JMS, about role playing?

b5jms-owner at b5jms-owner at
Fri Apr 19 06:18:30 EDT 1996

Subject: JMS, about role playing?
 No. | DATE        |  FROM
+  1: Apr 18, 1996: jegelsta at (Julian Egelstaff)
*  2: Apr 18, 1996: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)


From: jegelsta at (Julian Egelstaff)
Lines: 21

I noticed in one of the compilations of your conference on Compuserve, you
compared writing the show to a role playing game.  That got me wondering  
.. . . what is your experience with role playing games and how has it
affected your writing?  I've found the little contact I've had with role
playing games has always led to some of my most creative work, even if it
isn't conventional writing.  The need in RPGs to combine narrative with
adventure and good characterisations seems, I think, to be a good training
ground for any sort of writing related work. 

Nice work with "Sic Transit Vir."  How about "Sic Transit Kosh?"  I miss
my favorite Vorlon.  When is he going to make an appearance again (and say
another brilliant and indecipherable one liner)?

Sincerely,                |
Julian Egelstaff          | "Speech is civilization itself.  The word,
                          |  even the most contradictory word, preserves
                          |  contact -- it is silence which isolates." 
as300 at |                --Thomas Mann.  1875-1955.


From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Lines: 13

"what is your experience with role playing games and how has it affected
your writing?"

I've actually taken part in at most two RPGs in my time, and while they
were interesting, I don't think I'm overmuch interested in doing them
again, nor did I walk away from the table with anything more than, "Well,
that was fun, sorta."  


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