Who writes Marcus.

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at shekel.mcl.cs.columbia.edu
Mon Aug 26 06:09:41 EDT 1996

Subject: Who writes Marcus.
 No. | DATE        |  FROM
+  1: Aug 23, 1996: Barry at netbox.com (Barry Twycross)
+  2: Aug 23, 1996: news at ssbunews.ih.lucent.com
*  3: Aug 23, 1996: jmsatb5 at aol.com (Jms at B5)
+  5: Aug 25, 1996: chromatic at rmci.net
*  6: Aug 25, 1996: jmsatb5 at aol.com (Jms at B5)


From: Barry at netbox.com (Barry Twycross)
Lines: 22

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Just watching Voices of Authority again, wile encountering the First Ones
at Sigma 957 Marcus makes a comment something to the effect of "who knew
they'd be French" when they were somewhat uncooperative.

This seems like quite a subtle Britishism. Marcus has a few other lines
like this. I was wondering if these were written for him (by JMS) or he
was allowed to adlib a little. Somewhere I read that JMS doesn't allow
adlibbing, so as to keep the plot on course. IF JMS wrote all this, he's
even more briliant than I gave him credit for.

Barry at netbox.com                         http://www.netbox.com/barry>
     "It's like I've always said, you can get more with a kind
         word and a 2 by 4 than a kind word." - Marcus Cole


From: news at ssbunews.ih.lucent.com
Lines: 21

In article <Barry-2208962215240001 at nntp.netgate.net>,
Barry Twycross <Barry at netbox.com> wrote:
>Just watching Voices of Authority again, wile encountering the First Ones
>at Sigma 957 Marcus makes a comment something to the effect of "who knew
>they'd be French" when they were somewhat uncooperative.
>This seems like quite a subtle Britishism. Marcus has a few other lines
>like this. I was wondering if these were written for him (by JMS) or he
>was allowed to adlib a little. Somewhere I read that JMS doesn't allow
>adlibbing, so as to keep the plot on course. IF JMS wrote all this, he's
>even more briliant than I gave him credit for.

The words were JMS's.  Although it may appear to you to be Britishism, in fact
that particular stereotype of the French is very prevalent in the U.S.

"BLONDE?   Blonde?   You didn't TELL me you were a blonde....."
                                          --Gharlane of Eddore


From: jmsatb5 at aol.com (Jms at B5)
Lines: 9

I wrote that particular line; knowing the longstanding British/French
"feud," for lack of a better term, it seemed appropriate.



From: chromatic at rmci.net
Lines: 13

rsh4 at lehigh.edu mumbled:

->    I don't think it takes a genius to get in a jab at the French.
->Even the
->writers on Voyager could do it while asleep.

That's redundant!




From: jmsatb5 at aol.com (Jms at B5)
Lines: 13

"The writers on Voyager could do it in their sleep."

They could.

But they never do.

Therein rests the difference.


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