Technical Gaffe? (**SD SPOILERS**)

b5jms-owner at b5jms-owner at
Mon Apr 8 01:57:18 EDT 1996

Subject: Technical Gaffe? (**SD SPOILERS**)
 No.   DATE           FROM
+  1: Apr  3, 1996: Adam Roach <root at>
+  4: Apr  4, 1996: davidlee at (David S. Lee)
*  5: Apr  4, 1996: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
*  6: Apr  4, 1996: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)


From: Adam Roach <root at>
Lines: 55

Spoilers for Severed Dreams

I have a question that's been really bugging me ever since seeing the
show last night... When the infiltration pod landed on B5 and let
off troops inside, I expected them to be coming in through the floor,
since that's the outside of the station. What we saw were troops
burning through a *wall*, which couldn't possibly be where the
pod landed. (If you think about it, all walls are internal to the
station, except at the far ends of the station -- but that's not
where the pod landed.)

Did I miss something, or is this a really bad technical gaffe?

I've noticed that, in the past, JMS has had really good explanations
for anything that seems counterintuitive or scientifically
impossible... I think this one's gonna require quite an explanation.

(CC'd to JMS, since he doesn't seem to have access to
RASTB5.moderated yet. I'll post the answer here if he mails back.)

Adam Roach -- adam.roach at -- Standard Disclaimers, etc.
  While my BRAINPAN is being refused service in BURGER KING, Jesuit


From: davidlee at (David S. Lee)
Lines: 58

In article <3162DE96.167EB0E7 at>, Adam Roach
<root at> wrote:

> Spoilers for Severed Dreams
> When the infiltration pod landed on B5 and let
> off troops inside, I expected them to be coming in through the floor,
> since that's the outside of the station. What we saw were troops
> burning through a *wall*, which couldn't possibly be where the
> pod landed.


> Did I miss something, or is this a really bad technical gaffe?

Yeah, I noticed it too.  I suppose you could explain this by saying that
all outer hull rooms/cargo-bays/warehouse-areas had been sealed off to
make boarding more difficult.  You could suppose that they *did* come
through the floor of a cargo bay in Brown 95, then had to burn their way
through a wall to emerge in the room where the firefight took place.

I know it's pretty weak, but it does fit the facts of what we saw.

David S. Lee  (internet:  davidlee at
Department of Otolaryngology
University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, MI  48109    


From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Lines: 11

I figured that they'd come in through the outer hull, secure the inner
hull area, then go up in and through a side wall, which would be faster
for purposes of a mass entrance.  If you blow a hole in the floor,
everybody has to crawl out one at a time; you blow a hole in the wall,
bunches can come through at once.  There was a fair amount of distance
between where they came in, and the hull.  



From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Lines: 7

Damn...I think I put a spoiler in the top of the prior message...hope the
heading is some protection.  (And no, Jay, not a mistake, just figured
it's better tactically.)


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