A Civilian in Babylon

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at shekel.mcl.cs.columbia.edu
Mon Aug 19 06:10:12 EDT 1996

Subject: A Civilian in Babylon
 No. | DATE        |  FROM
+  1: Aug 17, 1996: Wendamatica <mythmakr at cts.com>
+  4: Aug 18, 1996: kmoeller at ix.netcom.com (Korey Moeller )
*  5: Aug 18, 1996: jmsatb5 at aol.com (Jms at B5)


From: Wendamatica <mythmakr at cts.com>
Lines: 33

> > Is it too much to bloody ask to be able to see *one* mere episode of
> > Babylon 5?"  - Wendamatica
> Sure...come on by the office, I've got 5 of 'em just sitting here.  - jms
Once upon a time there was a joking post made by J. Michael Straczynski.
People on rastb5.mod were not overly fond of this joking post.  They 
said, "Bad great maker, how rude to jestingly offer such a Gem Of Rare 
Price.  You oughta be ashamed."
Hearing these grumbles, J. Michael Straczynski paused.  Not so very long 
after, Mr. Straczynski queried:
Since I had asked, JMS wondered if I would, indeed, truly like to view the 
Final Five episodes--the "first civilian" to be granted this boon. 
After much screaming, thumping and excited noises, I relayed words 
robustly in the affirmative.
And so, ahem, this Friday, graced with the presence of the great maker 
himself much of the time, I s-s-saw the final five episodes of the third 
season of Babylon 5.
Regrettably, I will have to chop off the lips of the first person to ask 
me to provide spoilers, for I can tell you utterly nothing except this: take 
tranquilizers before viewing.
Oh you're going to love them.

Wendy, Wendamatica   XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX    mythmakr at cts.com
Ruler of the Jellybean  (Except Black Ones Because They Taste Like Bug Blood)


From: kmoeller at ix.netcom.com (Korey Moeller )
Lines: 52

In <Pine.SCO.3.91.960817014528.24238B-100000 at sd.cts.com> Wendamatica
<mythmakr at cts.com> writes: 
>> > Is it too much to bloody ask to be able to see *one* mere episode
>> > Babylon 5?"  - Wendamatica
>> Sure...come on by the office, I've got 5 of 'em just sitting here. 
- jms
>Once upon a time there was a joking post made by J. Michael
>People on rastb5.mod were not overly fond of this joking post.  They 
>said, "Bad great maker, how rude to jestingly offer such a Gem Of Rare

>Price.  You oughta be ashamed."
>Hearing these grumbles, J. Michael Straczynski paused.  Not so very
>after, Mr. Straczynski queried:
>Since I had asked, JMS wondered if I would, indeed, truly like to view
>Final Five episodes--the "first civilian" to be granted this boon. 
>After much screaming, thumping and excited noises, I relayed words 
>robustly in the affirmative.
>And so, ahem, this Friday, graced with the presence of the great maker

>himself much of the time, I s-s-saw the final five episodes of the
>season of Babylon 5.
>Regrettably, I will have to chop off the lips of the first person to
>me to provide spoilers, for I can tell you utterly nothing except
this: take 
>tranquilizers before viewing.
>Oh you're going to love them.
>Wendy, Wendamatica 

Wendy I'm thrilled for you. I'm sitting here spluttering and
hyperventilating in envy. I won't ask you for spoilers. BUT, do you
know where his office is? I mean, you were the first civilian, but
doesn't that imply there may be others??  :)



From: jmsatb5 at aol.com (Jms at B5)
Lines: 11

No other civilian viewings at the office are planned; this was a one-off. 
It was brought to my attention that in my original response to Wendy,
which was made lightly and in jest, I'd committed a UM, an Unintended
Meanness, and it was important to me to fix that.  This was done.


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