ATTN JMS: Internauts coming for Dinner!?!?

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Mon Oct 23 06:32:49 EDT 1995

Subject: ATTN JMS: Internauts coming for Dinner!?!?
+  1: Oct 17, 1995: Darren.Trumble at (Darren Trumble)
*  2: Oct 21, 1995: straczynski at


From: Darren.Trumble at (Darren Trumble)
Lines: 20

What's this?  JMS saying that people from the net are having dinner with him
and coming by the set and becoming extras.  What I want to know is how?
Are these people writing fantastic literary masterpieces to you Joe and 
impressing you so much that dinner is their reward?  Please, Please, Mr.
Straczynski, could I please be a small extra sometime on B5?  I had a 
piece in "Billy Madison" starring Adam Sandler when it was filmed in 
my hometown of Oshawa, Ontario, Canada.  If not, at least an autographed
pic of Claudia? Or Andrea?  Thanks.

P.S. What's for dinner tonight?           Electronically yours,
     I say we spring for Pizza.           Darren Trumble


... We now return to our regularly scheduled flame-throwing.
| Fidonet:  Darren Trumble 1:229/470
| Internet: Darren.Trumble at


From: straczynski at
Lines: 3

     There's not much sense to it; it just happens with some folks.

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