ATTN JMS:Internet Influences

b5jms-owner at b5jms-owner at
Wed Apr 10 06:15:53 EDT 1996

Subject: ATTN JMS:Internet Influences
 No. | DATE        |  FROM
+  1: Apr  8, 1996: aa17573 at (ADRIAN ALDAPE)
+  2: Apr  8, 1996: lorrie at (Lorrie Wood)
*  3: Apr  9, 1996: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)


From: aa17573 at (ADRIAN ALDAPE)
Lines: 9


I was just perusing through the newgroups when I ran across a press release. 
In it were some comments about you reading the newgroups in an effort to see
your characters in a different light, or to ask different questions about them. 
Just how much has reading the newgroups affected your writing style for the
show?  Do you think interacting with us on the Internet has been a positive
affect or could you have turned out B5 without us? It's a great thing you are
doing on B5, cant wait for the next episode!


From: lorrie at (Lorrie Wood)
Lines: 20

In article <1996Apr8.084042 at>,
ADRIAN ALDAPE <aa17573 at> wrote:
>Just how much has reading the newgroups affected your writing style for the
>show?  Do you think interacting with us on the Internet has been a positive
>affect or could you have turned out B5 without us? It's a great thing you are
>doing on B5, cant wait for the next episode!

	He's said that it doesn't affect his writing, because the last
good tings done by commitee were Stonehange and the Pyramids. However,
we do give him a feel for the room.

-- Lorrie

Communications "decency" protest:  This legislation is a fucking 
abortion of justice, passed by cocksuckers interested only in pandering 
to the twisted, perverse desires of the religious right for control over 
discussions of tits, cocks, cunts and other "non-approved" subjects.


From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Lines: 21

"Just how much has reading the newgroups affected your writing style for
the show?  Do you think interacting with us on the Internet has been a
positive affect or could you have turned out B5 without us?"

My writing style is pretty much my writing style.  (Minus adjustments made
for the different ways characters talk on the show.)  

Yes, the interaction has been positive, in the sense that I get asked a
zillion questions about the show, the universe, the characters, their
history and the tech involved.  As a writer, it's your job to ask, and
then *answer*, every question conceivable about your story and characters.
 The more questions you've asked yourself, the better the job you can do.

Now, there's a finite number of questions one can ask oneself.  But on the
nets I get all KINDS of questions.  In answering those, I think about new
areas of the B5 universe, and the whole thing becomes stronger.


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