Attn JMS: Scripted Facial Nuances

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Mon Oct 23 06:32:37 EDT 1995

Subject: Attn JMS: Scripted Facial Nuances
+  1: Oct 20, 1995: bbrown5 at (Bryan Brown)
+  2: Oct 21, 1995: jasen at uhunix.its.Hawaii.Edu (Jasen V Edralin)
*  3: Oct 22, 1995: straczynski at


From: bbrown5 at (Bryan Brown)
Lines: 29

I understand that your scripts are rather detailed, but how much is left
to the actors' interpretations as far as body language, etc?  For example,
one of my favorite scenes is the one after Sheridan has finished the meal
that Lennier had prepared for him and Delenn, in which Delenn and Lennier
say a few words in Minbari about the flarn.  Lennier's facial expression
of moderate frustration (presumably about Sheridan's unfamiliarity with
flarn) is very nicely understated yet very effective, as is Delenn's 
presumed request for a little understanding from Lennier.  (That's just 
my own interpretation of the exchange, of course).

In a similar light, in the same episode there is Lennier's evident
confusion when Delenn notes to Sheridan during the meal that the proper
rituals must be followed during the meal or the meal must be prepared
again from scratch. 

Mr. Mumy's interpretation in these scenes is understated, yet one gets a 
little more insight into Lennier's character (and inexperience).

So how much of these nuances did you leave up to Mr. Mumy, and how much
was scripted?  Either way, I found the entire scene rather intimate and


* Bryan Brown  <*>         bbrown5 at
*                          brown1 at


From: jasen at uhunix.its.Hawaii.Edu (Jasen V Edralin)
Lines: 16

Bryan Brown (bbrown5 at wrote:
: I understand that your scripts are rather detailed, but how much is left
: to the actors' interpretations as far as body language, etc?  For example,
: one of my favorite scenes is the one after Sheridan has finished the meal
: that Lennier had prepared for him and Delenn, in which Delenn and Lennier
: say a few words in Minbari about the flarn.  Lennier's facial expression
: of moderate frustration (presumably about Sheridan's unfamiliarity with
: flarn) is very nicely understated yet very effective, as is Delenn's 
: presumed request for a little understanding from Lennier.  (That's just 
: my own interpretation of the exchange, of course).

(Rest Snipped)

I was wondering the same thing, after Talia's expression in "Spider" at 
the very end, to Bester.


From: straczynski at
Lines: 6

     Generally, you don't so much indicate the face (with some exceptions)
as the parentheticals in dialogue (growing horror) (with
meaning) (sotto voce) and in narrative description (his face fall as he
sees Morden enter).

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