ATTN:JMS - Tampa Tribune Babylon5 Article

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Sat Nov 11 06:39:01 EST 1995

Subject: ATTN:JMS - Tampa Tribune Babylon5 Article
+  1: Nov  8, 1995: john at (John Beach)
+  2: Nov  8, 1995: Mike Hopkins <mike100000 at>
*  3: Nov 11, 1995: straczynski at


From: john at (John Beach)
Lines: 30

Rangers:  Please insure that jms gets this.  I think he will enjoy it.  
Let him know that I have a nice copy of the front page and inside article 
waiting for transmittal...

Today's Tampa Tribune had a wonderful multi-page, multi-picture (color)
article on Babylon5.  A promo above the headlines on the front page titled
"Babylon 5 puts it in high gear" (with a 3x4" color picture) urges readers
to move to the BayLife section for a full story. 

Three quarters of the front page of the BayLife section is filled with
pictures and text about Babylon5.  Great picture of the station, nice BB
shot, tremendous shot of G'Kar, shot of a Shadow shooting a mysterious new
craft :).  There's a sidebar story about B5's popularity in
"Cyberspace"... they even mention of the Lurker's Guide... 

The article gives an overview on the show to date; mentions the start of
Season #3 tonight; provides ratings numbers for B5 in our area (better 
than I hoped for); and has several quotes from you (jms).

With all the recent station postings about stations dropping B5, I thought
we (and you) could use some good news about the series.  I'd be happy to
send you my copies of the article.

-jab_ <*>

John A. Beach * JBeach Software Ent. *  St. Petersburg, Florida, USA.
 GCM/CS d++(+) s+: C+++ US++++ P+ L+ E- W+(++) N++ K? w+(++) O !M V-
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From: Mike Hopkins <mike100000 at>
Lines: 14

john at (John Beach) writes:

>The article gives an overview on the show to date; mentions the start of
>Season #3 tonight; provides ratings numbers for B5 in our area (better 
>than I hoped for); and has several quotes from you (jms).

Hey.... I want numbers.  What were ratings? It is not everyday that
we get hard rating numbers. 

(And be sure to include the date and page number of the article for the
benefit for a certain someone. ;-) )

Mike Hopkins


From: straczynski at
Lines: 4

     John: thanks; we got a copy of the article when it ran out here.
It's progress, slow but steady.


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