
Lines: 656

 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WARNING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

 The following posts may contain SPOILERS for
 upcoming Babylon 5 episodes.

 Continue at your own risk.





*: 419597 S5/Babylon 5: General
    21-Dec-95  02:40:30
Sb: #418806-#Mo Mosely
Fm: Trent K. Johnson 71020,1052
To: J. Michael Straczynski 71016,1644 (X)

I think I recall reading that Mr. Doyle worked at one of the brokerage houses
that was involved in the junk bonds/RJR Nabisco fiasco (book and TV movie,
"Barbarians at the Gate") of the '80's.  Was he around during this? If so, I'd
wager he has a story or two...

                  ^^^^                           CD-RMES

*: 420095 S5/Babylon 5: General
    21-Dec-95  21:22:56
Sb: #419597-#Mo Mosely
Fm: J. Michael Straczynski 71016,1644
To: Trent K. Johnson 71020,1052 (X)

     Yes, Jerry was working there at the time, and I believe ended up
testifying about what happened.


*: 419679 S5/Babylon 5: General
    21-Dec-95  07:04:36
Sb: #418804-#Chrysalis
Fm: David Fox 75300,2272
To: J. Michael Straczynski 71016,1644 (X)


One thing I am confused about regarding Control. You are saying that if Laurel
had stayed on the show, she would have been Control, but by making Talia the
traitor, she filled the function that would have gone to Laurel. however Talia,
couldn't be control, according to the episode where we first learned about the
secret group back home. As I recall, in that episode, Talia got caught in the
middle, and there was a scene where the leader back home was ordering control
to kill Talia. So I assume there is tsill a Control, but we don't know who it
is yet. Furthermore, why would they have ordered Talia to be killed if they
knew she was their best chance at keeping tabs on what was going on on B5?

*: 420096 S5/Babylon 5: General
    21-Dec-95  21:22:58
Sb: #419679-#Chrysalis
Fm: J. Michael Straczynski 71016,1644
To: David Fox 75300,2272 (X)

     Because Talia could be replaced by another.  Individuals are always
expendable; best to let one mole get croaked than compromise the whole
organization and a much bigger agency or plan.  If it came to that choice,
they'd snuff Talia in a hot second.  That's the spy biz.

     Whatever may have been happening on B5 at that time in the story (Spider)
is nowhere NEAR as important as what was going on back home at that time, and
has been going on for some time.


*: 419681 S5/Babylon 5: General
    21-Dec-95  07:14:47
Sb: #418139-#From jms: info
Fm: Anita Karve 73653,3253
To: J. Michael Straczynski 71016,1644 (X)

Yes, San Francisco to Boston is quite a move, but I'm glad I made it. My
company is based in SF, but there's an office in Newton, MA, so I was able to

We're digging out from under 10 inches of snow right now, but it's not so bad.

BTW, I think it's wonderful that you take the time to chat with us and hear our
opinions. It means a lot when a television producer actually cares about fan
feedback. The networks could learn a lot from you and everyone at B5.

I'm glad Lyta made another appearance on the show. If you've seen some of the
recent threads, you'll know we're *dying* to find out what's going on with her
and the Vorlons.

Take care,


*: 420097 S5/Babylon 5: General
    21-Dec-95  21:23:01
Sb: #419681-From jms: info
Fm: J. Michael Straczynski 71016,1644
To: Anita Karve 73653,3253 (X)

     As it happens, as soon as I finish the two-parter, this week, the next
script will get a lot more into Lyta and the Vorlons and all that jazz.


*: 419810 S5/Babylon 5: General
    21-Dec-95  12:04:34
Sb: #419340-#Looking Back and Forward
Fm: Tom Knudsen 72347,1626
To: J. Michael Straczynski 71016,1644 (X)


        <Another bugaboo of mine is the use of the word "less" when what the
person means to say is "fewer."  "There are less people here today."  No,
"There are *fewer* people here today.">

        Hey, thanks.  I just learned something today.  When I first read this I
couldn't figure out what the hell you were talking about.  Looked up fewer in
the dictionary (Webster's New World).  No help.  It's not even listed under
few.  Look up less.  Hmmmm...what's this note at the end say? "USAGE- although
the use of less instead of fewer with plural nouns is very old, it is objected
to by some, esp. immediately preceding a plural noun."  That's news to me.

        <The other is when I see a sign that says FOR "SALE"...well, is it for
sale or isn't it?>

        Well, on this one, I can see what you mean but.........I tend to view
it as more like shorthand for "This item is for sale" than anything else.  From
that angle, I don't see a problem with it.  Especially since if it WASN'T for
sale, why would they bother putting up a sign?<G>  Unless I'm missing your
point entirely.


     Guardian of the Republic
     General Pain in the Butt

*: 420098 S5/Babylon 5: General
    21-Dec-95  21:23:04
Sb: #419810-#Looking Back and Forward
Fm: J. Michael Straczynski 71016,1644
To: Tom Knudsen 72347,1626 (X)

     Generally, one puts quote marks around something to imply other than what
the word means.  "Yeah, an `accident,' right."  (Usually accompanied by raising
both hands and making quote marks with fingers.)  Hence, to say FOR "SALE" is
incorrect useage.


*: 419846 S6/Babylon 5: Upcoming
    21-Dec-95  12:29:42
Sb: #The Battle of the Line..
Fm: Alexander Shaw 101234,1322
To: J. Michael Straczynski 71016,1644 (X)


        A major part of series 1 was based around the battle of the line, and
why the Minbari suddenly surrendered.. Now that we are about to start season
three there are still some things that have not been clarified regarding this..
We know (or at least think) the Religous Caste of the Minbari stopped the
slaughter of Mankind due to some Prophecy.. It would appear that this prophecy
indicated that mankind would have some major role in an upcoming struggle/war
(The Shadows I presume).

Are we ever going to have this confirmed ? Are we going to find out the exact
details of this prophecy ? Basically is the exact story of the Battle of Line
going to be revealed and cleared up as I still feel there are some qustions or
nagging doubts regarding it.


*: 420099 S6/Babylon 5: Upcoming
    21-Dec-95  21:23:05
Sb: #419846-The Battle of the Line..
Fm: J. Michael Straczynski 71016,1644
To: Alexander Shaw 101234,1322 (X)

     Yep.  I expect you'll have this all clarified for you by end of this


*: 419850 S5/Babylon 5: General
    21-Dec-95  12:41:18
Sb: #419338-#Chrysalis
Fm: Joe  Smith 103020,3110
To: J. Michael Straczynski 71016,1644 (X)

I think thats what marks B-5 and other shows such as X Files, Homicide, and Law
and Order from the run of the mill dreck normally on the air.  I care about the
characters, and when one of them falls to mishap, feel for them.  Talia's
betrayal, G'kar's tribulations, Londo--knowing that he's made a deal with the
devil--the writing, the acting, the setting all come together.  Also, if I
might remark, I see some interesting parallels here and there with "All's Quiet
on the Western Front" and other works of literature.  Thanks for creating
literate science fiction.

*: 420100 S5/Babylon 5: General
    21-Dec-95  21:23:08
Sb: #419850-Chrysalis
Fm: J. Michael Straczynski 71016,1644
To: Joe  Smith 103020,3110 (X)

     Thanks.  The literary aspect is what appeals to me a lot, and creating
parallels to a lot of real-life stuff.'s fun.


*: 419845 S5/Babylon 5: General
    21-Dec-95  12:28:11
Sb: #419771-#The Encounter (UK Con)
Fm: Ruth Ballam 100412,3457
To: Antony Jackson 100025,2004


For shame, of course you have to come every day.
With that many guests and only four days to fit them in "spread" isn't the
right word :-)


*: 420149 S5/Babylon 5: General
    22-Dec-95  00:57:10
Sb: #419845-#The Encounter (UK Con)
Fm: J. Michael Straczynski 71016,1644
To: Ruth Ballam 100412,3457 (X)

     Actually, looking at my waistline after 6 months of nonstop writing, I
think "spread" is *exactly* the right word.

       jm(who was referred to as "a bit paunchy" by a guy in the UK group
       and was depressed about it for *days* afterward)s

*: 419968 S6/Babylon 5: Upcoming
    21-Dec-95  17:32:54
Sb: #418143-#<Gethsemane Thought>
Fm: John M. Kahane 102664,773
To: J. Michael Straczynski 71016,1644 (X)

     Hullo, Joe,

< Actually, Mike Vejar is directing the two-parter, and I'm absolutely thrilled
about it; Mike's been our mainstay for some time, and he's just terrific.  (He
directed "Convictions," and "Inquisitor.")>

     I recognized the name from "Comes the Inquisitor" (one of my favourite, if
not my favourite, episodes of the second season), but didn't remember that he
had done the job of directing "Convictions."  This should make "War Without
End" an interesting pair of episodes.  I think that if anyone had been better
able to handle that story, it would have been Janet Greek, but since she's not
available this year for B5 directorial duties....  You made a good choice.  I'm
looking forward to seeing the interaction between Sheridan and Sinclair...
Heck, I'm looking forward to the first *meeting* between the two! <g>

< Adam was great in that he's a *very* serious director who sits down and
really thinks through the subtext of the episode, the thematic aspects, the
underlying symbology, and then sits with the actor and *really* works with them
so that they fully understand the nuances of the scene.  A lot of TV direction
can be're always under the it's rare to find someone who
really takes his time and prepares the cast.>

     I  can well imagine this, and it must be even more of a problem at times
with BABYLON 5, given that the story arc itself means the actors have to think
a bit ahead to the future, and have to sometimes act in a situation where stuff
that hasn't happened yet is relevant to their current acting manners and
methods.  Let's talk a bit about the subtext of "Passing Through Gethsemane,"
since I'm interested in hearing what you feel Adam Nimoy got across well in
that episode.  "PTG" was an episode that could be taken in a very message-like
fashion, and at the same time had the Lyta plot going on with all that was
inherent to that one.  I thought the balance on the two plots was a bit off,
since the Lyta plot seemed to be the B plot of this episode, but I figure that
it's one that will come out with due time.

< "Does the pressure come from within, or does it come from without and the
reaction of the fans of the series?">

< From within.  There's nothing I've ever seen on any net that's half as
critical of this show as what's said by we who make it.>

     I find this interesting, given that we fans don't see all that much of the
reaction of the other folks who work with you in making B5 what it is as a
series.  I would expect the other people who work on the series to be critical,
but I wouldn't think that the critical eyes they cast on the series would be
half as critical as you are.  After all, you must be able to look back in
retrospect at stuff that's been done for B5 and think that you'd like to do it
again to be different...or that you wish a director had shot a certain scene in
a different manner...  Given that you, live,   breathe, and eat  B5 for a large
part of the year, especially with the way you taketime to spend  with the fans
and talk with us (as opposed like other shows where they talk *to* or *at*
you), I'm amazed that you don't  second guess yourself more often than you

< If you try to gauge a show, any show, and determine its direction by viewer
reactions, you're going to have pudding, because there are too many divergent
reactions.  It becomes one massive committee...and committees are the death of
any creative process.>

     That's certainly the truth.  I guess that the final reaction, other than
your own and that of the people who work on B5, is really the ratings and
whether PTEN decides to renew the series for another year.  I don't pretend to
understand how the ratings work, to be honest, although I understand the basic
principles.  There are times that I'm amazed that your script writing and
storytelling doesn't take second place to the demands of being the producer of
this series.

< I'm making this show, first and foremost, for myself, on the theory that what
I find interesting, others may also find of interest.>

     While some would say that was a very egotistical statement, I find it
somewhat refreshing.  People who produce tv don't often say that they think the
audience will find what they've considered interesting will be found the same
by the audience as well.   I do know that you've got me hooked on the show, and
I certainly find it interesting.

< And I'm a perfectionist. >

     So we've noticed a bit.   I don't think there's anything wrong with
striving for perfection; we all strive to better ourselves, I think, but I have
to wonder something about this.  Does this ever get in the way of the series
writing, let alone the production side of things?

< Also a pain in the ass.  Also monomanaical. >

     hehe  I can well imagine that.  But you'd have to be, just to have gotten
this show on the air.  Having the concpet was nice, no doubt, but seeing it
reach the celluloid medium (I guess it's not really celluloid any more, is it?)
was a herculean task, judging from what I've read, and I suspect that that
doesn't even tell us *half* the story about how B5 eventually reached the tv

< I've always been a very driven personality; I try never to settle for second
best.  If it can't be done just a little better than what we did last week, why
the hell are we doing it?  There *has* to be constant evolution, constant
growth, constant challenge, or you're dead creatively.  You've got to be
absolutely willing to knock all your support pins out from under you, in the
belief that your skills will enable you to land somewhere interesting on your
feet.  The moment you *stop* taking that're finished.  At least,
that's what I feel about it.>

     That's not really a striving for perfection, in my opinion, as it is one
of striving to be better than one was last week.  Which B5 has been, on  a
consistent basis.  I had gotten the impression that you were a somewhat driven
personality to be honest, but I agree with your view above about change and
evolution in the creative world; it is necessary, and it keeps the series (any
series for that matter) fresh and vital, something that very few sf and other
series on tv have remained as they go on.  B5 is in its third season, and
regardless of the story arc and all, it's a series that has constantly gotten
better, has been creative all the way through, something that I think we all
forget about after a while.  But something we should remember.

< This show is probably my one real chance to leave a mark that I passed this
way, so it has to be as good as I can humanly make it.  And nothign will ever
get in the way of that.>

       That is certainly somewhat obssessive, I think, but I can see where that
view of things is coming from.  I know that I'd want to do the same thing, in
your shoes, and I think that BABYLON 5 will certainly change the way that
science fiction is viewed by the time this series and the story arc are all
over.  You'll definitely have left your mark by the time the five-year run is
finished, I think, and I suspect the next generation of science fiction series
that come along will show the B5 influence.   If any series came close in
recent years to this endeavour, it was EARTH2.  That series had consistency
problems, it had some very shoddy acting, and it had a bit too much murkiness
to it.  You seem to have found the right balance of all the elements central to
telling a story, and have converted them over to the visual medium, something
that is much more difficult than most would believe.

     You've definitely left your mark with B5, and I think that it's one that
will stand the test of time for a while.  Until the next sf and television
writer/producer comes along and takes the next evolutionary step in the medium.


*: 420150 S6/Babylon 5: Upcoming
    22-Dec-95  00:57:11
Sb: #419968-<Gethsemane Thought>
Fm: J. Michael Straczynski 71016,1644
To: John M. Kahane 102664,773 (X)

     Yeah, perfectionism can sometimes get in the way of the work...which is
the point where you have to learn to finally just back off, let it go, and stop
tinkering with it.  "Art is never completed, only abandoned."


*: 420268 S5/Babylon 5: General
    22-Dec-95  09:29:32
Sb: #420149-#The Encounter (UK Con)
Fm: BRIAN COONEY 100551,1656
To: J. Michael Straczynski 71016,1644 (X)

That's ok, I asked the hotel to purchase a 7ft bed.


*: 420522 S5/Babylon 5: General
    22-Dec-95  19:10:51
Sb: #420268-The Encounter (UK Con)
Fm: J. Michael Straczynski 71016,1644
To: BRIAN COONEY 100551,1656 (X)

      A 7-foot bed, eh?  Good, that's just long enough for me and a cat
foot-warmer.  Does the bed come complete with cat, or is cat considered extra
in the UK?  (Eight inches should be enough room for a cat, provided it is a
medium sized cat; if it is a much larger cat than 8 inches across, we may have
to purchase a cat-mallet.)


*: 420270 S5/Babylon 5: General
    22-Dec-95  09:33:08
Sb: #420096-#Chrysalis
Fm: David Fox 75300,2272
To: J. Michael Straczynski 71016,1644 (X)

>>Whatever may have been happening on B5 at that time in the story (Spider) is
nowhere NEAR as important as what was going on back home at that time, and has
been going on for some time.<<

OK. I accept that. But you didn't answer the other part of my question. Can I
presume that we still have not learned who Control is?

*: 420523 S5/Babylon 5: General
    22-Dec-95  19:10:52
Sb: #420270-Chrysalis
Fm: J. Michael Straczynski 71016,1644
To: David Fox 75300,2272

     Control was Talia.


*: 420288 S5/Babylon 5: General
    22-Dec-95  10:34:07
Sb: #420149-#The Encounter (UK Con)
Fm: Philip Hornsey 74053,2101
To: J. Michael Straczynski 71016,1644 (X)


I've been meaning to ask, what was the final title for this season?


*: 420524 S5/Babylon 5: General
    22-Dec-95  19:10:53
Sb: #420288-The Encounter (UK Con)
Fm: J. Michael Straczynski 71016,1644
To: Philip Hornsey 74053,2101

     Point of No Return


*: 420292 S5/Babylon 5: General
    22-Dec-95  10:34:15
Sb: #419589-#Chrysalis
Fm: Philip Hornsey 74053,2101
To: J. Michael Straczynski 71016,1644 (X)

I have noticed Corwin getting more lines, and I have also noticed that he is
rather young, but seems to have quite a bit of responsibility. Makes me think
there is a story there.

Are we going to see him slowly come out of the background over the next two and
a half years?


*: 420525 S5/Babylon 5: General
    22-Dec-95  19:10:55
Sb: #420292-Chrysalis
Fm: J. Michael Straczynski 71016,1644
To: Philip Hornsey 74053,2101

     Gradually, yeah; I like to take an actor who's shown a potential for doing
more, and gradually *give* that actor more, testing the limits.  So we do a bit
more with him as we go along.


*: 420306 S5/Babylon 5: General
    22-Dec-95  11:12:48
Sb: #408653-#From jms: info
Fm: Harold G. Scott 70672,3116
To: J. Michael Straczynski 71016,1644 (X)

In Tulsa, OK, B-5 is on at 9pm Saturday on KTFO UPN 41 (Cable 10) and 11pm
Sunday on KOKI FOX 23 (Cable 5). They both air the same episode.

With Talia's new personality and the PSI Corps being in league with the
Shadows, what will be done with her T-K "gift"? Will Jason Ironheart return to
take it away when she abuses it?

Why is one Starfury destroying another in the new opening?

Keep up the good work and thanks for the entertainment!!!!!!!!

*: 420526 S5/Babylon 5: General
    22-Dec-95  19:10:59
Sb: #420306-#From jms: info
Fm: J. Michael Straczynski 71016,1644
To: Harold G. Scott 70672,3116

     I could answer those questions, but then, after that, why make the show?


*: 420318 S5/Babylon 5: General
    22-Dec-95  12:03:57
Sb: #420149-#The Encounter (UK Con)
Fm: Ruth Ballam 100412,3457
To: J. Michael Straczynski 71016,1644 (X)

<< referred to as "a bit paunchy" >>

Rubbish. I thought you looked much slimmer at The Gathering. Of course by the
time Christmas is over ? :-)


*: 420527 S5/Babylon 5: General
    22-Dec-95  19:11:00
Sb: #420318-The Encounter (UK Con)
Fm: J. Michael Straczynski 71016,1644
To: Ruth Ballam 100412,3457

     Actually, over long breaks like Christmas I generally tend to *drop* a few
pounds.  At the stage I eat a big lunch out back with everyone else, then make
myself a decent dinner when I get home, and there's always the odd doughnut
lying around at the stage catering table (Death With A Hole In The Middle).
Whereas at home, I don't generally eat a big breakfast, or any kind of real
lunch; just nibble a bit throughout the day, and then make my dinner.


*: 420383 S5/Babylon 5: General
    22-Dec-95  14:39:48
Sb: #Helpful Hints
Fm: Ruth Spradlin 73477,3155
To: JMS 71016,1644 (X)

Jean Paul Vaudreuil of Thomasville, GA wrote to Entertainment Weekly:

"Bruce Boxleitner's worried about Babylon 5's low ratings?  A few helpful
hints:  1.  Instead of modest uniforms, squeeze Commander Ivanova into a
revealing bodysuit.  2.  Replace decipherable dialogue with incomprehensible
technobabble.  3.  Rid characters of human flaws so they'll be perfect role
models.  4.  Rather than fascinate us with character evolution, keep major
players static.  5.  Merchandise like crazy:  Bab5 toothbrushes, boxer shorts,
and an endless supply of toys.  6.  Have the aliens look like humans with
forehead problems.  7.  A surefire way to increase ratings?  Put Star Trek
somewhere in the title."

Maybe you should hire this guy as a consultant.  ;-)

*: 420528 S5/Babylon 5: General
    22-Dec-95  19:11:03
Sb: #420383-Helpful Hints
Fm: J. Michael Straczynski 71016,1644
To: Ruth Spradlin 73477,3155 (X)

     Boy, he really gets it, doesn't he?  Exactly correct.

     It amazes me sometimes to think that, if the words STAR TREK were put in
front of this show, and it was *exactly* the same show it is now, we'd get
double the ratings, added national exposure, all the rest.  Ah, the world of


 * Brent Barrett    brent.barrett at *
 * Senior Software Engineer   Automedia, Inc *

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