JMS: Confirm Season 3 title?

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Thu Nov 9 07:02:06 EST 1995

Subject: JMS: Confirm Season 3 title?
+  1: Nov  3, 1995: danwood at (Dan Wood)
   2: Nov  5, 1995: dstrauss at (David Strauss)
   3: Nov  5, 1995: AltaB at (Alta Brewer)
+  4: Nov  6, 1995: scottm at (Malinda)
*  5: Nov  8, 1995: straczynski at


From: danwood at (Dan Wood)
Lines: 21

JMS --

Almost a *year* ago, you had mentioned online that you were considering "I
am become Death, the Destroyer of Worlds" as the title for Season 3, but
since then, you've kept your mouth shut.

Now that Season 3 is nearly upon us (and I have to make a new videotape
label:), can you either confirm the above title, or reveal the actual

Darn, I phrased the above question in a fashion that would allow a "Yes"
or "No" answer.  Let's try again.  What will S3's title be?  :)

Dan Wood      <*>
danwood at
-----------------           insert random interesting quotation here


From: scottm at (Malinda)
Lines: 28

dstrauss at (David Strauss) wrote:

>In article <danwood-0311951507170001 at>,
>Dan Wood <danwood at> wrote:
>>Almost a *year* ago, you had mentioned online that you were considering "I
>>am become Death, the Destroyer of Worlds" as the title for Season 3, but
>>since then, you've kept your mouth shut.

>Dan, just posted this as a separate thread, but the Season Three title is 
>now "Point of No Return."  JMS posted this on GEnie.

I really can't see the point of taking a wonderfully dramatic title
like "I am become death, Destroyer of worlds" and substituting it with
the instantly forgettable "Point of no return". The latter although
perhaps more representative of what will happen but as a draw to
getting more people to watch the show it is an abject failure IMO.

I have been trying to get all my friends to watch the show here in the
UK and when I told them the "I am become . . . " title of season 3
their faces lit up an they said it sounded as if it would be good and
would be sure to check it out when it restarted. I can't think what
their reaction to the dull "Point of no return".

It's your baby Joe and we all must respect that but I can't help but
feel the original title would put more bums on seats. It has an epic
quality that just leaps up and grabs you.


From: straczynski at
Lines: 7

      I've been holding back because I wanted to really see the shape of
this season, the color and texture of it, the overall theme put into
effect...and frankly, the only really apt title, much as I like the other
quote, is the #9 title, "Point of No Return," because that sums up so
much of what happens in year three to everyone.


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