Inquisitor: "What about....?"

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Sat Nov 4 06:28:45 EST 1995

Subject: Inquisitor: "What about....?"
+  1: Oct 30, 1995: jeff.sumberg at (JEFF SUMBERG)
+  2: Nov  1, 1995: tomcarp at (Thomas Carpenter)
*  3: Nov  3, 1995: straczynski at


From: jeff.sumberg at (JEFF SUMBERG)
Lines: 25

I've replayed this segment several times, and was wondering if anyone
else hears this.

During the portion of the inquisition where Sheridan is tied by his
wrists, and Sebastian is firing off a series of questions, all starting
with "What about...?", and with a pass of his walking stick inflicting
a painful "slap" (What about your Family?, What about Right? What about
Wrong?, etc). I could swear the next to the last question is "What
about Jack?" (The last question I can't comprehend because Dellen cries
out during it).

If he indeed is asking "What about Jack?", this was way before Sheridan
had figured out who Sebastian really was. And I wonder what the
significance of the question was. A small hint of the plot perhaps?

Replay your tapes, take a listen. Correct me if I'm wrong. And if you
can figure out the last question, let me know.

What an excellent episode. The actors they get for these parts are
really well picked.

Email: jeff.sumberg at

 * 1st 2.00 #32s * .


From: tomcarp at (Thomas Carpenter)
Lines: 23

jeff.sumberg at (JEFF SUMBERG) writes:

>a painful "slap" (What about your Family?, What about Right? What about
>Wrong?, etc). I could swear the next to the last question is "What
>about Jack?" (The last question I can't comprehend because Dellen cries
>out during it).

>If he indeed is asking "What about Jack?", this was way before Sheridan
>had figured out who Sebastian really was. And I wonder what the
>significance of the question was. A small hint of the plot perhaps?

>Replay your tapes, take a listen. Correct me if I'm wrong. And if you
>can figure out the last question, let me know.

After replaying the tape with the closed captioning engaged the questions 
were: What about your family?... God, huh?... Truth?... Blood?... 
Right?... Wrong?... Your future?... Faith?... Sin?... Hell?... Death?... 
and Life? (when Delenn yells out)




From: straczynski at
Lines: 5

        "What about eternity?"  It was an adlib from the actor just to cover
the moment when Delenn rises, knowing it would likely never get heard over
the rest of it.


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