www.thestation.com is up, but...

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at shekel.mcl.cs.columbia.edu
Wed Aug 14 06:24:25 EDT 1996

Subject: www.thestation.com is up, but...
 No. | DATE        |  FROM
+  1: Aug 13, 1996: oneill at jensen.cs.uml.edu (Brian 'Doc' O'Neill)
+  2: Aug 14, 1996: cornilse at Colorado.EDU (Erik W. Cornilsen)
*  3: Aug 14, 1996: jmsatb5 at aol.com (Jms at B5)


From: oneill at jensen.cs.uml.edu (Brian 'Doc' O'Neill)
Lines: 21

The fan club site, www.thestation.com, appears to be up, but I had several
problems with it, aside from the normal "boy, its slow..."

After registering my information - and I said that I did NOT want to join the
fan club...I already paid, I just haven't gotten anything - sigh - and error
message flashed briefly. Then, after choosing my "login", the "personalized"
graphics were broken...apparently the program used to generate an image of
your name doesn't work...this messes up the "personalized BabCom

And the fact that it uses it's own window, without the Netscape controls...I
can't tell if it's trying to do something or not...

Brian O'Neill - Director of Computing, Computer Science (508) 934-3645
University of Massachusetts at Lowell      <*>       oneill at cs.uml.edu
"And the eighth deadly sin is PIZZA" - Jimmy Buffett, Bank of Bad Habits


From: cornilse at Colorado.EDU (Erik W. Cornilsen)
Lines: 32

oneill at jensen.cs.uml.edu (Brian 'Doc' O'Neill) wrote:

>After registering my information - and I said that I did NOT want to join the
>fan club...I already paid, I just haven't gotten anything - sigh - and error
>message flashed briefly. Then, after choosing my "login", the "personalized"
>graphics were broken...apparently the program used to generate an image of
>your name doesn't work...this messes up the "personalized BabCom

>And the fact that it uses it's own window, without the Netscape controls...I
>can't tell if it's trying to do something or not...

  I had some problems also; there is apparently a difference between
pressing "Enter" and clicking on the Enter key.  Also, I had Java
turned off, and they's playing hard with the Java, so *nothing*
appeared the first time I didn't get an error message.  Yep, the name
generator is hosed.  Animated gifs bug the hell out of me; the status
bar at the bottom is always flickering "Document: Done", and I like
the read the link names down there to make sure I'm going to click on
something that does something.  They have some bugs to iron out, like
little, black radio buttons on black backgrounds, really black
backgrounds, backgrounds so black your eyes just slide off them.
Anyway, it's more ambitious than anything else I've seen, but I
haven't determined if that's good or bad.  Is it nifty-keen, or doomed
to be plagued with errors till the Great Internet Crash of '2002?
That's it.  I'm resigning from the human race.  Don't forward my mail.
I'm outta here...
                                       Erik W. Cornilsen
                                       cornilse at Colorado.EDU


From: jmsatb5 at aol.com (Jms at B5)
Lines: 12

Actually, just to clarify all this...the site is up, but not officially
all together yet; we're still waiting for approval from WB before putting
some stuff online, and making the full area list available.  Right now
it's basically just a shell, which we'll put things into as we go.  But we
haven't announced the site being up yet because it's still more or less in
beta stage.


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