b5jms-owner at b5jms-owner at
Mon Apr 8 02:01:25 EDT 1996

Subject: ATTN: JMS *SPOILERS* Is it me
 No.   DATE           FROM
+  1: Apr  5, 1996: darkness at (darkness)
*  2: Apr  5, 1996: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)


From: darkness at (darkness)
Lines: 94

First some spoiler Space

( This ones cute )

*In best singing voice*

24 Bottles of beer on the wall. 24 bottles of beer...   Take
23 Bottles of beer on the wall. 23 bottles of beer...   one
22 Bottles of beer on the wall. 22 bottles of beer...   down.
21 bottles of beer on the wall. 21 bottles of beer...   
20 Bottles of beer on the wall. 20 bottles of beer...   Pass
19 Bottles of beer on the wall. 19 bottles of beer...   it
18 Bottles of beer on the wall. 18 bottles of beer...   around.
17 Bottles of beer on the wall. 17 bottles of beer...   Plenty 
16 Bottles of beer on the wall. 16 bottles of beer...   O
15 Bottles or beer on the wall. 15 bottles of beer...   Bottles
14 bottles of beer on the wall. 14 bottles of bear...   Of 
13 bottles of beer on the wall. 13 bottles of beer...   beer
12 Bottles of bear on the wall. 12 bottles of beer...   on 
11 Bottles of beer on the wall. 11 bottles of beer...   the wall.
10 Bottles of beer on the wall. 10 bottles of beer...
09 bottles of beer on the wall. 09 bottles of beer...
08 bottles of beer on the wall. 08 bottles of beer...
07 bottles of beer on the wall. 07 bottles of beer...
06 Bottles of beer on the wall. 06 bottles of bear...
05 Bottles of beer on the wall. 05 bottles of beer...
04 Bottles of beer on the wall. 04 bottles of beer...
03 Bottles of beer on the wall. 03 bottles of beer...
02 Bottles of beer on the wall. 02 bottles of beer...
01 Bottle of beer on the wall. One bottles of bear...

Okay. Now that I just spent ten mins typing that here the Question...

Is it me or do the Vorlons seem scared to fight the Shadows. Or anyone 
that they dont know they can win against. You have said in the past that 
the Vorlons are not enough to take on the Shadows so I assume you meant 
it in military terms. But I am sure with all the other races they could 
take on the Shadows. But they seem to be massing up forces so that they 
dont have to. I would guess they have never actaully fought the Shadows yet


On You have said in the past that No One has ever survived a war with the 

Yet the Shadows STILL Exist. They obviously survived a Vorlon war or did 

I think they never fought in that wars with the Shadows.

Reason II:
That one race we encounters at Sigma 957 seemed to be pissed at the 
Vorlons. The reason they could be mad is that the Vorlons never fought in 
the last wars. They just stood by and watched things happen. Kind of like 
the way we watched thing happen in World War One. Each side PLEADING for 
our help to tip the scales. But we didn't do anything to help until later.
I would guess the Vorlons did the same. Except they never entered the 
War. They just stood by and watched. The First ones PLEADING for them to 
enter and help them so they could win. But they didn't. NOw the first 
ones are a little pissed. 

	What do the first ones do. They move on to other higher planes 
and all that stuff. Yet the Vorlons remained. ( Kind of like the way 
Europe moved into the Industrial Revoltution and left the Russians behind 
) mabye the Vorlons are a backwards now. They never got help from the 
other races to Go beyond the Galaxies Etc. They never got the Tech they 
never got the science. Now that the First ones have left them to fend for 
themselves the see the Shadows starting to move again. This alarms them. 
SCARES them.

	You also said that the Shadows are more worried about an Alliance 
of Goverments against them than they are of the Vorlons. Why? True the 
Vorlons are a threat but they can't take on the Shadows. Thay can make a 
big dent but they WILL lose. 

	So the Vorlons now beeing scared decide to make an alliance of 
Goverments against the Shadows since they think the first ones wont help 
them and they cant do it alone. They think that if they prepare the other 
races enough that they might stand a chance of beating the Shadows. But 
only if they do it right. 

Have I hit on anything?

  ________      ______   ______   _     _  _     _   _____   _____   _____
,|   ___  '\   |  __  | |  __  | | |  /'/ | \   | | |  ___| |  ___| |  ___|
||  |---,\  '\ | |__| | | |__| | | |/'/'  | \\  | | | |___  | |___  | |___
||  |    ||  | |  __  | |     /' |   \    | |\\ | | |  ___| |___  | |___  |
||  |    ||  | | |  | | | |\  \  | |\ '\  | | \ \ | | |___   ___| |  ___| |
||  |    ||  | |_|  |_| |_| |__| |_| '|_| |_|  '|_| |_____| |_____| |_____|
||  |    ||  | ____________________________  _____________________________
||  |    |'  || darkness at ||_____________________________|
||  |___/'  /'+----------------------------||_____________________________|
||________/'  |       WWW COMING SOON      ||_____________________________|
|_______/'    |____________________________||_____________________________|


From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Lines: 16

"Is it me or do the Vorlons seem scared to fight the Shadows. Or anyone 
that they dont know they can win against. You have said in the past that 
the Vorlons are not enough to take on the Shadows so I assume you meant 
it in military terms. But I am sure with all the other races they could 
take on the Shadows. But they seem to be massing up forces so that they 
dont have to. I would guess they have never actaully fought the Shadows

To your later question...yes, in a sense, you're onto something, but
you're looking in the wrong direction.  But you're close.


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