jms' beliefs

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Mon Aug 5 06:08:22 EDT 1996

Subject: jms' beliefs
 No. | DATE        |  FROM
+  1: Aug  4, 1996: "jdn" <kgcrim at>
*  2: Aug  4, 1996: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
+  6: Aug  4, 1996: "jdn" <kgcrim at>
*  7: Aug  4, 1996: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)


From: "jdn" <kgcrim at>
Lines: 33

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a recent post described what jms' true belief concerning God is.  After
careful consideration of all of his writings, i have discovered the
following beliefs of his:

1) he prefers pepsi to coca-cola, though he prefers zima to both of them.

2) he prefers dogs to cats, and prefers irish terriers over all other dogs.

3) his favorite sports are kickboxing and the ultimate fighting

4) his favorite color is purple.

5) his favorite newspaper is usa today (all those nifty computer generated

6) his favorite breakfast is bacon and orange juice.

7) his preferred method of mailing packages is UPS.

any others out there?

obviously bored out of my mind....almost time in the UK.

John Nuechterlein


From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Lines: 59

Since I've got nothing else to do at the moment...well, except write....

1) he prefers pepsi to coca-cola, though he prefers zima to both of them.

Actually Pepsi and Coke are about the same to me, though in a pinch I'll
go for Coke over Pepsi.  As long as it's got caffeine, I'm a happy man. 
Otherwise it's coffee (Arabian Mocha Sanani, preferably, or Silawesi). 
Don't drink Zima.  Don't drink *period*.  Last thing you want is to give
an obsessive-compulsive personality a drink.  Don't smoke or do drugs. 
Utterly boring.  My only vices are chocolate, coffee, soft drinks, and the

2) he prefers dogs to cats, and prefers irish terriers over all other

MUCH prefer cats to dogs.  All kinds cats, but Abyssinians the most,
followed by your basic tabby cat.  Dogs are okay, but overall the one
breed I'd ever consider owning -- even though it'd be a second career/job
to raise the creature -- would be an English Border Collie, the
obsessive-compulsives of the dog world.

3) his favorite sports are kickboxing and the ultimate fighting

Don't generally watch sports.

4) his favorite color is purple.


5) his favorite newspaper is usa today (all those nifty computer generated

Who has time for ANY papers these days...?

6) his favorite breakfast is bacon and orange juice.

You left out scrambled eggs, a toasted water-bagel and coffee.  

7) his preferred method of mailing packages is UPS.


And just to round stuff off...I use MovieMaster for script formatting,
Wordstar for general writing, my favorite meal is a good lean steak with
mashed potatoes, spinach, cut corn, I use a Dell pentium computer tricked
out with every device on the planet (including, shortly, ISDN), just
picked up an IBM Thinkpad 560 as my main road computer system, like my
foods well done, and my favorite TV shows (after B5, natch) are 60
Minutes, MST3K, The Simpsons, and X-Files.

That ought to blow a hole in this thread, I think....



From: "jdn" <kgcrim at>
Lines: 24

Jms at B5 <jmsatb5 at> wrote in article 
<big snip>
> That ought to blow a hole in this thread, I think....
>  jms

you know, it's hard to tell...did he understand that the whole point of the
post was complete sarcasm directed at the idea that you can tell a person's
beliefs strightforwardly from the episodes of a tv show?  i did get one out
of seven partially correct (breakfast) but that's within the area of chance
i would say.  amazing...jms gets as bored as we do during down time!!!!


8) he prefers brunettes to blonds.


From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Lines: 8

jdn...yes, I got that it was sarcasm...I was just goofing around....


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