Did Delenn TELL A LIE to Sheridan? [spoilers Sic T.V.]

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at shekel.mcl.cs.columbia.edu
Thu Apr 25 06:16:41 EDT 1996

Subject: Did Delenn TELL A LIE to Sheridan? [spoilers Sic T.V.]
 No. | DATE        |  FROM
+  1: Apr 22, 1996: pedwards at valhalla.cs.wright.edu (Phil Edwards)
+  4: Apr 24, 1996: Matthew W Buckley <sauron+ at andrew.cmu.edu>
*  5: Apr 24, 1996: jmsatb5 at aol.com (Jms at B5)


From: pedwards at valhalla.cs.wright.edu (Phil Edwards)
Lines: 111

Okay, many newsreaders don't see ^L as a pagefeed, so here's some
manually-added fun...

,,,   You know, writing spoiler space is boring....gives me a lot
,,,   of time to think about other things.
,,,   Could probably make a grocery list in my head while doing this...
,,,   ....bread....milk....
,,,   ....eggs....

In the dinner scene, when Sheridan asks Delenn how the food is, she
answers, "Just right."  Now, from her visible reaction, it obviously
wasn't "just right" at all.  Did we just see a Minbari lie?

Now, granted, she /had/ just pulled the "Distract The Dinner Date and
Do Stuff In The Meantime Escapade of 2260," and so the food /may/ have
been "just right" afterwards, at the time of Sheridan's question.  Maybe.
So, Silly Opinion Poll:  did Delenn lie to her boyfriend?  Or is she
skillfully applying the ambassadorial skills of tact?

(Loved the kiss, BTW.  :-)


#include<std/disclaimer.h>               The gods do not protect fools. Fools
finger pedwards at gamma.cs.wright.edu      are protected by more capable fools.
email pedwards at valhalla.cs.wright.edu                            -Larry Niven


From: Matthew W Buckley <sauron+ at andrew.cmu.edu>
Lines: 40

Excerpts from netnews.rec.arts.sf.tv.babylon5.moderated: 22-Apr-96 Did
Delenn TELL A LIE to Sh.. by Phil Edwards at valhalla.cs 
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> In the dinner scene, when Sheridan asks Delenn how the food is, she
> answers, "Just right."  Now, from her visible reaction, it obviously
> wasn't "just right" at all.  Did we just see a Minbari lie?
> Now, granted, she /had/ just pulled the "Distract The Dinner Date and
> Do Stuff In The Meantime Escapade of 2260," and so the food /may/ have
> been "just right" afterwards, at the time of Sheridan's question.  Maybe.
> So, Silly Opinion Poll:  did Delenn lie to her boyfriend?  Or is she
> skillfully applying the ambassadorial skills of tact?

Perhaps it had the correct amount of salt, but the rest wasn't too great.

 _  _                  __
/ \/ \   |  |   |   | |__| |    |    /__  Read it upside          <*>
|  | |   \__|___|__ | |__  |    |    \    down!
|  | |  __  | __|___|__    | |  |
|    |  __| |   |   |  \   | |  | ###################################
|    | |__| |   |   |  |   \_/\_/ # Matthew Buckley: sauron at cmu.edu #
Homepage URL: http://www.cs.cmu.edu/afs/andrew/usr/sauron/www/


From: jmsatb5 at aol.com (Jms at B5)
Lines: 7

It's been established that Minbari can and do lie when it's done to save
the honor of another.  Here, Delenn saved face for Sheridan at dinner.


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