ATTN JMS: Murder1 & B5

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Fri Oct 20 06:33:43 EDT 1995

Subject: ATTN JMS: Murder1 & B5
+  1: Oct 16, 1995: marty.tabnik at (Marty Tabnik)
   2: Oct 17, 1995: bruceab at (Bruce Baugh)
+  3: Oct 18, 1995: diathian at
*  4: Oct 19, 1995: straczynski at


From: marty.tabnik at (Marty Tabnik)
Lines: 6         

Do you (or ANYone) have ANY doubt that the success of B5 as a
        NOVEL for TV
paved the way for the season-long Bochco drama MURDER ONE?
 * SLMR 2.1a * At the prompt, remove disk, spit on it, then retry.


From: diathian at
Lines: 14

marty.tabnik at (Marty Tabnik) wrote:
>Do you (or ANYone) have ANY doubt that the success of B5 as a
>        NOVEL for TV
>paved the way for the season-long Bochco drama MURDER ONE?

Hmmmm...  And here I was thinking the O.J. trial had something 
to do with it... It's an interesting thought, because Murder 
One isn't as good as B5 nor as convoluted as the O.J. trial... 


From: straczynski at
Lines: 6

     I for one would love nothing more than to claim that B5 "paved the
way...for Murder One," but truth is...the network folks probably haven't
even noticed.  From all I hear, Murder 1 has more to do with the long
term fascination with the OJ trial than anything B5.

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