ATTN: JMS Shadow Hugos...

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Fri Aug 2 06:11:10 EDT 1996

Subject: ATTN: JMS Shadow Hugos...
 No. | DATE        |  FROM
+  1: Aug  1, 1996: gandalf at WPI.EDU (James Michael Sambrook)
+  2: Aug  1, 1996: Farrell McGovern <mcgovern.farrell at>
*  3: Aug  1, 1996: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)


From: gandalf at WPI.EDU (James Michael Sambrook)
Lines: 38

In article <3200DED3.1F7A at>,
Farrell McGovern  <mcgovern.farrell at> wrote:
>The following is from Science Fiction Weekly's Shadow Hugos...basically 
>you get to vote for all the same catagories and nominees as the Hugo on 
>line, but it doesn't count toward the real thing.
>     Farrell
>Best Dramatic Presentation
>                                    Votes
>Apollo 13                             19
>"The Coming of Shadows" (Babylon 5)   74
>"The Visitor" (Star Trek: Deep Space
> Nine)                                11
>Toy Story                              4
>12 Monkeys                            31
>No Award                               0
>                                     ---
>        Total votes in this category 139

Great.  So now how about the Vorlon Hugos?

(well, SOMEONE had to say it!  ;^) 

James, hiding from the Narn Bat Squad...

"Imagine if you could come back and   | "A common mistake made by people
take out 5 people that had caused     |  trying to design something
you to suffer.  Who would they be?"   |  completely foolproof is to
                                      |  underestimate the ingenuity of
"I only get five?"                    |  complete fools." - Douglas Adams
Mulder & Scully - The X-Files         |  James Sambrook - gandalf at



From: Farrell McGovern <mcgovern.farrell at>
Lines: 20

The following is from Science Fiction Weekly's Shadow Hugos...basically 
you get to vote for all the same catagories and nominees as the Hugo on 
line, but it doesn't count toward the real thing.


Best Dramatic Presentation
Apollo 13                             19
"The Coming of Shadows" (Babylon 5)   74
"The Visitor" (Star Trek: Deep Space
 Nine)                                11
Toy Story                              4
12 Monkeys                            31
No Award                               0
        Total votes in this category 139


From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Lines: 8

Interesting...we'll see how this compares to the real results.


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