Attn JMS: The Real Ghostbusters

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Sun Aug 4 06:44:44 EDT 1996

Subject: Attn JMS: The Real Ghostbusters
 No. | DATE        |  FROM
+  1: Aug  4, 1996: Jeff at
*  2: Aug  4, 1996: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)


From: Jeff at
Lines: 24

	If I am not mistaken, you worked on the Real Ghostbusters cartoon
show. I also remember reading that you wrote a few scripts.
Which scripts did you write? How much were you involved in the show?

( I am sorry to waste everyones time posting here If I am incorrect)

	I remember watching that show and thinking it was very good writing,
which is very hard to find in a cartoon.
	Which leads me to a little less related question, have you ever seen
the cartoon "Gargoyles" by Disney? It reminds me a lot of the Real
Ghostbusters, and Babylon 5, because it has excellent plots and
overall excellent writing.

Thank you for being online and answering everyones questions, even if
this one is a little off the Babylon 5 topic.


Jeff Howell


From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Lines: 20

"If I am not mistaken, you worked on the Real Ghostbusters cartoon show. I
also remember reading that you wrote a few scripts.  Which scripts did you
write? How much were you involved in the show?"

Yikes...trying to remember them all, there were something like 15-20
episodes that I wrote..."Janine, You've Changed"..."Ragnarok and
Roll"..."Citizen Ghost"... "No One Comes to Lupusville"..."Take
Two"..."Xmas Marks the Spot"..."The Halloween Door"..."Mr. Sandman, Dream
Me a Dream"..."Russian About"... "Chicken, He Clucked"..."The Haunting of
Heck House"...a whole bunch of others.

I was story editor on that series, for both the ABC and syndicated
versions, editing 78 episodes in one season.  It was a hoot; we got to go
totally nuts and be obscure and adult and funny and outrageous.


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