ATTN JMS, Vorlon singing & misc.

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Mon Oct 30 06:36:39 EST 1995

Subject: ATTN JMS, Vorlon singing & misc.
+  1: Oct 26, 1995: jwolf at (James A. Wolf)
+  2: Oct 26, 1995: sal at (Salvatore Denaro)
*  3: Oct 30, 1995: straczynski at


From: jwolf at (James A. Wolf)
Lines: 26

	There have been some intriguing (read mind-blowing or better yet
tantalizing!) references to the Vorlon(s) singing.  Will we hear Kosh
sing on the show (or do we need to imbibe something illegal)?

	BTW, now that I have your attention, I just want to reiterate the near
universal Kudos for The Long Twilight Struggle.  Wonderful culmination
of the arc so far and great speach you wrote for G'Kar.

PS have we seen the last of the Teddy bear from The All Honor Lies, or
is he as gone as the old Talia ? :-)

James A. Wolf - jwolf at

"The jawbone of an ass is just as dangerous a weapon today as in 
Samson's time."
Richard Nixon
Who cares 'bot the pop bottles flying,
The hisses and boos?
The team has been consistent.
(Yeah, we always lose!)
>From 'Heart' in the musical 'Damn Yankees'


From: sal at (Salvatore Denaro)
Lines: 7

James A. Wolf (jwolf at wrote:
: 	There have been some intriguing (read mind-blowing or better yet
: tantalizing!) references to the Vorlon(s) singing.  Will we hear Kosh
: sing on the show (or do we need to imbibe something illegal)?

More proof that Kosh is Elvis.


From: straczynski at
Lines: 4

     Peter David wants to re-use the teddy bear in his new series, Space we'll see.


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