ATTN JMS: ISN question - How come it is the only network?

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Sun Oct 29 06:25:42 EST 1995

Subject: ATTN JMS: ISN question - How come it is the only network?
+  1: Oct 25, 1995: surendra at (Arun C. Surendran)
   2: Oct 28, 1995: alabama at (Cecil Rose)
+  3: Oct 28, 1995: lmaddox at (Leo Maddox TIG)
*  4: Oct 28, 1995: straczynski at


From: surendra at (Arun C. Surendran)
Lines: 9


How come we only see ISN on B5 and no other network?
Does it indicate the amount of control there is at that time 
on news media. Incidentally, is ISN controlled by the EA govt?



From: lmaddox at (Leo Maddox TIG)
Lines: 14

Arun C. Surendran (surendra at wrote:
: JMS,

: How come we only see ISN on B5 and no other network?
: Does it indicate the amount of control there is at that time 
: on news media. Incidentally, is ISN controlled by the EA govt?

It's the BBC in space!

Hmmm . . . I wonder if they have TV detector vans.
|"Do not meddle in the affairs of wizards,  | lmaddox at    |
|for it makes them soggy and hard to light."| My real name is Tom Maddox |
|          	--not Elric the Technomage  | and I think you're a putz  |


From: straczynski at
Lines: 7

     There are other networks, but the cost of a hyperspace/tachyon link
to places like B5 is prohibitive, so they're fairly local.  ISN has
relays and branches in lots of places.  It would be fair to say that ISN
is taking heat from the EA gov't to portray things a certain way, yes.
Where this leads, we'll have to see.


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