ATTN JMS: is Kosh the last Vorlon?

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Mon Nov 13 06:51:31 EST 1995

Subject: ATTN JMS: is Kosh the last Vorlon?
+  1: Nov  8, 1995: pss at ()
+  2: Nov  9, 1995: tzoq at (James HG Redekop)
*  3: Nov 13, 1995: straczynski at


From: pss at ()
Lines: 21


Can you clear something up for me (us).  Forgive me if I'm off track
but here is my question.

In the eposoide where Sheridan finds out about the Shadows from Delenn
and Kosh (I'm terrible with titles) Delenn says something simular to
"For centuries the Vorlons stood alone against the Shadows....the
others have gone, all except Kosh "  kind of implying that except for
Kosh, the Vorlons were not going to be able to help defeat the shadows
this time around.  In "The Fall of Night" Sheridan asks delenne if the
Vorlons are ready for the Shadows yet and she says no. This confuses
me, is Kosh the last of "the old ones," the ones who stood against the
shadows?  Are the Vorlons and "the old ones" one in the same or not?



p.s. B-5 is the best show on T.V.


From: tzoq at (James HG Redekop)
Lines: 31

In article <19951108.083613.393809.NETNEWS at>,
 <pss at> wrote:
>Can you clear something up for me (us).  Forgive me if I'm off track
>but here is my question.
>In the eposoide where Sheridan finds out about the Shadows from Delenn
>and Kosh (I'm terrible with titles) Delenn says something simular to
>"For centuries the Vorlons stood alone against the Shadows....the
>others have gone, all except Kosh "  kind of implying that except for
>Kosh, the Vorlons were not going to be able to help defeat the shadows
>this time around.  

 What she actually says is that the *Ancients* stood against the Shadows and
 that *they* are gone, all except *one*.  "One" meaning "one of the species
 of the Ancients", meaning the Vorlons.

>In "The Fall of Night" Sheridan asks delenne if the
>Vorlons are ready for the Shadows yet and she says no. This confuses
>me, is Kosh the last of "the old ones," the ones who stood against the
>shadows?  Are the Vorlons and "the old ones" one in the same or not?

 Nope.  Vorlons are one kind of Old Ones, the only kind still around.

James H.G. Redekop   <*>   tzoq at   <*>   *NEW* RzWeb, The Residents' Page                  The Goon Show Scripts    Why HTML3 is preferable to Netscape


From: straczynski at
Lines: 4

     The Vorlons are one of the remaining ancient races; Kosh is one of
the Vorlons, not the last of them.


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