JMS on GEnie 4/15/96

b5jms-owner at b5jms-owner at
Tue Apr 16 22:32:13 EDT 1996

Forwarded message to B5JMS list.
Originally From: dstrauss at (David Strauss)


Possible SPOILERS for third season episodes.

SFRT II RoundTable
Category 18,  Topic 2
Message 547       Mon Mar 25, 1996
STRACZYNSKI [Joe]            at 02:05 EST
     In order to do a fade in of Kosh's shadow, we would have had to do an
optical effect.  We just leaned Kosh over so the shadow fell over Turhan.  

SFRT II RoundTable
Category 18,  Topic 1
Message 604       Tue Mar 26, 1996
STRACZYNSKI [Joe]            at 15:26 EST
     Scott: thanks.  I keep playing with different techniques, trying to add
more tools to my inventory.  I've learned how to use montage a bit more,
narrative, music both working with and counterpointing action, juxtaposition
of scenes of different emotional content with intercutting (funny cutting
right to dark cutting right to something moving); the more tools you have in
your box, the more things you can make with them.

SFRT II RoundTable
Category 18,  Topic 12
Message 563       Tue Mar 26, 1996
STRACZYNSKI [Joe]            at 15:27 EST
     The blueberry muffins line is actually something I got from Harlan.

     And critics are paid to be unfair.

SFRT II RoundTable
Category 19,  Topic 36
Message 20        Tue Mar 26, 1996
STRACZYNSKI [Joe]            at 21:44 EST
      I have just today, for the first time, seen "Severed Dreams" with ALL
the cgi in place.

      Man, are *you* guys in for one hell of a ride....

SFRT II RoundTable
Category 18,  Topic 1
Message 311       Wed Mar 27, 1996
STRACZYNSKI [Joe]            at 03:34 EST
     Martinez was emphatically *not* the person I was referring to in the note
uptopic; I think he would've been a most intriguing choice.

SFRT II RoundTable
Category 19,  Topic 36
Message 23        Wed Mar 27, 1996
STRACZYNSKI [Joe]            at 03:32 EST
     Dunno...we gave lots of clips even though other stuff was still in
progress, more than enough for a promo.

SFRT II RoundTable
Category 18,  Topic 1
Message 348       Fri Mar 29, 1996
STRACZYNSKI [Joe]            at 03:49 EST
     Scott, or others...don't know if you've all heard, but a moderated B5
usenet group has just been approved and will start up in the next week or
thereabouts.  The name will be either or
something close to that.  So for any GEnieites heading south, that might be a
good common ground to link up...especially since it's nominally a free service
(after your provider, natch).

SFRT II RoundTable
Category 18,  Topic 12
Message 572       Sat Mar 30, 1996
STRACZYNSKI [Joe]            at 20:18 EST
     Well, then what's a faster browser?

     What's interesting in the Starlog is that in addition to the 2.5 B5
pieces, the Space Cases and Hypernauts articles also mention B5, and how one
in some cases paved the way for the other to follow.  Already we have had an

     (By way of comparison, btw, such British magazines as TV Zone,  Starburst
and a couple others have had as many as half their covers as B5 stories for
the last year or so.  Starlog has, I think, had only two or three in 4 years,
counting the pilot.)

SFRT II RoundTable
Category 18,  Topic 1
Message 382       Wed Apr 03, 1996
STRACZYNSKI [Joe]            at 02:06 EST
     I'd heard there was something in the works re: limited edition sculptures
and collector's plates...I'll know more when this stuff comes through my hands
for approval.

SFRT II RoundTable
Category 18,  Topic 2
Message 278       Wed Apr 03, 1996
STRACZYNSKI [Joe]            at 02:08 EST
     Bear: thanks.  Pound for pound, I think this is our best work on the show
to date.  It's just relentless, with some of the same feeling of out of
control events you had in "Coming of Shadows" but a LOT more personal this
time even than that.  It's just nifty....

SFRT II RoundTable
Category 18,  Topic 2
Message 303       Fri Apr 05, 1996
STRACZYNSKI [Joe]            at 16:18 EST
     It's my understanding that the promo for the contest eats up the show
promo slot.  

SFRT II RoundTable
Category 18,  Topic 2
Message 316       Sat Apr 06, 1996
STRACZYNSKI [Joe]            at 04:26 EST
     Ron: see my note on Draal that I just left in the spoiler topic, section
19.  This may clarify.

     Yes, this had more discreet shots than anything preceding it; I think the
shot count was something on the order of 170 shots; usually an episode numbers
about 60-80 shots.  I think only the two-parter comes close to the same number
of shots.

SFRT II RoundTable
Category 19,  Topic 36
Message 58        Fri Apr 05, 1996
STRACZYNSKI [Joe]            at 02:10 EST
     They're new models of Starfuries capable of atmospheric maneuvering,
called Thunderbolts.

     Thanks to everyone for the great comments; this one just about killed all
of us, but it was worth the effort.

SFRT II RoundTable
Category 19,  Topic 36
Message 76        Sat Apr 06, 1996
STRACZYNSKI [Joe]            at 04:20 EST
     This one isn't eligible until next year's Hugos.

     No, KCOP didn't clip that end, but they came close.  It's a very quick
cut as it is.  

     Klaatu: it's real simple.  All that's been generally known by Earth, and
others, is that Draal is there, and that the B5 Advisory Council would oversee
things and make sure nobody got close.  That's all.  What's NOT known is that
Draal selected Sheridan to form a specific alliance, which would probably
majorly annoy all of the other races, especially the Centauri, and would
*really* have honked off Earth.

     Yes, B5 will now have a mix of furies, both the ones we've seen there
before, and the newer Thunderbolts.  (Sheridan personally takes custody of one
of these...being the captain and all, he gets first dibs.)

     Thanks to all on the good words about the episode.  It's a corker.

SFRT II RoundTable
Category 18,  Topic 1
Message 441       Sun Apr 07, 1996
STRACZYNSKI [Joe]            at 04:06 EDT
     I saw the *cut* with all EFX in several days before; but we still had to
finish the audio mix, and that took right up until the last minute.

SFRT II RoundTable
Category 18,  Topic 1
Message 476       Tue Apr 09, 1996
STRACZYNSKI [Joe]            at 05:17 EDT
     The following has just gone out concerning the B5 fan club, care of Jim
Lochett, Fan Club Coordinator:


Join today and you will receive the Official Membership Kit, including:

     A Subscription to The Universe Today: The Official Newsletter of the
     B5FC filled with exclusive interviews, news about Babylon 5, and
     exciting merchandise offers.
     An 8x10 Cast Photo
     Full Color Babylon 5 Mini-Poster (13"x20")
     B5 Fan Club Button & Full Color Sticker
     Membership Certificate (Signed by the show's Executive Producers, J.
     Michael Straczynski and Douglas Netter)
     Membership ID Card granting you discounts on merchandise, conventions,
     etc., as well as access to the Members Only section of,
     the B5 Fan Club Web-site (to be up May 1996).
     Plus as a bonus, the first 100 people to join get:
     A Limited Collection Sticker of the alternate B5 Logo as designed by
     artist Peter Ledger. ================

To Give a Membership as a Gift, simply make a copy of the entry form, fill in
the name of the person you wish to make a member, and send it off. (Don't
forget to include your name on the Suggestions line, so that we can include a
gift card.)

Each year the Renewal Kit will offer new and different goodies, savings, and
of course another year's subscription to The Universe Today.

Remember, this is more than just your run of the mill fan club; the Babylon 5
fans time and time again have gone that extra step for the show, and the
Babylon 5 Fan Club is our way of giving something back to those who've been so
loyal to us.

------------------  CLIP OR COPY AND GIVE TO A FRIEND  --------------------

YES!  I want to join The Official Babylon 5 Fan Club.  Please send my
membership kit to:

Name:     ________________________________________________________________

Age:      __________

Address:  ________________________________________________________________

City:     _____________________________ State:  ___________ ZIP:  ________

Country:  _____________

e-mail address:  _________________________________________________________

Local Station you watch B5 on:  __________________________________________

Suggestions:  ____________________________________________________________


_____ I am already on the mailing list.

_____ I got this form from a friend.

Enclosed is $12.95 for a U.S. membership; $14.95 for a Canadian membership;
and $19.95 for Foreign memberships.  Orders must be in U.S. funds. Send check
or money order (DO NOT send cash) made payable to:

Babylonian Productions/Fan Club

Mail to:  The Official Babylon 5 Fan Club
          PO Box 856
          North Hollywood, CA 91603

Please allow 5-6 weeks for delivery.  Foreign and Canadian orders are shipped
surface, please allow additional time for shipping.

All returned checks are subject to a $15.00 service charge.

----------------  CUT HERE FOR THE END OF THE FORM  -------------------

SFRT II RoundTable
Category 19,  Topic 36
Message 101       Sun Apr 07, 1996
STRACZYNSKI [Joe]            at 04:05 EDT
     There was a shot of a fleet in hyperspace, at the bottom of act two, in
SD, so perhaps that's what you saw.  The pieces of the preview you mention are
from Ceremonies of Light and DArk.

SFRT II RoundTable
Category 18,  Topic 1
Message 200       Fri Apr 12, 1996
STRACZYNSKI [Joe]            at 00:20 EDT
     Actually, we've only seen 2 new eps so far, "Severed" and "Light," "Vir"
starts airing next week.

     Right now, what we're looking to do via the Fan Club are: patches of all
kinds, EA and other pins, possibly scripts, B5 caps and Agamemnon crew hats
(complete with the Aggy's serial number and silhouette, in naval style),
Links, posters and a few other things, maybe some limited edition stuff.  Not
a lot, we're just feeling our way here for nwo.

                                                        jms (that's "now")
SFRT II RoundTable
Category 18,  Topic 43
Message 81        Fri Apr 12, 1996
STRACZYNSKI [Joe]            at 05:46 EDT
     Those who subscribed to Christy's newsletter will get the first two issues
of the new B5 newsletter without charge, without having to join the club.  (So
you can choose to wait for the first two to come in, and then join.)

SFRT II RoundTable
Category 19,  Topic 37
Message 11        Wed Apr 10, 1996
STRACZYNSKI [Joe]            at 19:31 EDT
     They're two-pieces.

     The reason it didn't feel like an arc story was...well, it isn't, really,
though some stuff on the periphery is.  After the three big heavy-arc
episodes, I figured we'd need a break for a bit to recover, sort of a
refractory period.  This is sort of a transitional episode, cleaning up some
loose threads and setting things on their new course.   The next two are stand-
alones, for the most part, then we kick back into the arc with the one after
that, and we pretty much stay in arc through the end of May.


     (Actually, on reflection, the Londo situation is definitely arc
SFRT II RoundTable
Category 18,  Topic 1
Message 238       Mon Apr 15, 1996
STRACZYNSKI [Joe]            at 05:56 EDT
     WB will *never* let us do the marketing or promos, so it's really a moot
question.  Change of address forms should go to the fan club address.

     Sorry this is short; was at con all weekend, it's nearly 3 a.m, and I'm
about to crash.

SFRT II RoundTable
Category 18,  Topic 1
Message 250       Tue Apr 16, 1996
STRACZYNSKI [Joe]            at 03:08 EDT
     The information on Harlan's health was *not* something that he wanted
posted publicly to the nets, and was a gross violation of his trust by the
person who did so.  While currently things are looking good, this is a period
when *rest and quiet* are necessary, and instead they are being beseiged by
telephone calls literally every 3 minutes.

     So all I'll say for now is that things are looking very good, he's well
on the way to recovery, and ask that anyone seeing this please  hold back on
phone calls and the like for a few days.  

SFRT II RoundTable
Category 18,  Topic 2
Message 429       Tue Apr 16, 1996
STRACZYNSKI [Joe]            at 03:09 EDT
     No, I believe there is a reference to the narn being treated later, and
in any event, it's clear Vir wouldn't do anything to them.


David Strauss <*> Administrator, N.Y. Islanders Mailing List
"Childhood is short and maturity is forever." - Calvin, "Calvin & Hobbes"
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