* A ????? of Vorlons * (was: Hope JMS answers this...)

b5jms-owner at cs.columbia.edu b5jms-owner at cs.columbia.edu
Thu Nov 16 11:16:18 EST 1995

Subject:  * A ????? of Vorlons * (was: Hope JMS answers this...)
+  1: Nov 11, 1995: hummel at netcom.com (Franklin Hummel)
   2: Nov 11, 1995: corun at access4.digex.net (Corun MacAnndra)
   3: Nov 11, 1995: Morgan <Morgan at sidhen.demon.co.uk>
   4: Nov 11, 1995: anrwlias at netcom.com (A.X. Lias)
   5: Nov 11, 1995: gharlane at ccshp1.ccs.csus.edu (Gharlane of Eddore)
   6: Nov 11, 1995: gharlane at ccshp1.ccs.csus.edu (Gharlane of Eddore)
   7: Nov 11, 1995: sorso at ux1.cso.uiuc.edu (orso steven n)
   8: Nov 11, 1995: corun at access4.digex.net (Corun MacAnndra)
   9: Nov 11, 1995: djb6 at woodlawn.uchicago.edu (Dennis Brennan)
  10: Nov 11, 1995: chrisk at case.cyberspace.com (Chris K)
  11: Nov 11, 1995: thedoge at inlink.com (The_Doge of St. Louis)
  12: Nov 11, 1995: gwhite at freenet.columbus.oh.us (Gabe White)
  13: Nov 12, 1995: twozies at ix.netcom.com (Louis, Linda, Alan & Stephen Belsky )
  14: Nov 12, 1995: swetlfr at yin.earlham.edu
  15: Nov 12, 1995: gordol at tiac.net (Jeffrey Kaplan)
  16: Nov 12, 1995: Chris_R_Hill at msn.com (Christopher Hill)
  17: Nov 12, 1995: hummel at netcom.com (Franklin Hummel)
  18: Nov 12, 1995: fjp at crystal.mv.com (Frank Perricone)
  19: Nov 12, 1995: gharlane at ccshp1.ccs.csus.edu (Gharlane of Eddore)
  20: Nov 12, 1995: julie at drycas.club.cc.cmu.edu (Julie Waters)
  21: Nov 12, 1995: tjl9 at merhaba.cc.columbia.edu (Thomas J Lee)
  22: Nov 12, 1995: gary at wheel.tiac.net (Gary D. Duzan)
  23: Nov 12, 1995: lizard at expressway.com (Lizard)
  24: Nov 12, 1995: drg at biomath.mdacc.tmc.edu (David Gutierrez)
  25: Nov 12, 1995: peter.poole at almac.co.uk (PETER POOLE)
  26: Nov 12, 1995: gschmidt at noc.tor.hookup.net (Greg Schmidt)
  27: Nov 12, 1995: cptnerd at access4.digex.net (Captain Nerd)
  28: Nov 12, 1995: salo at mrjones.engr.sgi.com (Eric Salo)
  29: Nov 12, 1995: sorso at ux1.cso.uiuc.edu (orso steven n)
  30: Nov 13, 1995: cptnerd at access4.digex.net (Captain Nerd)
  31: Nov 13, 1995: Steve Jacobs <Sinclair at ix.netcom.com>
  32: Nov 13, 1995: Steve Jacobs <Sinclair at ix.netcom.com>
  33: Nov 13, 1995: schillin at spock.usc.edu (John Schilling)
  34: Nov 13, 1995: dubost at sna.com (Michael Dubost)
  35: Nov 13, 1995: Jack Holcomb <LL84 at ACADEMIC.NEMOSTATE.EDU>
  36: Nov 13, 1995: swd2 at po.CWRU.Edu (Steven W. Difranco)
  37: Nov 13, 1995: none of your business (Pat)
  38: Nov 13, 1995: AltaB at ix.netcom.com (Alta Brewer)
  39: Nov 13, 1995: lovejoya at ix.netcom.com (Alan Lovejoy )
  40: Nov 13, 1995: l.c.wright at rl.ac.uk (Lesley Wright)
  41: Nov 13, 1995: gordol at tiac.net (Jeffrey Kaplan)
  42: Nov 13, 1995: gordol at tiac.net (Jeffrey Kaplan)
  43: Nov 13, 1995: gordol at tiac.net (Jeffrey Kaplan)
  44: Nov 13, 1995: strueb at aol.com (Strueb)
  45: Nov 13, 1995: corun at access4.digex.net (Corun MacAnndra)
  46: Nov 13, 1995: raoul at shell.portal.com (Raoul Rodriguez)
  47: Nov 13, 1995: hummel at netcom.com (Franklin Hummel)
  48: Nov 13, 1995: julie at drycas.club.cc.cmu.edu (Julie Waters)
  49: Nov 13, 1995: jtriplett at loyola.edu (Sauron)
  50: Nov 13, 1995: jtriplett at loyola.edu (Sauron)
  51: Nov 13, 1995: corun at access4.digex.net (Corun MacAnndra)
  52: Nov 13, 1995: abergman at minerva.cis.yale.edu (Aaron Bergman)
  53: Nov 13, 1995: petra at onramp.net (The Prophet)
  54: Nov 13, 1995: "Paul R. Chisholm" <chisholm at buffnet.net>
  55: Nov 13, 1995: drseuss at crl.com (David Bedno)
  56: Nov 14, 1995: mbusse at woodlawn.uchicago.edu (Marty Busse)
  57: Nov 14, 1995: jaffo at onramp.net (Jaffo)
  58: Nov 14, 1995: Malcolm Austin <maus at morgan>
  59: Nov 14, 1995: swd2 at po.CWRU.Edu (Steven W. Difranco)
  60: Nov 14, 1995: Thomas m Brizendine <tmbrizen at iquest.com>
  61: Nov 14, 1995: Thomas m Brizendine <tmbrizen at iquest.com>
  62: Nov 14, 1995: hutchep at adsnet.net (Rick Hutchins)
  63: Nov 14, 1995: gordol at tiac.net (Jeffrey Kaplan)
  64: Nov 14, 1995: gordol at tiac.net (Jeffrey Kaplan)
  65: Nov 14, 1995: David John Patrick <spsptrck at reading.ac.uk>
  66: Nov 14, 1995: Morgan <Morgan at sidhen.demon.co.uk>
  67: Nov 14, 1995: Morgan <Morgan at sidhen.demon.co.uk>
  68: Nov 14, 1995: sorso at ux1.cso.uiuc.edu (orso steven n)
  69: Nov 14, 1995: bob at aztec.lib.utk.edu (Bob Patrick)
  70: Nov 14, 1995: djb6 at woodlawn.uchicago.edu (Dennis Brennan)
  71: Nov 14, 1995: Steve Clark <mail06785 at pop.net>
  72: Nov 14, 1995: Steve Clark <mail06785 at pop.net>
  73: Nov 14, 1995: jwolf at cybercom.net (James A. Wolf)
  74: Nov 14, 1995: neilc at neilc.mks.com (Neil Clark)
  75: Nov 15, 1995: draken at aei.ca (Dominique Durocher)
  76: Nov 15, 1995: dharland at kendaco.telebyte.com (Hardrock)
  77: Nov 15, 1995: s007jrd at alpha.wright.edu (JONATHAN DEMERS)
  78: Nov 15, 1995: keeper at cats.ucsc.edu (Ron O'Dell)
  79: Nov 15, 1995: gordol at tiac.net (Jeffrey Kaplan)
  80: Nov 15, 1995: ernest at occ-uky.campus.mci.net (Ernest Johnson)
  81: Nov 15, 1995: jtriplett at loyola.edu (Sauron)
  82: Nov 15, 1995: "Paul R. Chisholm" <chisholm at buffnet.net>
  83: Nov 15, 1995: corun at access4.digex.net (Corun MacAnndra)
  84: Nov 15, 1995: Jack Holcomb <LL84 at ACADEMIC.NEMOSTATE.EDU>
  85: Nov 15, 1995: rcwhiteh at npmo.pc.ingr.com (Robert C Whitehead)
  86: Nov 15, 1995: novotnyp.cdrc.ohsu at ohsu.edu
  87: Nov 15, 1995: doctor23 at iglou2.iglou.com (John C. Price)
  88: Nov 15, 1995: s007jrd at discover.wright.edu (JONATHAN DEMERS)
  89: Nov 15, 1995: Darren Clark <bherring at netcom.com>
  90: Nov 15, 1995: Darren Clark <bherring at netcom.com>
+ 91: Nov 16, 1995: navoff at xnet.com (J. Potts)
* 92: Nov 16, 1995: straczynski at genie.geis.com


From: hummel at netcom.com (Franklin Hummel)
Lines: 22

	Attn: JMS and everyone else:
In article <199511102328.AA258966118 at relay1.geis.com> 
straczynski at genie.geis.com writes:
>      We will eventually see more than one vorlon at a time, yes.
>                                                                   jms
	Okay, we have a flock of geese, a murder of crows, a pride of 
lions, and so on.
	So, what term would you suggest be used for a group of Vorlons?
			     -- Frank Hummel  [ hummel at netcom.com ]


From: navoff at xnet.com (J. Potts)
Lines: 26

Morgan at sidhen.demon.co.uk wrote:
>Well, one of my favourites has always been a Kindness of Ravens...so..
>how about an Unkindness of Vorlons?
In article <485bnp$se4 at apakabar.cc.columbia.edu>
           tjl9 at merhaba.cc.columbia.edu "Thomas J Lee" writes:
>         I always thought it was an unkindness of ravens.  Anyway, my
> idea is:  a vagueness of Vorlons.

In article <816368267snz at sidhen.demon.co.uk>,
Morgan  <Morgan at sidhen.demon.co.uk> wrote:
>I think you're right...it kept looking wrong as I typed it...and I
>couldn't think why...somewhere in this house I have a list
>of things like this...such as a clowder of cats...must dig
>it out!

A *good* thesaurus (not those silly ones in "dictionary" form but a
proper thesaurus) has a whole list of them.  Quite amusing to read.
Though I can't for the life of me recall *why* I remember this so
"BLONDE?   Blonde?   You didn't TELL me you were a blonde....."
                                          --Gharlane of Eddore


From: straczynski at genie.geis.com
Lines: 3

     That would be a conspiracy of vorlons.


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