JMS on CompuServe (Dec 26-28, 1995) *POSSIBLE SPOILERS*

b5jms-owner at b5jms-owner at
Fri Dec 29 06:53:09 EST 1995


From: brent.barrett at (Brent Barrett)
Lines: 343

 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WARNING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

 The following posts may contain SPOILERS for
 upcoming Babylon 5 episodes.

 Continue at your own risk.





*: 421853 S6/Babylon 5: Upcoming
    26-Dec-95  16:31:39
Sb: #Shadow Training
Fm: Michael  Zitaglio 102545,641
To: J. Straczynski 71016,1644 (X)

Back again Joe,

        It has been mentioned that the Rangers are being trained to fight the
Shadows.  The more I thought about it, the more questions I had.
Kosh told Sheridan that he will teach him to fight.  We have seen some of the
training but it has been obscure, like Kosh himself.  ALso, exactly HOW are
they being trained?  Are the Rangers taught to develop telepathic skills?  Are
they taught to detect Shadows since they are invisible to the human eye.  How
can one physically fight a Shadow?

Now all these questions are based on the premise that the Minbari KNOW how to
fight them!  How do they know?  From ancient texts or are the Vorlons providing

Im home sick so maybe Im thinking this through a little too much. Anyway,
...something to chew on...and spit out.


*: 421902 S6/Babylon 5: Upcoming
    26-Dec-95  20:35:12
Sb: #421853-Shadow Training
Fm: J. Michael Straczynski 71016,1644
To: Michael  Zitaglio 102545,641 (X)

     This is one of those questions that can only best be answered in the
course of the series; you'll learn a lot more about this subject this season.


*: 421876 S6/Babylon 5: Upcoming
    26-Dec-95  18:45:55
Sb: #421853-#Shadow Training
Fm: Susan Law 103364,1524
To: Michael  Zitaglio 102545,641 (X)

Mike -

You said:
<<It has been mentioned that the Rangers are being trained to fight the
Shadows.  The more I thought about it, the more questions I had.
Kosh told Sheridan that he will teach him to fight.  We have seen some of the
training but it has been obscure, like Kosh himself....>>

I think what Kosh said to Sheridan was that he would teach him how to fight
legends.  Even more obscure....

Delen seems to have a lot of knowledge of the Shadows, plus she's in
communication with Kosh.  And in addition, in TLTS (I think) the Narns found
that they could do real damage to the Shadow ships, though it looked like none
escaped to tell about it.

Interesting question about the Ranger training though.


*: 421938 S6/Babylon 5: Upcoming
    27-Dec-95  02:32:28
Sb: #421876-#Shadow Training
Fm: J. Michael Straczynski 71016,1644
To: Susan Law 103364,1524 (X)

     Of course, judging from recent episodes, Sheridan seems to have been a bit
remiss in continuing his lessons from Kosh...ah, well, there'll probably be a
price to pay for that somewhere down the road.  Only question is who'll have to
pay it.


*: 421982 S6/Babylon 5: Upcoming
    27-Dec-95  07:22:09
Sb: #Will Zathras reappear?
Fm: Gerald Himmelein 100417,3703
To: J. Michael Straczynski 71016,1644 (X)

Hi Joe,

A number of related questions that have me staying awake at night:

Will Zathras reappear during this season?

If so, will he reappear before the two-parter?

Will the same actor take up the role of Zathras?

 - GHi ["Feeder Holiday World Tour '95, Delayed..."]

*: 422229 S6/Babylon 5: Upcoming
    27-Dec-95  18:31:26
Sb: #421982-#Will Zathras reappear?
Fm: J. Michael Straczynski 71016,1644
To: Gerald Himmelein 100417,3703 (X)

     Yes, he'll appear; no, not before the two-parter; yes, it'll be the same


*: 422162 S5/Babylon 5: General
    27-Dec-95  16:04:24
Sb: #* *B5 in New Orleans* *
Fm: Philip Hornsey 74053,2101
To: J. Michael Straczynski 71016,1644 (X)

We just had a *huge* shake up in affiliation down here (three stations swapped
Fox -- ABC -- WB) and I am afraid to guess at what it did to us. Have you any
info on the state of B5 in the New Orleans market? We were on WNOL which went
from Fox to WB (and I'm not sure that a very good thing, I think they took a
bath when they lost Fox)

These guys have been quite supportive in the past (helped with a con, etc.).
Have you (or ANYBODY) any info?

If we have a problem I need tomake other arraingements *before* VoA airs.


Phil ^^^^

*: 422231 S5/Babylon 5: General
    27-Dec-95  18:31:30
Sb: #422162-#* *B5 in New Orleans* *
Fm: J. Michael Straczynski 71016,1644
To: Philip Hornsey 74053,2101 (X)

      Dunno how this is gonna shake out yet....


*: 422164 S5/Babylon 5: General
    27-Dec-95  16:04:28
Sb: #421206-#B5Convention
Fm: Philip Hornsey 74053,2101
To: J. Michael Straczynski 71016,1644 (X)

>>  And on TNT, once it hits that distributer,

I missed something...

Are you getting ready to do a daily syndication after year three or something
on the older eps?

Phil ^^^^

*: 422232 S5/Babylon 5: General
    27-Dec-95  18:31:31
Sb: #422164-#B5Convention
Fm: J. Michael Straczynski 71016,1644
To: Philip Hornsey 74053,2101 (X)

     Starting 1998, the show will appear in daily form on TNT; it's already
been sold to there.


*: 422142 S5/Babylon 5: General
    27-Dec-95  15:12:19
Sb: #USS Runnymede -Newsflash
Fm: Debbie Gardiner 100345,2757
To: All

The Uss Runnymede is pleased to announce that on 6th January 1996, Babylon 5's
newest cast member Jason Carter (Ranger Marcus Cole), will be appearing at our
monthly meeting.

Door's open at 12.30pm , start 1.30pm, finish around 6pm  at the:

Phoenix Plaza
Wellington Road
RG11 2NJ

Entrance Inc. free mag  L3.00 members, L4.00 non-members

Why not come along.

We are a fan run club which caters for  Star Trek, X-Files, Babylon 5 etc.

The club is run like Starfleet Academy. Upon Signing on you will get your
Cadet Training Manual and your first Cadet Training Exam (everyone starts
as a cadet).

Membership is L6.00, for which you will receive quarterly magazine from
Starfleet Command plus we hold monthly meetings where we have a dealers
 room and a juniors Club.

If you are interested in joining please write to:-

        Mrs S McAuley
        15 Wickham Road
        Lower Early
        RG6 3TE

or mail me and I will pass your details on.


*: 422367 S5/Babylon 5: General
    28-Dec-95  00:55:18
Sb: #422142-USS Runnymede -Newsflash
Fm: J. Michael Straczynski 71016,1644
To: Debbie Gardiner 100345,2757 (X)

     Then perhaps for the one night Jason's there you could rename the place
the EAS Runnymede, which is the standard useage on Earth Alliance Starships, as
in the EAS Agamemnon....?


*: 422312 S6/Babylon 5: Upcoming
    27-Dec-95  21:02:10
Sb: #422229-#Will Zathras reappear?
Fm: Lolita  . Maddalena 102701,3447
To: J. Michael Straczynski 71016,1644 (X)

Tell me if I'm wrong, but Zathras has been on the planet with the old mimbari,
hasn't he?

*: 422369 S6/Babylon 5: Upcoming
    28-Dec-95  00:58:17
Sb: #422312-Will Zathras reappear?
Fm: J. Michael Straczynski 71016,1644
To: Lolita  . Maddalena 102701,3447

     Well, that's what Draal said earlier....


*: 422332 S5/Babylon 5: General
    27-Dec-95  22:22:47
Sb: #East End, West End
Fm: Daniel Barer 74033,167
To: J. Michael Straczynski 71016,1644 (X)

[Mild Spoiler]

I was watching "Comes the Inquisitor" with closed-captioning on tonight (easier
to ride the exercise bike while watching that way) and noticed that Sheridan
now states (correctly) the murders occured in the East End, while the captions
(and Boxleitner's lips, on re-viewing) still say West End.  Glad you fixed the
slip--are the captions etched in stone?

*: 422370 S5/Babylon 5: General
    28-Dec-95  00:58:18
Sb: #422332-#East End, West End
Fm: J. Michael Straczynski 71016,1644
To: Daniel Barer 74033,167

     Y'know, I'd totally forgotten about the captions.



 * Brent Barrett    brent.barrett at *
 * Senior Software Engineer   Automedia, Inc *

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