Will Kim Strauss appear in 3rd season?

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at shekel.mcl.cs.columbia.edu
Wed Nov 15 06:55:54 EST 1995

Subject: Will Kim Strauss appear in 3rd season?
+  1: Nov 10, 1995: IANR012 at UNLVM.UNL.EDU (Bill Hayes)
+  2: Nov 11, 1995: ssimpson at world.std.com (Steve Simpson)
*  3: Nov 14, 1995: straczynski at genie.geis.com


From: IANR012 at UNLVM.UNL.EDU (Bill Hayes)
Lines: 9

I've been away from the B5 group for a bit, so this question may have
been answered:  will Kim Strauss appear in 3rd season episodes?
I've enjoyed Strauss' appearances, who I first noticed in the Geometry
of Shadows episode.  He has a pleasant voice and I really enjoy his
facial expressions. This is especially notable, given he is under all
that makeup.
Bill Hayes  -- Peace through superior friendship


From: ssimpson at world.std.com (Steve Simpson)
Lines: 14

Bill Hayes (IANR012 at UNLVM.UNL.EDU) wrote:
: I've been away from the B5 group for a bit, so this question may have
: been answered:  will Kim Strauss appear in 3rd season episodes?
: I've enjoyed Strauss' appearances, who I first noticed in the Geometry
: of Shadows episode.  He has a pleasant voice and I really enjoy his
: facial expressions. This is especially notable, given he is under all
: that makeup.

Does anyone know if he has done any movies?  I tried looking him up in the
internet movie database but couldn't find him.  Perhaps he's changed his


From: straczynski at genie.geis.com
Lines: 3

      Yes, Kim is in the third season.


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