ATTN: JMS You Got Competition

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Thu Oct 12 02:15:54 EDT 1995

Subject: ATTN: JMS You Got Competition
+  1: Oct  9, 1995: a024781t at (Charles J Walther)
   2: Oct 10, 1995: dstinson at (David Stinson)
   3: Oct 10, 1995: denebeim at (Jay Denebeim)
   4: Oct 10, 1995: benn1 at (John Benn)
+  5: Oct 10, 1995: dave at (Dave Mansell)
*  6: Oct 11, 1995: straczynski at


From: a024781t at (Charles J Walther)
Lines: 32

You know up to now I have thought the only good science fiction on TV was 
B-5. The reason, simple, the stories held together and there wasn't any  
this crap like make a new radiation from the scanner BS, 
or playing with time, or erratic holodeck stuff in your scripts. You were 
the best game in town.
That has now changed, I hope. Voyager is still crap as far as writing is 
concerned. DS-9, however, came on with a powerful script and special effects 
that I think even topped yours. The story was great and there was even a 
little JMS type foreshadowing as to who the possible changelings might be. 
I hope this quality holds up for more than a single episode.

I hope this does set up a competition between you and DS-9. I like to see 
both story lines get better and better. With more than one real player on 
the scene, this may now be a possibility. With B-5 before now, it was 
not hard to be the best SF on television considering you had shows like 
Seaquest, Voyager and Space, A&B to contend with. With DS-9 back in the 
game, you are no longer alone. That competition can only help both shows and 
the medium. I like to think that intelligent people will appreciate good 
writing and not just special effects that make no sense. I don't care 
what the exxecs say. People will not be taken in by the technocrap seen 
in too many SF shows. Keep up the good work.

I look forward to seeing both shows.


Send Replies to the Following

Charles J. Walther
a024781t at


From: dave at (Dave Mansell)
Lines: 45

dstinson at (David Stinson) wrote:

>In article <45c1oo$qe3 at>,
>   a024781t at (Charles J Walther) wrote:
>>You know up to now I have thought the only good science fiction on TV was 
>>B-5. The reason, simple, the stories held together and there wasn't any  
>>this crap like make a new radiation from the scanner BS, 
>>or playing with time, or erratic holodeck stuff in your scripts. You were 
>>the best game in town.
>>That has now changed, I hope. Voyager is still crap as far as writing is 
>>concerned. DS-9, however, came on with a powerful script and special effects 
>>that I think even topped yours. The story was great and there was even a 
>>little JMS type foreshadowing as to who the possible changelings might be. 
>>I hope this quality holds up for more than a single episode.
>Just a note:

>DS9's episode was just made a month or so ago. You haven't seen the battle 
>sequences out of the Final Four yet.

Indeed one episode in the Final Four has two seperate battle
sequences, one several minutes long in total, that are significantly
better than anything B5 has done before (hint - take the battle
sequence in The coming of shadows - double it, now double it again,
and again.... get the idea!).

>** David A. Stinson      **  Web Page:   *
>** dstinson at***********************************************
>** DAVES at      ** "Gonna need another Timmy!" -Baby Sinclair *
>** dastinson at     *******************************  Dinosaurs!   *

Dave Mansell
dave at
dave at
dmansell at
It only rains twice a week during a Cornish winter,
once for 3 days and then again for 4.


From: straczynski at
Lines: 8

     I'm quite happy to have competition.  The more the merrier.  As an SF
fan myself, I love nothing more than seeing good SF on the air, and I have
to say I *very* much enjoyed the last Voyager episode, I'm quite happy
with X-Files, I'm in love with a lot of the dialogue and camerawork on
American Gothic, I've enjoyed all the Space episodes to date...the more
voices, the more competition, the leaner and better the overall result.

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