ATTN JMS: (Spoilers) Divided Loyalties

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Thu Oct 12 06:32:31 EDT 1995

Subject: ATTN JMS: (Spoilers) Divided Loyalties
+  1: Oct 10, 1995: siano at (Brian Siano)
   2: Oct 10, 1995: denebeim at (Jay Denebeim)
+  3: Oct 10, 1995: dave at (Dave Mansell)
*  4: Oct 12, 1995: straczynski at


From: siano at (Brian Siano)
Lines: 50

(Here's a few lines for spoiler space)

Okay, that should be enough. I'm really curious as to what extent this
show's plot may reflect the changes you've had to make in the
continuing storyline. You'd said once before that the orignla "hidden
personality" was to have been the original C&C character from the
pilot episode, who would've been the one who shot Garibaldi in the
back. Also, I'm assuming that the revelation at the end of this show
may have been precipitated because the actress who plays Talia was
leaving the show. (Big assumption, I admit).

So, I'm curious about a few things; was the revelation about Ivanova a
way of leaving B5 with a resident telepath for the remaining episodes?
What about the plot thread with Talia having hidden and powerful
telekinetic abilities (from Lionheart's influence)-- can we assume
that this thread's just snipped off?

I understand that a lot of this has to do with upcoming episodes. But
I'm curious as to what extent this episdoe "fixes" some perhaps
unplanned changes in the show.

Brian Siano - siano at


From: dave at (Dave Mansell)
Lines: 77

siano at (Brian Siano) wrote:

>(Here's a few lines for spoiler space)

>Okay, that should be enough. I'm really curious as to what extent this
>show's plot may reflect the changes you've had to make in the
>continuing storyline. You'd said once before that the orignla "hidden
>personality" was to have been the original C&C character from the
>pilot episode, who would've been the one who shot Garibaldi in the
>back. Also, I'm assuming that the revelation at the end of this show
>may have been precipitated because the actress who plays Talia was
>leaving the show. (Big assumption, I admit).

>So, I'm curious about a few things; was the revelation about Ivanova a
>way of leaving B5 with a resident telepath for the remaining episodes?
>What about the plot thread with Talia having hidden and powerful
>telekinetic abilities (from Lionheart's influence)-- can we assume
>that this thread's just snipped off?

>I understand that a lot of this has to do with upcoming episodes. But
>I'm curious as to what extent this episdoe "fixes" some perhaps
>unplanned changes in the show.

Look back through earlier episodes - note how many times Talia has
been shown in mirrors. Note the reference to invisible Isabel in the
first book. Note that Abel Horne was unable to kill Talia even though
he had been ordered to. Note that Kosh has stored up a weapon for use
against her.

This is not a quick fix, Joe has obviously been planning this for a
long time.

...and no, I doubt the Ironheart's gift thread has been snipped off,
It'll just move in a direction that none of us had expected - Psi Corp
have the gift now!!!!

>Brian Siano - siano at

Dave Mansell
dave at
dave at
dmansell at
It only rains twice a week during a Cornish winter,
once for 3 days and then again for 4.


From: straczynski at
Lines: 6

     No, the Ivanova revelation in "Loyalties" has nothing to do with
replacing Talia; that is a moot point in many ways, since Lyta is back,
and since other things happen which take that issue off the table in
any event.

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