ATTN JMS: Two questions (minor season 2 spoilers)

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Fri Nov 3 06:29:06 EST 1995

Subject: ATTN JMS: Two questions (minor season 2 spoilers)
+  1: Nov  1, 1995: hbcsc091 at (randall katz)
+  2: Nov  1, 1995: glazamit at (Alexander Glazamitsky)
*  3: Nov  3, 1995: straczynski at


From: hbcsc091 at (randall katz)
Lines: 35

This message contains very minor spoilers for season 2...

JMS, I have two questions for you...1) Its been said regaurding Londo that
he wears purple when he's moral and good, and darker colors as time goes
on.  Given the episode title "Born to the Purple" clearly seems to refer
to Londo (given the content of that episode), can we assume then that
Londo's true nature is to be good (i.e. he was born that way etc.)?  

2).  If you had to pick one character in the series who you would dub your
Alter-Ego, or you consider yourself most similar to, who would that be? 
(and please don't say morden :)  )


From: glazamit at (Alexander Glazamitsky)
Lines: 35

randall katz <hbcsc091 at> wrote:
>This message contains very minor spoilers for season 2...
>JMS, I have two questions for you...
> [Pak'ma'ra ate the first one]
>2).  If you had to pick one character in the series who you would dub your
>Alter-Ego, or you consider yourself most similar to, who would that be? 
>(and please don't say morden :)  )

JMS answered that one once before.  The answer was Delenn.


From: straczynski at
Lines: 10

     Normally the purple coat is associated with a more benign Londo from
earlier; the dark coat marks a later time.

     Who's my alter-ego on the show?  All of them, to one extent or
another.  They're pieces I've kind of sliced off and deposited into one
part of the story or another.  The theory is that, once sliced away, they
are the free to go off and grow into something larger on their own, and
hopefully become something greater than the source.


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