What has Kosh/Delenn told Sheridan about Shadows?

b5jms-owner at cs.columbia.edu b5jms-owner at cs.columbia.edu
Mon Apr 8 01:54:17 EDT 1996

Subject: What has Kosh/Delenn told Sheridan about Shadows?
 No.   DATE           FROM
+  1: Apr  3, 1996: "Phil Harris." <phil.harris at msfc.nasa.gov>
*  2: Apr  3, 1996: jmsatb5 at aol.com (Jms at B5)


From: "Phil Harris." <phil.harris at msfc.nasa.gov>
Lines: 32


Maybe this has already been discussed, but just what does Sheridan and
the Rangers know about the Shadows? Have Kosh and his pet Minbari ever
come up to Sheridan and said "Well, since you are going to fight
Shadows for us, we thought you might like a copy of 'Everything You
Wanted to Know About the Shadows But Were Afraid to Ask'"? I might
have missed something but I don't remember anything like this. Is it
just assumed that Sheridan is getting instruction "off camera" so to
speak? If not why not? Here is some speculation as to why not:

1. Sheridan would run screaming to the hills

2. The Vorlons don't know much about the Shadows (yeah right)

3. The Shadows aint so bad after all

4. The Vorlons have some uncomfortable ties to the Shadows

5. Purple daisies scamper through the desert.

6. Kosh is really one of the bad guys (picture of a black stetson on
	top of Kosh's encounter suit)

I am not implying that we fans need to know everything about the
Shadows as that would ruin the show for us, but it seems that Sheridan
should have been given all the information available instead of it
just being dribbled out here and there.

Did anything I say make any sense? 



From: jmsatb5 at aol.com (Jms at B5)
Lines: 8

I think it's fair to say that they've been holding back information from
Sheridan.  The question is what, and why, and for how much longer?


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