JMS CIS Digest: 28-Dec-95 08:52:09 through 29-Dec-95 19:30:19 (14 msgs)

b5jms-owner at b5jms-owner at
Sat Dec 30 14:07:32 EST 1995

Forwarded message to B5JMS list.
Originally From: jhardin at (John Hardin)


RFC 1153 Digest of messages from
J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644 at>
28-Dec-95 08:52:09 through 29-Dec-95 19:30:19 (14 messages)

WARNING: This digest may contain information about episodes
         you haven't seen yet. Proceed with caution.

Subjects in digest:
        New to B5
        Will Zathras reappear?
        <CTI - East End>
        OffLine Readers
        Talia/Control Nitpick
        JMS: Pls Clarify --

  Contact me (John Hardin) at <jhardin at> with comments
and requests. I am willing to do limited retrieval and reposting
of files related to B5 from the archives on CIS.
  Replies to this digest currently go to me.



Date: 28-Dec-95 08:52:09
From: Philip Hornsey <74053.2101 at>
To: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644 at>
Subject: B5Convention
Message-ID: #422434

>>     Starting 1998, the show will appear in daily form on TNT;
it's already been sold to there.


Nice to see you making money.

Phil^^^^ FREE MARS!


Date: 29-Dec-95 19:16:41
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644 at>
To: Philip Hornsey <74053.2101 at>
Subject: B5Convention
Message-ID: #423101
In-Reply-To: #422434

       "Nice to see you making money."

       Well, WB, anyway.  I get a net profit on the series, which
means after all the costs have been taken out...which in turn means
that the show will never show a profit (on paper), so I ain't getting a
dime of the TNT sale.



Date: 28-Dec-95 16:13:06
From: STEVIE ADAM <101516.1271 at>
To: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644 at>
Subject: New to B5
Message-ID: #422605

Please, is there any way to threaten Channel 4 In the UK with a
Centauri takeover to get them to show series 3 here before mid 96?


Date: 29-Dec-95 19:16:43
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644 at>
To: STEVIE ADAM <101516.1271 at>
Subject: New to B5
Message-ID: #423102
In-Reply-To: #422605

     I think it'll be spring, not mid-1996; also, remember that they
don't break up the show with reruns, they air straight through, and the
episodes have to be *finished* in time for them to air them straight
through (and I think WB is trying to avoid the problem last time of
stuff airing in the UK first).  But as yet I haven't heard a final date
on this.



Date: 28-Dec-95 17:30:27
From: Gerald Himmelein <100417.3703 at>
To: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644 at>
Subject: Will Zathras reappear?
Message-ID: #422653

 > Yes, he'll appear; no, not before the two-parter; yes, it'll
 > the same actor.

Thank you. I will love to see him again, the role was really

Comment: Zathras looked somewhat bird-like, much like an owl, a
screech owl (Kauz, in German). Now, Zathras behaves like a
"komischer Kauz" (oddball). So his behavior and appearance match,
at least in German. <g> Coincidence or cleverness on the creator's

 - GHi ["Feeder Holiday World Tour '95, Postponed"]


Date: 29-Dec-95 19:16:47
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644 at>
To: Gerald Himmelein <100417.3703 at>
Subject: Will Zathras reappear?
Message-ID: #423103
In-Reply-To: #422653

     Coincidence; I ain't that smart.



Date: 28-Dec-95 19:03:47
From: SysOp Dupa T. Parrot <70040.104 at>
To: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644 at>
Subject: <CTI - East End>
Message-ID: #422689


  On tonight's rerun of "Comes The Inquisitor", I see you took
the hint from the Brits and fixed the "West End" dialog. The
dubbing job was pretty well done.

        -Dupa T. Parrot [Tech Supp SysOp]
        <OS/2 WarpConnect & GCP>


Date: 29-Dec-95 19:16:48
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644 at>
To: SysOp Dupa T. Parrot <70040.104 at>
Subject: <CTI - East End>
Message-ID: #423104
In-Reply-To: #422689

     Once the error was brought to my attention, I just couldn't let
it slide.



Date: 28-Dec-95 19:25:39
From: Carl BUSSJAEGER <102065.1635 at>
To: Brian A. Thomas <75231.1122 at>
Subject: OffLine Readers
Message-ID: #422697

 > What is the price on TapCIS?

   Your best bet is to GO TAPCIS and ask there. The price of
TAPCIS varies depending on just what all you want- printed manual,
physical disk, extended service plan, etc. If you go all out for
everything the full price is $79. The HMI-compatible version is
ready (and is a free upgrade to current registered v6.0 users),
but is being held unreleased until CI$ stops playing with the HMI 

   The current DOS version runs fine (I hear) under Windows and
OS/2. Under W95, comm ports occasionally need tweaking. A regular
Windows version of Tapcis is in the works.



Date: 29-Dec-95 19:30:17
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644 at>
To: Carl BUSSJAEGER <102065.1635 at>
Subject: OffLine Readers
Message-ID: #423108
In-Reply-To: #422697

     What the heck is HMI anyway?



Date: 28-Dec-95 21:46:28
From: John Van Aken <76712.1204 at>
To: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644 at>
Subject: Talia/Control Nitpick
Message-ID: #422723

Sorry, but I've got to bring this up:

Quote One:

<<     Because Talia could be replaced by another.  Individuals
are always expendable; best to let one mole get croaked than
compromise the whole organization and a much bigger agency or
plan.  If it came to that choice, they'd snuff Talia in a hot
second.  That's the spy biz.

     Whatever may have been happening on B5 at that time in the
story (Spider) is nowhere NEAR as important as what was going on
back home at that time, and has been going on for some time.>>

Granted.  OTOH, Quote Two:

<<     Control was Talia.>>

Which set off the warning bells and sirens.

In "Spider in the Web", when the cyborg is checking in, the
computer identifies Talia's picture, saying:

"Witness ID: Talia Winters.  Licensed Commerical Telepath, Rating
P5. "Stand by."
 <pause> "Control states Ms. Winters could jeapordize (sp)
mission.  Eliminate her. Then Continue with Phase Two"

~Which brings up some obvious questions/problems:

1) Given that Control is actually Talia, you're saying that
Control gave the command to eliminate itself?  Isn't that a) harsh
(but so what?), b) rash (bringing even *more* attention to the
ongoing mission - something that I had a problem with when I first
saw the ep.), and c) premature (all other options hadn't been
eliminated by a long shot - including the concept of ignoring the 
issue altogether).

2) The above implies that Control had little to know "control"
over what the Talia personality did or thought, even though strong
implications were that it was manipulating Talia to get involved
with Ivanova, spy on the others, etc.

3) There's also the timelag issue, in that it took very little
time for the computer to get instructions from Control.  Granted,
she had just been dropped off in her quarters by Garibaldi...ah,
never mind.  Weak point.

In toto, this whole thing hangs together much better if there
were another Control out there giving the execution orders,
because I really have a hard time buying the idea of Talia/Control
committing suicide by giving the cyborg the execution order.  As
it is, it seems like a plot hole of nigh-Trekkian purportions.

Talk me out of this one, Joe.



Date: 29-Dec-95 19:30:18
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644 at>
To: John Van Aken <76712.1204 at>
Subject: Talia/Control Nitpick
Message-ID: #423109
In-Reply-To: #422723

     My sense was that the Control part, which sometimes moved at
night, reported that the mission could be jeapordized.  Then B13 gave
the order to eliminate.  Nowhere does it say that Control said the
second half of the sentence.



Date: 29-Dec-95 01:55:12
From: Robt Martin <75663.2701 at>
To: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644 at>
Subject: JMS: Pls Clarify --
Message-ID: #422745

Maybe I'm being thin-skinned, but here's what is going around
Usenet as part of a synopsis of your posts here:

Subj:  JMS resigns rastb5     Section: Babylon 5: General
  To:  Robt Martin      Friday, December 08, 1995 2:44:26 AM From:
J. Michael Straczynski       #413113

      {regarding Mr. Martin's editing of Fangoria}

      Actually, the best thing about Fangoria are the 


At the time you posted this, I took this as an expression of your
regard (or lack of same) for the material that Fangoria covers,
not regarding my ability as an editor. Unfortunately, your
semi-jocular observation is being parenthetically interpreted as a
blast at my abilities, for global distribution.

Regarding my work at Fangoria, despite the fact that the magazine
specializes in covering some truly gawdfawful films, I remain
proud of the work that I did there, which only that magazine's
regular readers are in a position to judge. Given your apparent
distaste for the magazine itself, I think I can safely assume that
you only know of my work as editor with regard to Sci-Fi 
Entertainment, specifically my own interview with you, and
possibly also my earlier piece on John Vulich's work.

As I said, maybe I am being thin-skinned, but to have your words
taken out of context and interpreted in this manner is, if not of
any real harm to my career, really, really annoying. Can you
please clarify the statement?

If indeed you did mean to say that I am a lousy editor, so be it,
but that is not what I thought you were saying. Yet that is what
is being sent about.



Date: 29-Dec-95 19:30:19
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644 at>
To: Robt Martin <75663.2701 at>
Subject: JMS: Pls Clarify --
Message-ID: #423110
In-Reply-To: #422745

     No, the (regarding Mr. Martin's editing of Fangoria) was mainly
just intended as a segue into the note about the conventions being fun,
since I've attended several of them.  I am not sufficiently familiar
with your editing to *have* any opinion whatsoever.  Since messages
here are discreet, I always try to keep some kind of referential within
the message.



End of JMS CIS Digest 28-Dec-95 08:52:09 through 29-Dec-95 19:30:19

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