Video Video I want it on VIDEO! (B5 that is ;-)

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Sun Oct 29 06:25:37 EST 1995

Subject: Video Video I want it on VIDEO! (B5 that is ;-)
+  1: Oct 25, 1995: dfs5716 at (Seidel Daniel F)
*  2: Oct 28, 1995: straczynski at


From: dfs5716 at (Seidel Daniel F)
Lines: 11

There I feel better!

Does anyone know if B5 will be offered on video tape or 
(please) laser disk?  I would **really** be excited about it if
it was!

				Let me know what you know!  Thanks!!


From: straczynski at
Lines: 5

     If someone wants to pull out the address I listed on Compuserve,
there's the name and address of the person who makes the decision on
video releases, B5's in particular.


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