ATTN JMS: More SF less plot

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Sat Nov 11 06:38:42 EST 1995

Subject: ATTN JMS: More SF less plot
+  1: Nov 10, 1995: 7225HCHAR at (Charpak,hannah)
   2: Nov 10, 1995: DSKeeler at (Dennis Keeler)
   3: Nov 10, 1995: gemm9930 at (Michael Gemmell u)
   4: Nov 10, 1995: ctate at (Christopher L Tate)
+  5: Nov 10, 1995: Teresa Lhotka <kemaris at>
*  6: Nov 11, 1995: straczynski at


From: 7225HCHAR at (Charpak,hannah)
Lines: 8

Dear JMS:

I can watch soap operas on 20 different channels each and every day
of the week. From a show that purports to deal in science fiction
I expect something more than just another soap opera. I enjoy your
show but feel that you are working too much on character development
and not enough on science fiction.


From: Teresa Lhotka <kemaris at>
Lines: 31

gemm9930 at (Michael Gemmell u) wrote:
>Charpak,hannah (7225HCHAR at wrote:
>: Dear JMS:
>: I can watch soap operas on 20 different channels each and every day
>: of the week. From a show that purports to deal in science fiction
>: I expect something more than just another soap opera. I enjoy your
>: show but feel that you are working too much on character development
>: and not enough on science fiction.
>Man. This _has_ to be a troll.

     No kidding.  If this person is looking for a show with no 
plot and no character developement, he's looking in the WRONG 
place...keep that good stuff coming, JMS!!!

Teresa Lhotka
kemaris at

  "Pound for pound, the Ameoba is the most ferocious creature 
on earth".



From: straczynski at
Lines: 10

     Without character development, no one really cares about the science
aspect, because it doesn't affect anyone we care about.  Science fiction
is composed of two parts: the science, which we deal with where we can,
and where it's appropriate to the story, and the fiction, which must hew
to the rules of any fiction...characters you care about.  To skew the show
toward techie and away from plot or character is just to engage in mental
exercises about what effect component X might have on tachyon B...and I
tend not to find that terribly interesting.


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