ATTN:JMS: An oddly... topical song?

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Thu Aug 15 06:09:26 EDT 1996

Subject: ATTN:JMS: An oddly... topical song?
 No. | DATE        |  FROM
+  1: Aug 14, 1996: Twila Oxley Price <top at MATH.AMS.ORG>
*  2: Aug 15, 1996: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)


From: Twila Oxley Price <top at MATH.AMS.ORG>
Lines: 55

Dear Joe,

I recently got the Rhino collection of _Troubadors of British Folk_,
which included a song by John Tams/Home Service. It is called
"Sorrow/Babylon", and I couldn't help but be awed by the oddly
relevant lyrics, considering that Babylon is a shape note hymn written
about 300 years ago. 

The lyrics are:
Babylon Is Fallen 

   Hail the day so long expected,
   Hail the year of full release.
   Zion's walls are now erected,
   And her watchmen publish peace.
   Through wild  Shadow's wide dominion,
   Hear the trumpet loudly roar,
   Babylon is fallen to rise no more.
   All her merchants stand with wonder,
   What is this that comes to pass:
   Murm'ring like the distant thunder,
   Crying, "Oh alas, alas."
   Swell the sound, ye kings and nobles,
   Priest and people, rich and poor;
   Babylon is fallen to rise no more.
   Blow the trumpet on Mount Zion,
   Christ shall come a second time;
   Ruling with a rod of iron
   All who now as foes combine.
   Babel's garments we've rejected,
   And our fellowship is o'er,
   Babylon is fallen to rise no more.
(The lyrics are transcribed from the CD.)

BTW, thank you for making such a wonderful show. My whole family
watches, and the rule at the house is that NO ONE talks during Bab 5
hour, or they face the wrath of the mama. :-) I've been a sf fan for
nearly forty years (I started reading it when I was two), and this is
truly the first show that I can sit back and enjoy and not pick nits


Twila Oxley Price   |"Dreams of flight are universal among space-faring races. 
Mathematical Reviews| Indeed, such dreams may form much of the motivation for
top at    | becoming space-faring." -- T'chaih Hrinach


From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Lines: 9

Thanks, and thanks for forwarding on those lyrics; they're terrific, and I
enjoyed them.


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