'97 Hugo - Which episode?

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at shekel.mcl.cs.columbia.edu
Mon Dec 9 06:33:27 EST 1996

Subject: '97 Hugo - Which episode?
 No. | DATE        |  FROM
s  1: Dec  7, 1996: stevest at primenet.com (Jason T)
+  8: Dec  9, 1996: Benjamin Hsu <BenHsu+ at CMU.EDU>
*  9: Dec  9, 1996: jmsatb5 at aol.com


From: stevest at primenet.com (Jason T)
Lines: 20

I *know* I can't be the only person hoping for a run of four
sequential (assuming a fifth season) Hugo awards for Babylon 5, so
just let me throw this question out for general discussion:

Which episode out of seaon three should get the nomination and why?

I know everybody is probably going to jump in for Severed Dreams or
Z'ha'dum, but my personal pick would be Passing through Gethsemene
because of the questions the episode asked. Who are we? What
constitutes free will? In a world where the mind can be re-written and
memories adjusted, can anyone really trust their own identity?

Question like that are why I fell in love with SF in the first place,
and that's why I would nominate Passing. Not because of technical
excellence or incredible events (there have been better eps for those
areas), but becuse it examined the human condition in a world of the
fantastic and asked some questions that really needed to be asked.


From: Benjamin Hsu <BenHsu+ at CMU.EDU>
Lines: 23

Excerpts from netnews.rec.arts.sf.tv.babylon5.moderated: 7-Dec-96 '97
Hugo - Which episode? by Jason T at primenet.com 
> I know everybody is probably going to jump in for Severed Dreams or
> Z'ha'dum, but my personal pick would be Passing through Gethsemene
> because of the questions the episode asked. Who are we? What
> constitutes free will? In a world where the mind can be re-written and
> memories adjusted, can anyone really trust their own identity?
I loved Gethsemene as well, but IIRC it aired in 1995 and so it was eligible
for the '96 Hugo, not the '97 Hugo.

It did get an honorable mention for the Dramatic Presentation Hugo that year

 - Ben

  < BenHsu+ at cmu.edu >    < http://ivorytower.res.cmu.edu/~hsu/index.html >
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From: jmsatb5 at aol.com
Lines: 13

As I understand it, only the episodes aired in calendar year 96 are
eligible for the Hugo in 97.  "Gethsmane" aired in November of 95, so it
would be ineligible.

Everything in season 3 starting in January/February through the first 4
episodes of year 4 is eligible.


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