B5 on TNT!

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at shekel.mcl.cs.columbia.edu
Wed Nov 15 06:45:49 EST 1995

Subject: B5 on TNT!
+  1: Nov  9, 1995: cthulhu at alpha1.csd.uwm.edu (Mark Andrew Siefert)
   2: Nov  9, 1995: chrisk at case.cyberspace.com (Chris K)
   3: Nov  9, 1995: Steve Bonnot <steveb>
+  4: Nov 10, 1995: oliver at bga.com (Glen Oliver)
*  5: Nov 14, 1995: straczynski at genie.geis.com


From: cthulhu at alpha1.csd.uwm.edu (Mark Andrew Siefert)
Lines: 28

I just heard the news that TNT is picking up the first season of B5.  I have
two thoughts on this:

1.  My respect for Ted Turner has gone up a little--I used to hate his
liberal hide and the totalitarianism-supportor that is his wife.  Now he
just disgusts me.

2. I have heard some say that this may be a bad sign.  They claim that this
shows that WB is not making enough money on B5 and they might cancel it
before the fourth and fifth seasons.  But, if the sydicated stations drop
it, TNT could pick it up and B5 could finish its last two seasons.

Any comments, flames, etc.?

____________________THE MIGHTY MORPHIN POWER SIGNATURE_______________________
MARK A. SIEFERT:	  	| E-MAIL: cthulhu at csd.uwm edu
*STUDENT	*SKEPTIC/CYNIC	| WWW: http://www.uwm.edu/~cthulhu
Words of wisdom:
	That which does not kill us, makes us stranger.
				-Trevor Goodchild
				 "Aeon Flux"


From: oliver at bga.com (Glen Oliver)
Lines: 11

In article <47tpl8$qrv at case.cyberspace.com>, chrisk at case.cyberspace.com 
(Chris K) says:
>Wherever did you hear this from? And when are they going to start showing 
>it if this is indeed true??
'Twas noted in the "Lurker's Guide to Babylon 5" at www.hyperion.com.
An *unofficial* web site which is SOOOOOOOOOOO much better than the 
"official" site that it isn't even funny...



From: straczynski at genie.geis.com
Lines: 5

     To clarify some growing misunderstandings: TNT will begin showing B5
episodes only *after* the series has run its course, and at that time, it
will acquire the full run, not just one year.


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