ATTN JMS: Music and ComiCon

b5jms-owner at b5jms-owner at
Sat Apr 20 06:20:27 EDT 1996

Subject: ATTN JMS: Music and ComiCon
 No. | DATE        |  FROM
+  1: Apr 19, 1996: Jason Hough <jason at>
*  2: Apr 19, 1996: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)


From: Jason Hough <jason at>
Lines: 21

First of congrats on the incredible "Severed Dreams", we still haven't stopped
talking about it here at work. 

There was a post recently asking what kind of music you listen to while
writing the show. I was curious if you've ever heard Marillion, specifically
the album "Brave"? I think you'd enjoy it quite a bit.

Also, I was wondering if you'd be at the San Diego ComiCon again this year?
I've been trying to find a list of the conventions you'll attend this year,
but havent seen one. Could you give us all a quick update? I'm living
between San Diego and LA and wouldn't want to miss an opportunity. :)


Jason Hough
Staff Artist, Zono Inc.
jason at


From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Lines: 18

Yes, I am planning for now to attend San Diego ComicCon; it's my one big
chance to go nuts buying Cool Stuph (tm) every year.

As for the music I listen to...that just got hashed over on CIS, and
reposted here, so I'm loathe to go into it all again.  The short version
is that I listen to just about anything and everything except hardass
Country/Western, which I just can't get into.  I couldn't warm up to Garth
Brooks if we were cremated together.  Not to say it's bad, only that it
doesn't work for me.

In general terms, the music I listen to while I work tends to be of the
harder, more driving or intricate sort; if it's too soft, I fall asleep
and tip over in my chair, making an awful clatter as I hit the deck.


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